Usar "beneficent" en una oración
beneficent oraciones de ejemplo
1. That would be reckless and thoughtless of us as perhaps the first ship after our beneficent salvage proprietor to encounter this
2. “It might not hurt,” he continued, as his countenance lightened somewhat, “if we were to offer a little extra in way of propitiation, just in case of something that we are not aware of,” he added as a smile of seeming beneficent self-satisfaction spread across his face at such a wise suggestion
3. “owners”, because they were donated to be transferred to the lacking people in the form of social products, complemental incomes and beneficent services
4. The impact of this proposal does with that the activities developed by beneficent and beneficiary people generate extraordinary results in this new Coordenational Structure
5. Emphasize that in that astronomical value was not yet incorporated the value of the existent wealth and the potential wealth that will be computed by the Coordenational Structure with the mensuration of the wealth and actuation activates or passive of the beneficent people and beneficiaries
6. Finally, the Project does with that there are the involvement and the social agents’ compromising (individuals) and economic agents (corporations) so that in the future the beneficiary becomes beneficent person and the beneficent person becomes sponsor with the effective actuation of the Third Sector that truly solves the problems in a definitive way, without there is only removal of symptoms, besides accomplishing the social inclusion of billion of human beings, to propitiate the preservation of the species and to avoid the chaotic destruction of the elements of the planet for the unbridled consumerism
7. The behavioural change of the beneficent
8. Perry offered up devout thanks for the food which a kind and beneficent Providence had provided for sustenance and temperate pleasure
9. He set a new tone as well as policy: the new Reich should appear not only as tax collector, oppressor of Socialists, or rival old dynasties, but as a beneficent agent, as protector of the nation in the social realm-hence shield the workers from the ravages of occupational accidents, sickness, and old age
10. The beneficent nature of these institutions as a whole may be judged from their effects on the character of the Hindu race
11. and he has to become a mere beneficent force in Nature
12. the beneficent influence which the man may intentionally bring to bear upon
13. Our connection with mantras will be only with those of a beneficent and
14. wonderful and beneficent in every part
15. influences were beneficent for the application of his remedies; the Fourth
16. Our God is Lord, most beneficent
17. At least, prayer as the Master taught it is such a beneficent ministry to the soul
18. She is always beneficent
19. 2 Many of the cures effected by Jesus in connection with his ministry in behalf of Elman's patients did, indeed, appear to resemble the working of miracles, but we were instructed that they were only just such transformations of mind and spirit as may occur in the experience of expectant and faith-dominated persons who are under the immediate and inspirational influence of a strong, positive, and beneficent personality whose ministry banishes fear and destroys anxiety
20. Also Jupiter is in the 9th house, one of the most beneficent houses of the Horoscope
21. (Hindu astrologers consider it the most beneficent house
22. who are the most beneficent to His family
23. Where is the nation on the face of the globe which has had such reason to thank God for the last half century as Great Britain? And who can deny that, in reckoning up the many blessings of that period, we have reason to thank God for the wise and beneficent reign of our Queen? There are names in the long roll of English kings which no Englishman can think of without shame
24. For one thing the ninth sura that proclaims the immunity from obligation towards the idolaters is the only one in the Quran, which is without the obligatory recitation – “In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful” and for another the proclamation itself was a joint command of Allah and His messenger, “Freedom from obligation (is proclaimed) from Allah and His messenger toward those of the idolaters with whom ye made a treaty
25. Except for sura 9, each chapter begins by repeating the first line of the first sura: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful daily noted is this correct? This is just his mini character, not example of all
26. The more beneficent to His dependent one is, the more beloved to Him he will be
27. The Almighty wants us to be beneficent in all our acts
28. The King and her mother assure her he has been a beneficent Santa Claus
29. The more beneficent to His dependents one is, the more beloved to Him he will be
30. The Almighty wants us to be beneficent in all our acts, but what is the result of good actions?
31. Love can have a chain of events, A → B → C → D, where D is a 3rd generation recipient of a beneficent act of A, but unless C acts lovingly, D receives a benefit of A’s love, but is not a recipient of being loved by C
32. Spirit is omnipresent, ever ready; all that is required is a proper recognition of its omnipotence and a willingness or desire to become the recipient of its beneficent effects
33. Out of doors Nature wore her mildest, most beneficent aspect
34. “Don’t mention it, there is none more beneficent than my beloved Lord Chandra
35. harmonious and beneficent forces of the cosmos, he achieves success
36. But since no sane Greek in his age would ever have suffered the old form of rule under a beneficent Tyrant to become legal again: his book was purely a wishful, fictional fantasy
37. They were expected to succeed: simply because they were basking in the reflected Glory of their mighty omnipotent, all-wise, all-powerful, beneficent ruler
38. That all white cultures, and all white civilizations are good, beneficent, wise, right, etc
39. But where there are a million influences to do good, and no temptation to evil, and in the enjoyment of every treasure a beneficent God can bestow with the sweet light and love of heaven all about them, if they should sin it would show an absolute want of reason, and none such will be admitted into Heaven
40. For Fie whose existence is everlasting and His glory infinite, and who alone knows all that is lost when His creatures lose life eternal-yearning over the children whom once that high destiny awaited, and commiserating us as the victims of malignant spirits who have spread the monarchy of death over all the earth—has from the beginning operated among men in His grace—in a kindness which has defeated the 'Man-killer’—in a goodness which is beyond and above the goodness of beneficent law
41. It is held to be unworthy of a beneficent sovereignty to 'return evil for evil,’ or to exact pain or death simply for the satisfaction of vengeance
42. We now understand that, if it would be highly improbable that our educated classes would listen to so horrible a proclamation, or recognize in it the voice of a just and Beneficent Deity, so it is equally improbable that it will appear divine when taught by our emissaries at Pekin or Ningpo
43. Let the Gospel be preached in India and China as the message of Life to the dead, as the gift of Immortality in body and soul, to a race sitting in the death-shade of atheism; let it be preached as the message of a God who is intelligibly beneficent, but intelligibly and justly 'terrible’ to wicked men; let it be proclaimed that the times of pagan ignorance this righteous judge 'overlooked,’ but now, on peril of the 'greater condemnation,’ commands all men everywhere to repent; let the words of the apocalyptic angel become the topic of the missionary, 'Fear GOD, and give glory to Him! For the hour of His judgment is come! ’—And one cannot but believe that a new power might attend in the East, as in the West, the diffusion of Christianity
44. It is a beneficent condition that as yet a first ray ego is so handicapped and limited by the form nature and the quality of that form nature that it is unable to make adequate or intelligent use of its destructive force
45. His work is as beneficent as that of the building aspect, and it is but man's hatred of the death of forms which makes him regard the work of the destroyer as "black," as being against the divine will, and as subversive of the divine programme
46. Some of the names for this beneficent yet somewhat violently energised Lord of a ray are as follows:
47. Quiteria belonged to Basilio and Basilio to Quiteria by the just and beneficent disposal of heaven
48. And I felt that all this had a very strong hold on me as the embodiment of a beneficent and gentle spirit; that it was dear to me not as an inheritance, but as an acquisition, as a conquest in the sense in which a woman is conquered--by love, which is a sort of surrender
49. Faria, the beneficent and cheerful companion, with whom he was accustomed to live so intimately, no longer breathed
50. The housesteward of the amalgamated cats' and dogs' home was in attendance to convey these vessels when replenished to that beneficent institution