Usar "detestable" en una oración
detestable oraciones de ejemplo
1. You read in the Old Testament that Israel is told to not offer to the detestable god Molech
2. Why was Molech detestable? He required that you offer your firstborn child
3. something is detestable to someone it is likely to remain that way
4. The most detestable of all
5. He flung my hand away as though it were a detestable fly
6. At what cost had she poured out her detestable story? The degradation which had been harboured in her soul like a sunken vessel and with a great tug at its lashings raised from the murky depths
7. Yes, they have pointed the finger at all these perverse doctrines and are unsettled by all these detestable traditions, for they are The Called Out
8. Thus says The Lord, to all those who dwell within these detestable walls; to all these who stand inside these undesirable gates, hear The Word of The Lord: Shall you trust in the works of your own hands, O sons of men? How long shall you be wise in your own eyes? For that which you have erected shall be your undoing, and that which you uphold shall surely collapse upon your own heads! For I have seen it! Says The Lord
9. I went to school with him--he was a Glen boy, you know--and he was a most detestable little prig even then
10. of their detestable and abominable things
11. detestable things, and with all your abominations, therefore will I also diminish you; neither shall my eye spare, neither will I have
12. 20 As for the beauty of his ornament, he set it in majesty, but they made the images of their abominations and of their detestable
13. 18 And they shall come in there, and they shall take away all the detestable things of it and all the
14. Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions,
15. also that detestable ringleader Apollonius with an army of two and twenty thousand, commanding him to kill all those who were in
16. I think preying on other people is detestable
17. 24 He sent also that detestable ringleader Apollonius with an army of two and twenty thousand commanding him to kill all those who were in their best age and to sell the women and the younger sort: 25 Who coming to Jerusalem and pretending peace did forbear till the holy day of the Sabbath when taking the Jews keeping holy day he commanded his men to arm themselves
18. 1 Since therefore we are a portion of the Holy One let us do all such things as pertain to holiness avoiding evil-speaking foul and impure embraces drunkenness disorderliness abominable desires detestable adultery execrable pride; 2 For God he says resists the proud but gives grace to the humble
19. created a detestable life, for ourselves and for others
20. Rituals of the Baal involved detestable practices, including prostitution, homosexual acts, and the human sacrifice of children
21. with detergent and water would not be able to eliminate the detestable smell
22. He, extremely reluctant to take hold of hands he felt he never wanted to touch again, was obliged to help her; and when she was on her feet, standing quite close to him, rather like a little girl forced to say a difficult lesson not yet really learned, to a judge she knows will be severe, he informed her that if this was her last word, this detestable, unchristian _Never_, then he thought he had better go away
23. Namely that significant value resided within the property to a much greater extent than revealed, a detestable crime against civil government if proven, and deserving of severe punishment by the court, not withstanding the fact that the person so accused is a minor, who is to be incarcerated at the town jail until brought before the bench, if he fails to post a bond of one hundred dollars
24. My people find slavery detestable, but I refuse to think poorly of good Pjodarr and his master until they give me reason
25. It had glistened with blubber as it ran off, oozing into the red, the oiliness of it greasing the chin and chest of the detestable man
26. Abominable: That which is filthy; detestable
27. Accursed: Doomed to destruction and misery; separated from the faithful; detestable; having the stain of sin
28. vulnerable in accepting the detestable criminality of lies and deception that they call astrophysics
29. referring to animals] that are in the water, they are detestable things to you
30. referring to animals) that are in the water, they are detestable things to you
31. The detestable man in wedlock with risk and its perennial hemlock, is like a painted battle,
32. The manner in which they refer to ME, is detestable and it must stop
33. ’ The solemnities and sublimities of devotion are associated with the foulest misrepresentations of the character of God, as when the New Testament idea of the love which 'reconciled the world unto itself’ is exchanged for the detestable paganism of the Roman doctrine of mediation and satisfaction
34. ’ There is, through apostasy which has become congenital—a world-wide relapse of humanity into animal and demonic life; a complex result, evolving a new type of sin most hateful—combining the perversion of the animal life with the perversion of the higher than animal intelligence, and becoming more detestable in proportion as the demonic intelligence by culture exceeds in force the animal development
35. It opposed the world’s foolish and degenerate cults, it denounced vile social customs, it made all things new; but we find no record in the Apologies that it was rejected because it was morally incredible, because the God whom it revealed was a Being in character unintelligible, or detestable to the moral faculty
36. By that natural understanding which God has given me I know that everything beautiful attracts love, but I cannot see how, by reason of being loved, that which is loved for its beauty is bound to love that which loves it; besides, it may happen that the lover of that which is beautiful may be ugly, and ugliness being detestable, it is very absurd to say, "I love thee because thou art beautiful, thou must love me though I be ugly
37. For, he said, there is nothing so detestable as London in May
38. Now tell me, Anselmo, in which of these two art thou imperilled, that I should hazard myself to gratify thee, and do a thing so detestable as that thou seekest of me? Neither forsooth; on the contrary, thou dost ask of me, so far as I understand, to strive and labour to rob thee of honour and life, and to rob myself of them at the same time; for if I take away thy honour it is plain I take away thy life, as a man without honour is worse than dead; and being the instrument, as thou wilt have it so, of so much wrong to thee, shall not I, too, be left without honour, and consequently without life? Listen to me, Anselmo my friend, and be not impatient to answer me until I have said what occurs to me touching the object of thy desire, for there will be time enough left for thee to reply and for me to hear
39. detestable an age as we live in now; for though no peril can make me fear, still it gives me some uneasiness to think that powder and lead may rob me of the opportunity of making myself famous and renowned throughout the known earth by the might of my arm and the edge of my sword
40. My reason is now free and clear, rid of the dark shadows of ignorance that my unhappy constant study of those detestable books of chivalry cast over it
41. It has become the intoxicated slave of its own detestable ingenuity
42. You wouldn't think that I should cry at anything Joseph could say; but he and Hareton are detestable companions
43. -those detestable creatures won't bring coals to the fire
44. And the more detestable his actions are to the citizens the more satellites and the greater devotion in them will he require?
45. ape, so that I was delivered from the horrors of his detestable presence
46. The universal response was, that the fare was detestable, and that they wanted to be set free
47. John Lateran, and Peppino, called Rocca Priori, convicted of complicity with the detestable bandit Luigi Vampa, and the men of his band
48. Oh, what a detestable crew they are, these mercenary speculators!"
49. That atrocious system which, having attained to the fullest measure of detestable injustice and cruelty, was now fast crumbling into ruin, inevitably doomed to be overwhelmed because it was all so wicked and abominable, inevitably doomed to sink under the blight and curse of senseless and unprofitable selfishness out of existence for ever, its memory universally execrated and abhorred
50. He had seen a golden opportunity to attack -- perhaps kill -- the detestable Thlayli and Blackavar, together with their one companion -- who seemed to be lame -- and bring the doe back to the Council