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    Usar "doctor" en una oración

    doctor oraciones de ejemplo





    1. “We’ll have to have a doctor examine him, then

    2. We needed to know that you hadn’t shot that man, and the doctor says that the man actually was either a zombie or recently dead when he was shot

    3. In case of glandular swelling in the neck, consult your doctor

    4. So, be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist what is in it

    5. If you miss a dose, follow your doctor or pharmacist's directions

    6. Never stop taking the medicine without talking with your doctor first

    7. “Is something wrong, doctor?”

    8. Share this list with your doctor

    9. Ask your doctor to help you work on each of those problems

    10. Are you becoming confused about all those bottles in the medicine cabinet? If you're taking multiple medications, it's very important to keep track because you may be seeing more than one doctor for different reasons

    11. The doctor check it out and he got a rabies shot

    12. All Rose wants is to keep dancing, but deep down she realizes she will have succumb to her parents wishes and concentrate on her studies to become a doctor or a lawyer or something prestigious

    13. She’ll probably go to college and marry a doctor but never actually pursue a real profession of her own, especially after she has his first child

    14. In case you are a doctor then counseling your patients is in any case part of your profession

    15. In the case of dealing with patients in the medical profession the counseling takes a much wider and long-term meaning between the doctor or counselor and the patient

    16. ‘Gave the doctor a bit of a surprise, I can tell you

    17. Topher watched the doctor rub his hands along the sides of his clean, white coat

    18. Doctor Salvatore told him that he wouldn’t be able to sing and would have to rely on antibiotics

    19. For doctor, death is a failure

    20. That is why your Doctor

    21. a doctor can join broken bones, but they will knit under the influ-

    22. thought it was a malignant tumour”, said the doctor, “but it turned

    23. of what our eyes see, in spite of the diagnosis by your doctor, we stay

    24. Therefore, Jesus is our Doctor, and the Word of God is the medicine

    25. The doctor once asked us whether we understood the grav-

    26. He was a doctor,

    27. the doctor who enters the room of the sick is not alone

    28. a doctor can fix a broken bone, but it will heal under the in-

    29. ’ The man said … is he some sort of doctor? I think he’s wearing a white coat, though that is a bit foggy, more a sort of white blur just out of focus

    30. Someone goes to the doctor with an untreated ailment and say: "Doctor, cure me

    31. The Doctor was in his mid forties I guessed, wearing an open neck shirt, jeans, grey at the temples, clean shaven, blue eyes, cold hands

    32. The Good Doctor

    33. The doctor was as good as his word

    34. The same doctor that had attended me previously took new observations, making a general but non-specific fuss of his bewildered patient

    35. “Anyway, what is a would-be doctor good for? You should wait for him to finish his studies, and that could take ages! Like an old friend of mine, who had an affair with a medicine student, she waited for him to take his diploma, she even helped him financially to open his surgery, and in the end he dumped her! So, what did you expect? It's a fortunate thing that he hasn't called!” she concludes with a shrieking voice and her usual air of importance

    36. The iron tablets the doctor gave me should help with that

    37. How long would she have to stay in this hospital? The doctor she’d seen that morning was muttering about her not being fit to be discharged to a hotel … but was she safe here in the hospital? Had any news of her survival hit the local news? If the men who’d attacked her knew she’d been found …

    38. ‘But the doctor says it should heal without scars

    39. I’ll go and have a word with the doctor or whatever, shall I? I think we ought to cling to the relationship angle, don’t you? Cousin Karal?’

    40. The Doctor had prescribed fresh air and change of

    41. The doctor this time diagnosed tuberculosis

    42. to become a Doctor

    43. Note! If you have a health problem that may restrict your ability to exercise, check with your doctor before beginning or changing your exercise habits

    44. KELLY: Shouldn't a doctor examine her?

    45. CARRIE: Yes, a doctor will examine her

    46. ROBERT: Doctor Baccara, if a hymen is intact, the entry would require some force

    47. My mother forwarded them to the Scientologist doctor that we had seen before

    48. Do you think you would be able to help us when the time comes? We have been searching for a doctor for several months

    49. Andrew purposely let them land first as he wanted the doctor to see that they lived in harmony with the dragons

    50. Andrew climbed off and the doctor followed

    1. Her principle role was to ensure that I was kept in the dark and that records in the department were appropriately doctored … poor woman, she’s been living in terror since you appeared at the offices that day

    2. ‘Given that - who else could have doctored the meal, do you think, Mr Hust?’ the Inspector asked

    3. She took her old manual yandrille and left it with Varniss, one of the owners of Myimpaden, while she lightly doctored the first keg

    4. Ignoring my protest, he carefully placed the doctored drink on the tray, and after pig-boy had pushed his way back to his seat, Uncle Hobart smiled at him sweetly, patting him on his head

    5. ‘Oh dear! That means the iceberg has been doctored with some kind of chemical

    6. In the streets of the town the Magistrate stood as usual, addressing the crowded market square; his duty was to relay somewhat doctored information down to the population, and maintain the morale in the city

    7. always been doctored for one ailment or another

    8. Bridges goes down for the fraud, all the evidence is doctored to show he has done it then you pay me my second fifty thousand pounds

    9. As the doctored wine filled my stomach, my eyes and limbs grew heavy and I slumped to the ground

    10. Somewhere along the line, things got doctored, maybe by throwing out really low tests, maybe by not counting certain kids, maybe by not having absentees make up tests

    11. Gerard takes him to the hospital out of town, fills in the papers for him, displaying a doctored driver’s license that indicates it has expired, and referring to a medical plan number whose file exposes his past excesses and criminal behavior, but in Gerard’s old name

    12. Now when the program abends and has to go to the backup, it would use Ed's doctored file as backup and then the fireworks would began

    13. He was canned shortly after he began because the consulting firm doctored his credentials

    14. The results were now showing poor performance and matched the doctored patient records from The Organization

    15. “So not only has the guilty party doctored the papers between the Purchasing Office and the

    16. He ordered up his standard oral hygiene rinse and tooth brush, already doctored with

    17. Chin had some doctored documents of his own pertaining to

    18. As she left, intent on putting the cash into her purse, Robin put his doctored card into the machine, and from the menu that appeared, selected to take out the maximum sum permitted

    19. Life re-routes constant purgeries doctored exit highways

    20. The doctored cricket pads and itching

    21. Why should they risk losing their highly paid jobs, or being tortured with the doctored cricket

    22. intentionally doctored some applications in favor of the customers

    23. The original picture, aside from being doctored, was actually taken last May

    24. The first doctored shot had been of her uncle Lee, sat on Sihanoukville beach with a menacing figure stood behind him

    25. The fact was, Lefty had given Georgia the doctored paperwork he’d made up through Big Jim so that I could be sealed to Georgia

    26. Chin had some doctored documents of his own pertaining to the Holiday Park River Bend Racetrack

    27. They hadn't needed to touch his "doctored" backup tape, and the Operations staff had been unwilling to use it until the situation was clearer

    28. All processed information that is doctored, and manipulated, and put through an industrial grinder: takes out all nutritional information, and adds poisonous artificial normalities, and trace elements of trivia, and toxic deadly moral, ethical lies and poisons: before it reaches you

    29. The rarity of finding any historical accounts that have not been doctored and censored into near-total fiction is damning evidence in and of itself

    30. thralled, as her mother doctored cuts and sprains, and

    31. Jo disgraced herself by nearly fainting away, and had to be doctored by Laurie in the china closet

    32. They provided the doctored photos

    33. He had his own business in the security industry, and was both a Finnish and Russian citizen, and a resident of Helsinki; no doubt someone had doctored his government records

    34. ' The dwarves revived him, and doctored his scorches as well as they could; but it was a long time before the hair on the back

    35. “Our technical experts concluded that two of the individual reports had been doctored, that is, rewritten

    36. “Thierry Mulch, here to see the principal,” he said, handing her a flawless forgery of a California driver’s license that featured a photo from Preston Elliot’s school ID doctored up with a red wig, red eyebrows, and the Lincoln beard

    37. They soak water, they do; and of course get rheumatic, and have to be doctored (SNEEZES) with washes and lotions, just like live legs

    38. She said she was going to the wise woman; her boy had screaming fits, so she was taking him to be doctored

    39. I like being doctored too; in the spring there was an outbreak of smallpox and I went and was vaccinated in a foundling hospital—if only you knew how I enjoyed myself that day

    1. The sight of cowboys branding, doctoring, and herding

    2. �My word! Who has been doctoring this child? She has second and third degree burns, and some blisters have been removed

    3. After doctoring his dogs for a week, John found they were recovering rather quickly

    4. the accident, and he says he should be doctoring animals again in no

    5. This was typical Modi-style ‘rajniti’—ingenious spin doctoring, seizing the words of the opponent to turn the tables on them and capture the political advantage in a flash

    6. Such doctoring will not heal the wounds of our Zion

    7. I know a bit of doctoring

    8. the story of salvation and "doctoring it up a little" so that it is

    9. Whenever the public has discovered that food companies have been doctoring and changing their products by adding genetically altered food into it, they have without exception risen up in protest or simply refused to buy the tainted products

    10. On my third day out from Sierra City, as I sat hunched near the open door of my tent doctoring my blistered feet, I realized the day before had been the Fourth of July

    11. "I've done considerble in the doctoring way in my time

    12. I took off my boots and sat down, doctoring my chawed-up feet

    13. Louie began doctoring Pillsbury’s wounds

    14. All her illness and treatment struck her as a thing so stupid, ludicrous even! Doctoring her seemed to her as absurd as putting together

    15. ‘Oh, no!’ said Levin with annoyance; ‘that method of doctoring I merely meant as a simile for doctoring the people with schools

    16. Here there’s been a general rush to him, and he’s begun doctoring everyone

    17. Mawmsey had the poorest opinion on all other points, but in doctoring, he was wont to say in an undertone, he placed Gambit above any of them

    18. “My dear Sir Thomas, if you had seen the state of the roads that day! I thought we should never have got through them, though we had the four horses of course; and poor old coachman would attend us, out of his great love and kindness, though he was hardly able to sit the box on account of the rheumatism which I had been doctoring him for ever since Michaelmas

    19. "My dear Sir Thomas, if you had seen the state of the roads that day! I thought we should never have got through them, though we had the four horses of course; and poor old coachman would attend us, out of his great love and kindness, though he was hardly able to sit the box on account of the rheumatism which I had been doctoring him for ever since Michaelmas

    20. All her illness and treatment struck her as a thing so stupid, ludicrous even! Doctoring her seemed to her as absurd as putting together the pieces of a broken vase

    21. "Oh, no!" said Levin with annoyance; "that method of doctoring I merely meant as a simile for doctoring the people with schools

    1. Also, make sure that you keep updating all of your doctors about any medicines to which you have had a reaction

    2. Doctors recommend that with dentures we should chew food four times as long for proper mastication

    3. The doctors had put a tube in her nose and he could hear her breathing from any room in the house

    4. Communicating good and bad news is an art that should be developed by doctors

    5. Once the event occurs our cooperation to authorities, encouraging the younger lot to provide help to the needy, taking some sort of control to prevent theft and arsons, regulate the crowd that usually collects and hampers rescue efforts and the doctors amongst us to provide urgent medical aid are some of the tasks we can take upon ourselves and thus be relevant for the society even at this age

    6. for them, not because there are good doctors among your friends… but

    7. living a complete and enjoyable life without doctors and medicines

    8. the doctors did their best and advised us:”Pray, because we can-

    9. the doctors compared such pain with the pain which women usually

    10. viable and completely restored! the doctors could not explain that

    11. When my husband and I were told by the doctors that

    12. Do not waste your time seeking the best doctors

    13. including very competent doctors who were involved

    14. The doctors were pumping out the liquid from his lungs, but his

    15. easier for those people, who have already been refused by the doctors, as

    16. the hospital where I personally knew the doctors

    17. I do not know why I said those words, but the doctors left the room

    18. The doctors put her on a catheter and gave her painkillers

    19. and I understood that the death came as the competent doctors had

    20. having taken (Can four years of cancer-free life, without doctors and

    21. israel did not have doctors for

    22. the governmental ship with medicines and a team of doctors was

    23. One of doctors asked me: “What did you use to

    24. When the doctors are powerless before an incurable disease, when you

    25. What has changed? We keep going to doctors, we

    26. doctors, always talk about their disease and are convinced that divine heal-

    27. It does not matter whether you are relying on the doctors for help

    28. hope that I would live, the doctors had to prescribe the usual treatment and

    29. ‘But Stephen, what do the doctors say about Liz’s condition?’ I asked, ‘Has she regained consciousness yet?’

    30. Even though the doctors said there was unlikely to be any change for at least twenty four hours

    31. He Provides For the Sheep (Psalms 23) - He doctors the sick and the needy

    32. The doctors are still trying to work out whether he is genuinely crackers or just putting it on

    33. Doctors say the leg needs to be cut off because it has started to rot

    34. At the same night my sister feels a strong pain in her heart and goes to hospital; the doctors find nothing wrong with her

    35. They’ve brought teachers and doctors where the government can’t be arsed

    36. Kara’s face was a mess though the doctors had said it looked worse than it was

    37. The doctors refused to discharge me to the hotel

    38. The doctors we had seen on Earth talked of viruses and complications, but, with hindsight, I reckon she’d just given up …

    39. “Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do ‘practice’?”

    40. He screamed at all the doctors and nurses, even though he knew it wasn't their fault

    41. Medical doctors account for the strengthening of the immune system after prolonged use

    42. Together with Sir John and his cabinet colleagues, the great politician swept through the corridors of power and into the office where the two doctors of spin were pretending to type away furiously at blank computer screens

    43. As the great politician tried out different tones of voice and different facial expressions, as he opened his stance and practised his smile, the two doctors of spin encouraged and enthused; "Oh, sublime, Sir

    44. Their love was born of hope and that hope always took the form of imagined blue lines and smiling doctors, but their loving was in vain

    45. 'And today the AIS has hundreds of staff - coaches, doctors and physios

    46. trapped emotions, and doctors and body workers are

    47. The doctors had to do a

    48. Her doctors had taken a new x-ray

    49. Although not all medical doctors are aware of this,

    50. Despite its drawbacks, doctors who follow the model

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    Sinónimos para "doctor"

    doctor doc dr. md medico physician doctor of the church bushel fix furbish up mend repair restore touch on doctor up sophisticate professor scholar expert specialist scientist attend administer treat minister to nurse