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    edison oraciones de ejemplo


    1. “Maybe we should really be called Edison dancers or E-Boys … but hey, whatever you want to believe about break dancing or b-boying or breakin’ and how it got its name and who invented it, is all cool with me

    2. Edison stated definitively,

    3. According to a 2011 study from Edison, over 92 percent of Americans have heard of Twitter

    4. The EPA did not agree and hauled TVA, Detroit Edison and Alabama Power into court to make them update their

    5. stopped out on demo, the better, because like Thomas Edison said of his failed 10,000

    6. But to my surprise, hovering over my magic book, that always perched on the bedside table in the shade of a kerosene lamp, because as I have already mentioned, that wonder of Thomas Alva Edison which is electric light shone by its absence in those dark places, were the book guardians, Petrarco, Cirila and Drefno: those beings from the magic world that accompanied me in my odyssey in Saint Andre, when the ring curse was hanging over my head

    7. Con Edison forgot to cut the power to the house after it was shut down so it still had working lights

    8. Thomas Edison made a decision; he completely refused to quit when he was

    9. Thomas Alva Edison came up with hundreds of inventions, including 1,093 patents and still was only the fourth most prolific inventor in history

    10. Edison invented the phonograph in the late 1870s and in a few years he developed the wax cylinder

    11. Eventually Edison invented a process that created the equivalent of a master, not unlike what was around with long playing records

    12. This was driven home on Wednesday, March 28, 1979 when a crisis came about at the Metropolitan Edison run Three Mile Island Unit 2 power facility, ten miles from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

    13. Metropolitan Edison calmed the people by saying that despite the accident, no radiation was detected off plant grounds

    14. Failure for Edison was a learning experience, which he capitalized on to bring light to the world

    15. It still calls out just as strong and just as clear as it did to Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, George Washington Carver, Helen Keller, and thousands of other Champions throughout history

    16. Thomas Edison said long ago that “Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the

    17. The heal seal attempts to repair the wounds but Edison is

    18. Edison touches his chest and searches for his wounds

    19. When Thomas Edison was asked by a reporter for his reaction to

    20. Thomas Edison experimented with different elements and

    21. Thomas Edison said: genius is one percent inspiration and Ninety-Nine percent perspiration

    22. Persistance made Edison “genius”, he registered 1093 original inventions which is still the world record, his famous phrase was: 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration

    23. A last ditch fund-raising effort, a production of White Christmas, is probably the only thing that could bring Tyler Edison out of retirement

    24. At the airport’s parking lot Susan Graves and Trent Edison had arrived, Trent told Susan he was here to pick up a relative from another state and Susan tagged along

    25. Meanwhile across town at Susan Graves’ apartment, she sat alone on her couch watching television as her boyfriend Trent Edison was in her private room watching the DVD the Monitor left at the news station

    26. Meanwhile at Susan Graves’ apartment she received an urgent phone call from the police who informed her that her boyfriend Trent Edison was in a car accident and has been severely injured

    27. Jack then asked, “Have you ever in your employ had a man by the name of Trent Edison?”

    28. The Monitor’s true identity, his name is Trent Edison

    29. “I can’t, Edison is too dangerous now and there is something he knows that makes him dangerous

    30. From 1887 to 1880 Edison and his associates tried at least three thousand ideas to develop an efficient incandescent lamp

    31. Thomas Alva Edison is supposed to have succeeded in perfecting

    32. Edison has made thousands and thousands of studies of voices to determine which are scientifically perfect for singing

    33. Edison the precise meaning of each slightest variation in the lines

    34. He guessed that very many uses would be found for the foil but he could not possibly foresee that in December 1877 Thomas Edison would employ it to make the first sound recording, which would be of the words "Mary had a little lamb"

    35. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb was afraid of the dark

    36. What happened when Thomas Edison patented his ideas? He died a pauper because of all the legal battles over the ownership of his patents

    37. Daedalus was a brilliant inventor—the Thomas Edison of his day

    38. Why do you think edison ‘invented’ a light bulb that is 99% inefficient? 99% of its energy is used to produce heat and only 1% is used to produce light

    39. Thomas Edison failed over eleven thousand times to provide the answer to the problem of the incandescent light bulb

    40. After five thousand attempts a newspaper reporter who asked why he pursued this folly questioned him? After all, everyone knew that you had to light your way in the world with a paraffin lantern, so why did he waste his time and money on this fool’s errand? Edison relied stating that the reporter didn’t know how life worked

    41. There's Edison for instance

    42. But what I am anxious to arrive at is it is one thing for instance to invent those rays Rontgen did or the telescope like Edison, though I believe it was before his time Galileo was the man, I mean, and the same applies to the laws, for example, of a farreaching natural phenomenon such as electricity but it's a horse of quite another colour to say you believe in the existence of a supernatural God

    43. My wife grew up in a house filled with old radios, Edison cylinder players and Victrolas collected by her late father, Jim, who had a fascination with the music of the pre-electrical recording era

    44. 3 shows a period where Consolidated Edison, Inc

    45. For many years prior to 1927 Consolidated Gas Company of New York (now Consolidated Edison Company of New York) was a “mystery stock” in Wall Street because it supplied very little information to its stockholders

    46. It is true that the Edison companies have shown themselves subject to only minor shrinkage in profits, as compared, say, with the steel producers

    47. 4 Revenues from the sale of electric power to ultimate consumers, compiled by Edison Electric Institute

    48. New York Edison Company First Lien and Refunding Mortgage Bonds may not be issued, except for refunding purposes, unless consolidated net earnings for a recent 12-month period have been at least 1¾ times the annual interest charges on the aggregate bonded indebtedness of the company, including those to be issued

    49. Commonwealth Edison Company Convertible Debenture 3½s, Due 1958

    50. Reverting to our examples, it will be seen at once that the Commonwealth Edison 3½s could properly have been purchased as an investment without any regard to the conversion feature

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    edison thomas alva edison thomas edison