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    1. “So will you report Ava to the captain?” Alan asked, “or use it to extort me to stop seeing her?”

    2. went to your husband in the hope that he could extort

    3. Where it is otherwise, every person subject to the tax is put more or less in the power of the tax-gatherer, who can either aggravate the tax upon any obnoxious contributor, or extort, by the terror of such aggravation, some present or perquisite to himself

    4. Could it possibly be due to the fact that, a few years prior to that special election, his shakedown - artist father managed to extort from the prior owners, a good share of the Chicago beer distribution rights for Jesse, Jr

    5. Police arrested five men posing as government officers in a bid to extort money from a construction company

    6. I couldn’t bear to look at him, answer the billion questions he had on his alien discovery, so instead I tried to extort myself from his grip, fleeing to the shelter of my apartment, but Levi held me there steadfastly, his jaw set in certainty

    7. If we make some sort of "deal" with a predator then when the "tuff" guy has a ruff go of it he goes back to bullying the victims he already has and tries to extort more

    8. They're trying to extort the money out of me

    9. MacKay would hopefully be willing to pay a substantial amount of money for her safety and it was up to him, Harry Fischer, to think of a plan to extort the money out of MacKay and, if possible, to safely release the woman when the money was handed over

    10. He is Detective Stewart Millsap, the asshole who is trying to extort money from me

    11. He instructed the rich to feed the poor; to the tax gatherers he said: "Extort no more than that which is assigned you

    12. to extort huge fees in the false name of insuring quality

    13. there was never some concerted effort to extort huge funds from

    14. extort tax revenue from the masses to feed their grossly insatiable

    15. conspiring against the working population to extort huge funds

    16. extort two thirds or more of any revenue generated by the

    17. 'cause the traitors will simply extort away our justified reward,

    18. who will callously extort the sustaining funds

    19. It’s just un-American to extort people’s savings when they could very well provide for themselves in the absence of prohibitive regulation

    20. offices of those from whom they wish to extort money

    21. could be their elaborate scheme to extort money from you

    22. Ghost Gang and never extort anything less than one thousand gold and the

    23. How could they extort it from us? How could they take it all away? They have even gone so far as to impose the death penalty on anyone who fails to declare their gold to the government

    24. With the vengeance of a self-righteous victim, you app Where's the Protest? so you can join the shaming to extort a little envious retribution from those who won the game you love to play, but rarely win

    25. How could they extort it from us? How could they take it all away? They have even gone so far as to impose the death penalty on anyone who fails to declare their gold to the government… Oh, it’s all so unjust!’

    26. There is always breach of peace and religious and political fronts are exploited by active participants to harbor criminal and illegal activities and extort money from its citizens

    27. The purpose is to extort a specific response from animalistic impulses, then appeasing the beast with a desirable need

    28. Usually, once Big Jim got the upper hand in a situation he would just extort the guilty party

    29. farming, and took the daughter of the local chief as a hostage to extort Powhatan’s acquiescence to

    30. they have long used the fear of death, hell, and the reward or loss of eternal life to extort money,

    31. favours) a brutal gratification gratuitously as a privilege of office, they extort a tithe of prostitution, and harrass with threats the poor creatures whose

    32. A copy of a writ was the stale pretext to extort it from me; and I had soon reason to believe that it was fabricated for the purpose

    33. Throughout dinner he took a dry delight in making Sarah Pocket greener and yellower, by often referring in conversation with me to my expectations; but here, again, he showed no consciousness, and even made it appear that he extorted—and even did extort, though I don't know how—those references out of my innocent self

    34. “When we last spake together,” said Hester, “now seven years ago, it was your pleasure to extort a promise of secrecy, as touching the former relation betwixt yourself and me

    35. Massimo Bertelli, who, as I’m sure you know, is head of the Italian DIA, which is responsible for pursuing ‘consultants’ who attempt to extort legitimate businesses

    36. “He and Marcel are building a hotel in Rome, and Casselli is trying to extort money from them, promising to pave their way

    37. As John took his horse, and he followed me into the hall, he told me to make haste and put something dry on, and then return to him in the library; and he stopped me, as I made for the staircase, to extort a promise that I would not be long: nor was I long; in five minutes I rejoined him

    38. Would so offend a virgin, and extort

    39. That thou alone wast able to extort

    40. They did everything to deserve the fees they were paid; they got up in the small hours of the morning, searched one house after another, took copies of papers and of books they found, read diaries, personal letters, made extracts from them on the very best notepaper and in beautiful handwriting, interrogated Katia Turchaninova ever so many times, and confronted her with all those whom they suspected of conspiracy, in order to extort from her the names of her accomplices

    41. A man of our time, whether he professes the divinity of Christ or not, cannot help but know that to take part, whether as a king, a minister, a governor, or a rural officer, in the sale of a poor family's last cow for taxes, with which to pay for cannon or the salaries and pensions of luxuriating, idle, and harmful officials; or to have a share in putting the provider of a family into prison, because we ourselves have corrupted him, and let his family go a-begging; or to take part in the plunders and murders of war; or to help substitute savage and idolatrous superstitions for Christ's law; or to detain a trespassing cow of a man who has no land of his own; or to deduct a sum from the wages of a factory hand for an article which he accidentally ruined; or to extort a double price from a poor fellow, only because he is in need,—a man of our time cannot help but know that all these things are disgraceful and execrable, and that they should not be done

    42. But we despise and hate it three, ten times more—not because many of us have been tortured in the detective departments, which are just chambers of horror, beaten almost to death, beaten with whips of ox-hide and of rubber in order to extort a confession or to make us betray a comrade

    43. "The collection of the revenue"—"The administration of the finance"—"The conducting the fiscal affairs of the Government," the usual language of the advocates of the bank, extort express assent, or awe into acquiescence, without inquiry or examination into its necessity

    44. This necessity they had brought upon themselves, but it was too late to consider whether the condition might have been avoided; they were pledged in this state of events to attempt to extort from Great Britain by force the concession of those points which their arguments had failed in persuading her to yield

    45. For God's sake let us not again be told of the ties of religion, of laws, of blood, and of customs, which bind the two nations together, with a view to extort our love for the English Government, and more especially when the same gentleman has acknowledged that we have ample cause of war against that nation—let us not be told of the freedom of that corrupt Government whose hands are washed alike in the blood of her own illustrious statesmen, for a manly opposition to tyranny, and the citizens of every other clime

    46. Sir, I came here not disposed to use such language; nothing but extreme injury should extort it from me

    47. It would be a waste of time to notice such ridiculous assertions, were it not that they do a great deal of harm to the profession and the public: to the profession by making people believe that architects are combined to extort an unreasonable compensation for their work; and to the public by spreading the idea that the profession of architecture is just the one in which their sons can become rapidly rich without much trouble

    48. When it does, it should be for clear and essential rights alone, and it should firmly resolve to extort, at all hazards, their recognition

    1. The private interest of our merchants and manufacturers may, perhaps, have extorted from the legislature these exemptions, as well as the greater part of our other commercial regulations

    2. But the cruellest of our revenue laws, I will venture to affirm, are mild and gentle, in comparison to some of those which the clamour of our merchants and manufacturers has extorted from the legisiature, for the support of their own absurd and oppressive monopolies

    3. By a feudal law, the vassal could not alienate without the consent of his superior, who generally extorted a fine or composition on granting it

    4. He did not think the Pilgrim could be extorted through fear or driven to betray his beliefs

    5. It did not even make him dislike them in return, for he took it as a kind of extorted compliment

    6. Warner extorted the award of half of the four

    7. To the extent that they were money lenders, they were a source of capital, either borrowed or extorted

    8. The purchase is made in the interest of the sovereign with the goods and services extorted from the producers

    9. robbed, extorted, cheated, abused and kidnapped my share of

    10. for all of the effort in money that was literally extorted from our

    11. only was half of one's profit extorted by the government and the

    12. violations where huge amounts of capitol is extorted from

    13. It’s outrageous that they should stock and maintain animal populations to enable hunters and fishermen to enjoy “sports” of bloodlust; and it’s even more infuriating that they are doing so with money extorted from taxpayers very much against the barbarity

    14. whether they have been assaulted, raped or extorted to pay a bribe by police; whether

    15. supply, most people are deceived and thereby extorted into accepting the lures and traps of credit,

    16. They are net recipients of the extorted loot

    17. "I give you one view of the subject; but these experiments and alterations took up the space of five years; during which period, I had most reluctantly extorted

    18. nor shall enumerate the sums extorted from me during six years that we lived

    19. Disappointed, however, and vexed as she was, and sometimes displeased with his uncertain behaviour to herself, she was very well disposed on the whole to regard his actions with all the candid allowances and generous qualifications, which had been rather more painfully extorted from her, for Willoughby's service, by her mother

    20. I told him as much as I thought proper of her illness, and he extorted from me, by cross-examination, most of the facts connected with its origin

    21. 28;' it is indeed the same," said he; "and now, am I to rely upon an avowal extorted by religious or physical terror? However, in an hour I shall know all

    22. She had banked on their fear of losing another child and basically extorted them for drug money

    23. But, when we sat by her flickering fire at night, she was most weird; for then, keeping Estella's hand drawn through her arm and clutched in her own hand, she extorted from her, by dint of referring back to what Estella had told her in her regular letters, the names and conditions of the men whom she had fascinated; and as Miss Havisham dwelt upon this roll, with the intensity of a mind mortally hurt and diseased, she sat with her other hand on her crutch stick, and her chin on that, and her wan bright eyes glaring at me, a very spectre

    24. "I understand," he said, "you confess; but a confession made to the judges, a confession made at the last moment, extorted when the crime cannot be denied, diminishes not the punishment inflicted on the guilty!"

    25. as to the thing itself, the less said of it was the better; but that though she might be suspected of partiality, from its being the common cause of womankind, out of whose mouths this practice tended to take something more than bread, yet she protested against any mixture of passion, with a declaration extorted from her by pure regard to truth; which was, that whatever effect this infamous passion had in other ages and other countries, it seemed a peculiar blessing on our air and climate, that there was a plaguespot visibly imprinted on all that are tainted with it, in this nation at least, for that among numbers of that stamp whom she had known, or at least were universally under the scandalous suspicion of it, she would not name an exception hardly to one of them, whose character was not, in all other respects, the most worthless and despicable that could be; stript of all the manly virtues of their own sex, and filled up with only the worst vices and follies of ours; that, in fine, they were scarce less execrable than ridiculous in their monstrous inconsistence, of loathing and contemning women, and at the same time apeing all their manners, airs, lisps, scuttle, and, in general, all their little modes of affectation, which become them at least better, than they do these unsexed, male misses

    26. The soldiers liked him for his humane temper, which was like a strange and precious flower unexpectedly blooming on the hotbed of corrupt revolutions; and when he rode slowly through the streets during some military display, the contemptuous good humour of his solitary eye roaming over the crowds extorted the acclamations of the populace

    27. What had he done, Sangre de Dios! What had he done? He was basely appalled at his impulsive act, sealing for ever these lips from which so much was to be extorted

    28. Having finished his inquiries and extorted from Daniel wished to go hunting), Nicholas ordered the horses to be saddled

    29. “Thank you: I shall do: I have no broken bones,— only a sprain;” and again he stood up and tried his foot, but the result extorted an involuntary “Ugh!”

    30. Disappointed, however, and vexed as she was, and sometimes displeased with his uncertain behaviour to herself, she was very well disposed on the whole to regard his actions with all the candid allowances and generous qualifications, which had been rather more painfully extorted from her, for Willoughby’s service, by her mother

    31. Both gentlemen had a glance at Fanny, to see if a word of accordant praise could be extorted from her; yet both feeling that it could not be

    32. It was thought that the confession of the accused was indispensable to condemnation, an idea not merely unreasonable, but contrary to the dictates of the simplest good sense in legal matters, for, if the denial of the accused be not accepted as proof of his innocence, the extorted confession should still less serve as proof of his guilt

    33. Men do not wish to leave the land which they have tilled for generations; they do not wish to disperse on the bidding of the government; they do not wish to pay the taxes which are extorted from them; neither do they willingly submit to laws which they have not helped to make; they do not wish to give up their nationality

    34. Having finished his inquiries and extorted from Daniel an opinion that the hounds were fit (Daniel himself wished to go hunting), Nicholas ordered the horses to be saddled

    35. They invited many of us to take part; but there was none so vile among us as to give even the outward consent that fear might have extorted

    36. These remarks are extorted from me a little out of their order

    37. But it may be said that the sentiments in their petition were extorted by the apprehension of a greater evil—war

    38. The result would probably be, that the city would be set on fire, or a contribution extorted from its inhabitants

    39. They have not, it is true, taken into their own hands the hatchet and the knife, devoted to indiscriminate massacre; but they have let loose the savages, armed with these cruel instruments; have allured them into their service, and carried them to battle by their sides, eager to glut their savage thirst with the blood of the vanquished, and to finish the work of torture and death on maimed and defenceless captives: and, what was never before seen, British commanders have extorted victory over the unconquerable valor of our troops, by presenting to the sympathy of their chief awaiting massacre from their savage associates

    1. By extorting from the legislature bounties upon the exportation of their own linen, high duties upon the importation of all foreign linen, and a total prohibition of the home consumption of some sorts of French linen, they endeavour to sell their own goods as dear as possible

    2. Begin started as an outright terrorist, killing not only Arabs and British, but extorting even from fellow Israelis, and a failed attempt to kill German Prime Minister Adenauer

    3. “What is this all about? Extorting a million dollars from me for something that happened twelve years ago is bullshit

    4. h) But they’ll go on extorting money that our nation does not have, by keeping us at war, not pushing for a reduction in forces of the government itself, by keeping the health industry’s swindle of the nation going, and keeping their right wing flavored news on all the networks, mealy mouthing our desperate condition, while the rich add $3 trillion to their net worth every year, partially because of the Bush tax break

    5. And they’ll go on extorting until no other country will give us credit, and then poop flies in America, and lots of poor people die

    6. He said he is a victim in this entire episode and you and Delmage were extorting him

    7. In the dream, the villain, who always seemed to be in a black mist, had a super-sized oxy-acetylene torch and was always extorting money from him, which he paid by chipping off pieces of his house

    8. According to the CBI, Sheikh had been extorting money from marble traders in neighbouring Rajasthan

    9. They always fed him with the information of how they made loads of money at those checkpoints, by extorting drivers

    10. One morning, when Uncle Jumbo came to the office, he was among the officers indicted for extorting a huge sum of money from one top government official who reported the matter to the commissioner of police

    11. Extorting people through your power to k ill is powerful, but not as powerful as having friends

    12. Of course, they were out extorting money from nightclubs and selling drugs to eager teenagers now

    13. These gangs when not extorting money from 40,000 businesses across Russia traded in guns, oil and cigarettes on the black market

    14. exploiting, extorting, and enslaving entire populations

    15. extorting from him occasional questions and remarks

    16. united by the indissoluble ties of maternal and filial love, had succeeded in tacitly understanding one another, and economizing their stores, and Albert had been able to tell his mother without extorting a change of countenance,—"Mother, we have no more money

    17. Zheryld Cumyngs had grown wealthy by extorting money and property from the families of prisoners in Camp Dynnys in return for false promises to smuggle their loved ones out or at least get them better food and medicine while they remained incarcerated

    18. “I’m wondering if those were payments for keeping Lily safe or if you kidnapped Lily and were extorting her father

    19. Indeed, many are the Nantucket ships in which you will see the skipper parading his quarter-deck with an elated grandeur not surpassed in any military navy; nay, extorting almost as much outward homage as if he wore the imperial purple, and not the shabbiest of pilot-cloth

    20. The same tax-gatherers, but more and more incapable of extorting money from the people by force, and it becomes more and more evident that, without such collectors, it would be possible to obtain by voluntary contribution all that is required for social needs

    1. filthy pig wants to insure that he extorts his next Lamborghini

    2. It is not alone in Russia, but in France, England, Germany, and America as well, that we find the wealthy landed proprietor, who, in return for having allowed the men who live on his estate and who supply him with the products of the soil, extorts from these men, who are often poverty-stricken, all that he possibly can

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