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    Usar "for god's sake" en una oración

    for god's sake oraciones de ejemplo

    for god's sake

    1. He was only 15 for God's sake

    2. Football was one of the only things he was even half interested in for God's sake

    3. I was about to give him €17000 in cash for God's sake

    4. "For God's sake, will you bloody shut up," I urged as Uncle Hobart opened his mouth to respond

    5. Of for God's sake

    6. "Grab her for God's sake!" Adam forced one of Kate's hands into the arms of the RAF man

    7. She is grief stricken Menendez, can you not comprehend human emotion? The girl will be fine in a few months, there is a process to mourning; stages to complete and she hasn't finished the first for God's sake

    8. "For God's sake, think!" cried Travis suddenly

    9. "For God's sake! Where's that?"

    10. "I know roses and an apology aren't enough, but for God's sake I'm trying here

    11. For God's sake, you haven't even called in over three months, what's going on?"

    12. I'm in for more and I hope, for God's sake, you find this guy's mojo!

    13. I'm not even a psychic, for God's sake

    14. "No he's not, for God's sake Melanie, I don't know what game he's playing, but this is my brother Sebastian

    15. “For God's sake no! Its cold steel brain is well-calibrated secrecy and misinformation

    16. "For God's sake, ma'am, do not approach these slight misadventures in so tragic a spirit

    17. And, for God's sake get it in time--there's more than an election that hangs on it!"

    18. She was in the England for God's sake, surrounded by British people and English landmarks

    19. For god's sake a week after he broke up with me Collin had

    20. They were strangers who had shared an evening together, and she was act-ing as though she expected him to marry her, for God's sake

    21. 'Come over here, for God's sake, before somebody sees you

    22. Any student there sounds like they have to be on top of everything, not miss a beat, the initials are an anxiety order for God's sake

    23. She was naked, for god's sake!

    24. "Oh, for God's sake, listen Andrew!" she sighed

    25. He ran a hand through his hair and blurted out, "Oh for god's sake, Annabelle! Are you pregnant?"

    26. For God's sakes Sprite, what's become of your pride?' he asked breaking into a belly laugh and it was then that I knew that he was humorously giving me the clues I required

    27. Those who emigrate for God's sake after being persecuted, We will settle them in a good place in this world; but the reward of the Hereafter is greater, if they only knew

    28. She holds them by their shoulders as she hysterically and firmly tells them, "Now listen girls, for God's sake, from now on in the future, if anything bad or anything wrong happens to any of you again, you cannot tell Dana about it, alright? You cannot let her know about it! From now on in the future, it's best that Dana never ever knows about anything bad or anything wrong that happens to any of you again, alright? If anything bad or anything wrong happens to any of you again in the future, come to me or the rest of the family, but please don't go to Dana! If any of you come to me or anybody else in the family with bad news about yourself, you all have to make sure that Dana is not around to hear it! If any of you come to us with bad news about yourself and you see Dana around, you're just gonna have to postpone the bad news until she's not around, or pull one of us to the side where Dana won't be able to hear it, then tell us the bad news! Now we're going to have to warn the rest of the family and relatives not to ever tell Dana or to ever let her know about anything bad or anything wrong that happens to any of you again in the future, okay?"

    29. I left home and wife and children to come and serve your worship, trusting to do better and not worse; but as covetousness bursts the bag, it has rent my hopes asunder, for just as I had them highest about getting that wretched unlucky island your worship has so often promised me, I see that instead and in lieu of it you mean to desert me now in a place so far from human reach: for God's sake, master mine, deal not so unjustly by me, and if your worship will not entirely give up attempting this feat, at least put it off till morning, for by what the lore I learned when I was a shepherd tells me it cannot want three hours of dawn now, because the mouth of the Horn is overhead and makes midnight in the line of the left arm

    30. For God's sake I entreat of thee, for thine own I implore thee, let not this open manifestation rouse thy anger; but rather so calm it as to allow these two lovers to live in peace and quiet without any

    31. However, he said they might give the shirt to Sancho; and shutting himself in with him in a room where there was a sumptuous bed, he undressed and put on the shirt; and then, finding himself alone with Sancho, he said to him, "Tell me, thou new-fledged buffoon and old booby, dost thou think it right to offend and insult a duenna so deserving of reverence and respect as that one just now? Was that a time to bethink thee of thy Dapple, or are these noble personages likely to let the beasts fare badly when they treat their owners in such elegant style? For God's sake, Sancho, restrain thyself, and don't show the thread so as to let them see what a coarse, boorish texture thou art of

    32. For God's sake, tell me, did you know this Englishman?"

    33. Anyway, first he'd take a swallow and squirt it all over her, then she did it to him--they took turns, for God's sake

    34. It was supposed to be something holy, for God's sake, when he sat down at the piano

    35. My father wants me to go to Yale, or maybe Princeton, but I swear, I wouldn't go to one of those Ivy League colleges, if I was dying, for God's sake

    36. Half the time, if you really want to know the truth, when I'm horsing around with a girl, I have a helluva lot of trouble just finding what I'm looking for, for God's sake, if you know what I mean

    37. It's supposed to be religious as hell, I know, and very pretty and all, but I can't see anything religious or pretty, for God's sake, about a bunch of actors carrying crucifixes all over the stage

    38. Some of the ones he said were flits were even married, for God's sake

    39. "Not necessarily in China, for God's sake

    40. "It's too involved to go into, for God's sake," old Luce said

    41. I even held my breath, for God's sake

    42. Annapolis, for God's sake

    43. know about Annapolis, for God's sake? What's that got to do with the kind of stories he writes?" I said

    44. What are you--a child, for God's sake?"

    45. You can even tango, for God's sake

    46. "Whuddaya want to do? Not be in the play, for God's sake?" That made her cry even harder

    47. 'Oh, for God's sake stop jawing,' I cried

    48. There are at least six words of the message which have escaped us; but what remains—'Stand by us for God's sake!'—proves that this young man saw a formidable danger which approached him, and from which someone else could protect him

    49. "For God's sake, don't Jack!" she cried

    50. soul had become more saturated with the belief that he did everything for God's sake, being indifferent to it for his own

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