‘Liz, it has been headlines that a woman has been helping the police with their enquiries in connection with this case, and a lot of speculation has been flying around
A few legal terms in connection with Will are
‘Are you saying that because I was questioned in connection with this … this incident it is a reason to offer me a lower salary than I am worth?’
In connection with every obligation which God
’ She said, kicking herself for sounding like the chairman at a public meeting, ‘I’ve invited you here in connection with … with Joris Lilwin … I think you knew him?’
I mentioned this position of the hands earlier in connection with the Bull Posture for sciatica but sufferers from arthritis and rheumatism in the shoulders will also greatly benefit from this simple arm exercise
Those two words *very slowly’, in connection with the lowering of the legs will catch most of you out at first
Before I go on to your next exercise I would mention here that the CAMEL POSTURE or UTRASANA described in chapter six in connection with backache should also be practiced by women suffering from displacement of the uterus and fallopian tubes provided that the displacement is not of a serious order
All the stretching exercises I have described in this book, and particularly in chapter two can be performed in connection with exercising the eyes
As we walk round to the pub, he tells me about the project he is currently working on in connection with the ongoing disaster with the Arts Centre building alterations
My name’s Sarah Grey and I’m calling in connection with the research I am doing in connection with the Danvers Foundation
‘Ann, I was wondering if I might come and have a chat with you in connection with this research
I’ve got an appointment with someone in connection with the Bunty Danvers thing anyway and don’t know how long that will take
I understand that you are likely to be calling at the offices of Mansfield Blake in the near future and thought it appropriate that I should write to you in connection with the research you are currently executing in respect of Miss Bunty Danvers
gZarvik and D’l’thon got promoted, what do you know about them? Especially in connection with shonggot?”
But I never heard any mention of either name in connection with the farthest fringes of shonggot, it wasn’t an issue they’d mentioned
She asked about shonggot in connection with the boat crew, but watched his reaction for any hint that he might be involved
” The connection with that clinic was interesting, Kemberra’s partner was named Fenais, they would have to turn an eye on her and see if she showed up in connection with this in any other way
He never meant a thing to me, I'd heard of him only in connection with this guy Brancettrabble from the Trenst basin that some of Klarrain's suntower friends from the Yakhan sicced on him
In connection with the last paragraph, I recal
painted and writing was also in connection with
Other Bible verses mention "worms" in connection with
It would hardly have been proper to err towards the casual in one's relations with Mr Rudolph Snickerty, known to all as 'The Adjudicator' in connection with his official position relating to the administration of relief to the poor and needy
All over the world, faith healers also work in connection with the power of belief
I submit that no one other than a megalomaniac with messianic aspirations in connection with a tyrannical government would be so self-assured as to be able to make such a statement
Larkey and Longleaf seemed so eager to help, but on the other, the Calamity seems to keep coming up in connection with matters not quite legitimate
Orlando Bosch, the head of Alpha 66, was stopped in connection with the plot
This notebook is worthless – I’m sorry Beth – but it is, because it mentions Gordon in connection with cocaine and there isn’t other corroborating evidence
‘Please note that Allen & Overy LLP has become aware that the name of Jennifer Chambers is being used in connection with certain fraudulent scam emails
“For several years he had been engaged in a struggle for salvation…In connection with an exegetical (critical explanation or interpretation, esp
Verse 20 - The provision of an angel, and the warning in connection with his provision
to be in the cup only when viewed in connection with the cup
M: Yes, and whatever thoughts come to you in connection with
attempting to conclude in connection with the OPS investigation
in connection with the unrelated traffic death of a motorcyclist
were under investigation in connection with an undisclosed incident that
same day, the file indicates, a telephone call in connection with this matter was made to an unnamed person (name blacked out)
normally such animals may only be killed, and anaesthetised in connection with this
6 And of all mothers the mother of the seven was the fondest of children who in seven childbirths had deeply engendered love toward them; 7 and through her many pains undergone in connection with each one was compelled to feel sympathy with them; 8 yet through fear of God she neglected the temporary salvation of her children
silence the mind, no thinking about anything, in connection with the Creator
They had been brought to us because the Alliance knew that Sarah was going to play a very important role in connection with the Board of Twelve when she grew up
The sun is in connection with the magnetic core of the Earth in order to bring these new frequencies into the planet, in order to raise consciousness
Ren was sent to Orial in connection with the disappearance of Ms
After an interminable muzak-filled wait I was connected to a brusque voice informing me I would be required to sign a couple of forms in connection with my inheritance within the next few days, but meanwhile it would be permissible to use the goods in question
Now, you wanted to ask me about Bob Nakamura in connection with his State Department employment
I suspect most were in connection with your present position
“Please stay standing Alistair because you’re under arrest for a laundry list of crimes of corruption and malfeasance in connection with your official duties
Joe was given a van in connection with his job and one day Matthew and Sarah were sitting in it with Matthew in the drivers seat
though all His work has been done in Egypt and in connection with the
There is a good deal of quite humble work to be done in connection with
of education on new lines, and work in connection with such bodies as the
confer any power-- whether psychic, mental or physical-- on their pupils, they take upon themselves all the sins of that pupil, in connection with the
Police would like to interview this man, Christopher Wilkins, in connection with the murder
This shaft of light is white tinged with gold, and shot with that electric blue which is so often seen in connection with any manifestation of the
the personality; but that is not so-- or rather it is so only in connection with one small set of qualities
in connection with the fourth Initiation
lies upon it can best be described in connection with that of the Bodhisattva
immediate future in connection with the work of the coming Christ; so that
to the first sub-ray of the Seventh; so it will not be regarded principally from the point of view of its devotional effect, but rather from that of its usefulness in connection with the great Deva evolution
accomplished certain occult work in connection with the higher planes of
In connection with this visit of His, and quite apart from its tremendous
They had brought battery powered electric shavers, but very little else in connection with camping, knowing they were going to a city
He could concentrate his deep-thinking mind on the one problem which he wished to solve, and this, in connection with his untiring patience, enabled him serenely to endure the trials of a difficult mortal existence -- to live as if he were "seeing Him who is invisible
This may be done for ransom or in furtherance of another crime, or in connection with a child custody dispute
Kidnapping on the high seas in connection with piracy has been increasing
Matthew was not happy with some proposals, particularly in connection with what would become the ground floor flat
4 As might have been expected, such a versatile and aggressive man could not thus function for six months in the world's metropolis without being approached by numerous persons who desired to secure his services in connection with some business or, more often, for some project of teaching, social reform, or religious movement
Later it was reopened as a Mithraic temple and eventually burned down in connection with one of their orgiastic celebrations
1 When John returned to his disciples (he now had some twenty-five or thirty who abode with him constantly), he found them in earnest conference, discussing what had just happened in connection with Jesus' baptism
6 When the Most High Father of Edentia had taken leave, Jesus held long converse with Gabriel regarding the welfare of the universe and, sending greetings to Immanuel, proffered his assurance that, in the work which he was about to undertake on Urantia, he would be ever mindful of the counsel he had received in connection with the prebestowal charge administered on Salvington
And the first great decision of Jesus' isolation had to do with whether or not he would make use of these mighty personalities in connection with the ensuing program of his public work on Urantia
In assuming command of this mighty assembly, the Adjuster, being a onetime part and essence of the Paradise Father, assured Jesus that in no case would these superhuman agencies be permitted to serve, or manifest themselves in connection with, or in behalf of, his earth career unless it should develop that the Father willed such intervention
4 In accepting this command of the universe hosts in attendance upon Christ Michael, the Personalized Adjuster took great pains to point out to Jesus that, while such an assembly of universe creatures could be limited in their space activities by the delegated authority of their Creator, such limitations were not operative in connection with their function in time
Said the Adjuster: "I will, as you have directed, enjoin the employment of this attendant host of universe intelligences in any manner in connection with your earth career except in those cases where the Paradise Father directs me to release such agencies in order that his divine will of your choosing may be accomplished, and in those instances where you may engage in any choice or act of your divine-human will which shall only involve departures from the natural earth order as to time
No miracle, ministry of mercy, or any other possible event occurring in connection with Jesus' remaining earth labors could possibly be of the nature or character of an act transcending the natural laws established and regularly working in the affairs of man as he lives on Urantia except in this expressly stated matter of time
" The elimination of time in connection with the expressed desire of this potential Sovereign of a universe could only be avoided by the direct and explicit act of the will of this God-man to the effect that time, as related to the act or event in question, should not be shortened or eliminated
Any lapse of time consciousness on his part, in connection with the entertainment of definite desire, was equivalent to the enactment of the thing conceived in the mind of this Creator Son, and without the intervention of time
3 Understanding all of this and knowing that the Master refused to work in defiance of his established laws of nature in so far as his personal conduct was concerned, you know of a certainty that he never walked on the water nor did anything else which was an outrage to his material order of administering the world; always, of course, bearing in mind that there had, as yet, been found no way whereby he could be wholly delivered from the lack of control over the element of time in connection with those matters put under the jurisdiction of the Personalized Adjuster
Remember: the more you do in connection with the idea, the bigger it grows
4 Early in the afternoon Mary summoned James, and together they made bold to approach Jesus to inquire if he would admit them to his confidence to the extent of informing them at what hour and at what point in connection with the wedding ceremonies he had planned to manifest himself as the "supernatural one
We think of him in connection with his new
Do not give up your quest for dol ars but seek them in connection with your
In connection with your mental exercises, be certain to use this faculty of the
I even use this principle in connection with the dentist
success consciousness in connection with the letters to be written
"psychosomatic" is now frequently heard in connection with il nesses of various
But, right here, in connection with these pastimes, there is a
The word motivate is used extensively in connection with self-improvement
14 When the apostles heard these startling words, they recalled the pronouncements which John made at the time of Jesus' baptism, and they also vividly recalled this experience in connection with their preaching and teaching subsequent to the Master's death and resurrection
Jesus utilized these and other prayer models as illustrations in connection with the intimate instruction of the twelve, and specific permission has been granted for transcribing these seven specimen prayers into this record
Not until several hours later, after sundown, was her cure effected in connection with the extraordinary event which occurred in the front yard of the Zebedee home
1 In connection with the seaside encampment, Elman, the Syrian physician, with the assistance of a corps of twenty-five young women and twelve men, organized and conducted for four months what should be regarded as the kingdom's first hospital
2 Many of the cures effected by Jesus in connection with his ministry in behalf of Elman's patients did, indeed, appear to resemble the working of miracles, but we were instructed that they were only just such transformations of mind and spirit as may occur in the experience of expectant and faith-dominated persons who are under the immediate and inspirational influence of a strong, positive, and beneficent personality whose ministry banishes fear and destroys anxiety
In a day and generation when a man was not supposed to salute even his own wife in a public place, Jesus dared to take women along as teachers of the gospel in connection with his third tour of Galilee
2 Among the many matters considered by this joint conference was the practice of anointing the sick with certain forms of oil in connection with prayers for healing
1 Of all the daring things which Jesus did in connection with his earth career, the most amazing was his sudden announcement on the evening of January 16: "On the morrow we will set apart ten women for the ministering work of the kingdom
This was a very profitable session for the apostles and their associates, especially so since from this time on Jesus more and more employed parables in connection with his public teaching
And it was this incidental occurrence, in connection with the presence of Jesus and the supposed miraculous curing of the lunatic, that gave origin to the legend that Jesus had cured Amos by casting a legion of devils out of him, and that these devils had entered into the herd of swine, causing them forthwith to rush headlong to their destruction in the sea below
3 In connection with the latter part of his dream Peter arose from the seat whereon he slept and actually stepped overboard and into the water
3 They reached their destination, about halfway up the mountain, shortly before noon, and while eating lunch, Jesus told the three apostles something of his experience in the hills to the east of Jordan shortly after his baptism and also some more of his experience on Mount Hermon in connection with his former visit to this lonely retreat