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    in effect oraciones de ejemplo

    in effect

    1. His promise is always in effect:

    2. glowed under the lights in ambers and olives and whites, almost tabby in effect

    3. When He chose to eat, God had at that point placed in effect the cosmic redemption of all things

    4. In effect Smith could draw like an eighteen month old infant

    5. say, in effect: "What you just said was meaningless!" Such is only sensed as

    6. In effect nobody else got a chance of being elected as he would declare a winning opponents election null and void

    7. If importation was at all times free, our farmers and country gentlemen would probably, one year with another, get less money for their corn than they do at present, when importation is at most times in effect prohibited ; but the money which they got would be of more value, would buy more goods of all other kinds, and would employ more labour

    8. The carrying trade was in effect prohibited in Great Britain, upon all ordinary occasions, by the high duties upon the importation of foreign corn, of the greater part of which there was no drawback; and upon extraordinary occasions, when a scarcity made it necessary to suspend those duties by temporary statutes, exportation was always prohibited

    9. By this system of laws, therefore, the carrying trade was in effect prohibited

    10. Such estates go all to one person, and are in effect entailed and unalienable

    11. The engrossing of land, in effect, destroys this plenty and cheapness

    12. In effectuation some of the most important of these

    13. In effect the changes are creating a new set-up for the planet

    14. The ancient Egyptians had a superstitious aversion to the sea; and as the Gentoo religion does not permit its followers to light a fire, nor consequently to dress any victuals, upon the water, it, in effect, prohibits them from all distant sea voyages

    15. Even in those states where no such prohibition took place, as in Rome and Athens, the great body of the people were in effect excluded from all the trades which are now commonly exercised by the lower sort of the inhabitants of towns

    16. 51 ), seems to have had two distinct objects in view; first, to restrain effectually the oppressive and monopolizing spirit which is natural to the directors of a regulated company ; and, secondly, to force them, as much as possible, to give an attention, which is not natural to them, towards the maintenance of forts and garrisons

    17. His HUD told him there was in effect no fuel left in the tank, power was being diverted to essential systems

    18. In Scotland, the most extensive country in which this presbyterian form of church government has ever been established, the rights of patronage were in effect abolished by the act which established presbytery in the beginning of the reign of William III

    19. Jean, laughed heartily and admitted that it was true, and that the occasion was in effect an office party, and as it was a small office - just the two of them - well, here they were! Audrey had only arrived back in town that day

    20. You have to ask yourself, what is on the other side or in effect the

    21. A nonsense concept that says, in effect, that college or high school classroom learning will be enhanced, provided only that those of mixed races and cultural heritages will be in the same room

    22. Under the strange law currently in effect, a perpetrator is punished for what he (supposedly) thinks as well as for what he does

    23. These laws were in effect in most countries around the world

    24. ‘So, in effect, our physical selves will no longer interact with this reality

    25. contract is still in effect and I don’t see them canceling it

    26. “The Russians will only deal through me as will the jewellers, so in effect I have both ends tied up

    27. The West African medal may well be hung on a ribbon of yellow and black, as fever and death stalk hand in hand in effective combination

    28. As noted earlier, one man one vote would, in effect, have been an abdication of political power because of the numerical differences between the races (a result of the British concentration camps according to my own theory), and it was simply not allowed until 1994 when traditional voting took place and every group voted for itself

    29. The Nationalists, in effect, forced the SAP to self-destruct by either refusing to enforce the laws constructed by its political masters (legally impossible), or to enforce the shameful laws and thereby lose the respect of the vulnerable which it should be protecting

    30. Life imprisonment in those years meant between 18 to 20 years, in practical terms for we had the death penalty as the supreme penalty and thus life seldom meant “life” for that, in effect, would be a death penalty which is not what the court had wanted

    31. In effect the second marriage or engagement is void under law but then the universal law of partnership comes in and we will look at that in some detail

    32. It was in effect a second attempt for the first takeover bid for the "Rand Daily Mail" failed

    33. It is a meaningless hodgepodge of (disconnected) images that courts subconscious impressions and private interpretations of what an observer believes he or she sees or tries to see or believes is seen that is oftentimes something other than what is actually seen; that is to say, it indulges an uncertain mood at an uncertain moment of consciousness that produces an uncertain effect on the mind

    34. What has happened, in effect, is that a college education has devolved into a cross-generational equivalent of a high school diploma; that is to say, a contemporary college education has superseded anachronistic (academic) standards of a generation ago

    35. So what did you in effect achieve? Nothing which will bring you the return on investment promised to you! You gave your money to people to play with interest free and how will you recover your investment? By selling your shareholding?

    36. The space was in effect no bigger than anyone else’s, and a couple of others came and went, but he had more wall space than anyone

    37. So plan B didn’t account so much for a plan and ergo wasn’t that much better than plan A, but it did not involve sharks, piranhas, trained alligators, lasers, machine gun fire and assaulting what was in effect, a small fortress

    38. That was some kind of natural law in effect

    39. Physical violence, the use of families as hostages, as well as public executions are already in effect

    40. The man was saying that he was in effect the man behind the annihilation of uncounted lives; the bearer of an apocalyptic curse that plagued their world from time immemorial, that only histories long forgotten had ever talked about

    41. He handed them to Colling, who saw that they were, in effect, a safe conduct and travel authorization good anywhere in Poland

    42. which will result in effective communication with others

    43. My understanding of this passage is that God has said in effect, “The offering of your children has never been my condition of your acceptance

    44. Word would likely have spread ahead of them as they migrated south, that they were peaceful and that they were, in effect, only fleeing oppression

    45. How can anybody guarantee that the forgiven amount is invested at the own country, without emission of money or new loan? Only our Project guarantees, therefore it has the mechanism of incorporating that forgiven amount of 240 billion dollars in effective investment, without using the physical money, without generating inflation and without the transfer process to occur among people

    46. The new systematics measures and it transforms its potentiality in effective wealth so that the African continent becomes the barn of the world so much cultural as economically, without excluding any of its citizens of this benefit

    47. This was in effect a high-level court case held in camera

    48. In effect, the tax will be charged on all new cars and light commercial vehicles

    49. antiquated non-user friendly tools, so in effect they tend not to support front-

    50. In effect 83

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    Sinónimos para "in effect"

    practically substantially almost nearly actually essentially