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    letting down oraciones de ejemplo

    letting down

    1. Standing there, she had a clear field of fire in all directions, as Oberon clambered over spare wheels and the junk in the back, letting down the tailgate when he got over to it

    2. Bannister, who had been letting down at top speed, throttle back, boards out, instantly rolled in off-heading, wrong airspeed, switches not set yet but knowing he could correct it all as he got closer

    3. ‘Impossible!’ he cried, letting down the pedal of the washing basin in which he had been sousing his healthy red neck

    4. ‘With me? Happiness is the matter with me!’ said Levin, letting down the window of the carriage they were driving in

    5. He spoke further of the incidents of his visit, of his father's mode of life, of his zeal for his principles; she grew serener, and the undulations disappeared from her skimming; as she finished one lead after another he followed her, and drew the plugs for letting down the milk

    6. He hadn’t known, until that moment, how desperately he craved that feeling … the feeling of letting down his guard, of having someone see him for who he really was

    7. He has his own games, his own bits of mischief, whose foundation consists of hatred for the bourgeois; his peculiar metaphors: to be dead is to eat dandelions by the root; his own occupations, calling hackney-coaches, letting down carriage-steps, establishing means of transit between the two sides of a street in heavy rains, which he calls making the bridge of arts, crying discourses pronounced by the authorities in favor of the French people, cleaning out the cracks in the pavement; he has his own coinage, which is composed of all the little morsels of worked copper which are found on the public streets

    8. "Impossible!" he cried, letting down the pedal of the washing basin in which he had been sousing his healthy red neck

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