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    lineation oraciones de ejemplo


    1. They were not blemishes, but instead a delineation of what he was—hauntingly beautiful

    2. The delineation of such costs is crucial,

    3. There became a clear process of delineation between tasks when problems occur

    4. Impact evaluations may include delineation of affected batches and additional or more

    5. More accurate would be "negation" of power or "neutralization" of power, but of course, those are negative delineations, and mind-manipulators prefer positive imagery

    6. For example, the pomegranate that is presented to the people of Paradise is comprised of the delineation mentioned in all the previous Verses and is referred to with the words: “couches”, “cups”, “attractions” and “zareba”

    7. The object israther delineation of character

    8. How much conflict, how much death and horror has been created by the creation and delineation of imaginary lines-boundaries-borders? If you examine history: it is an endless conflict between imaginary-created abstract lines and actual human conditions

    9. „Intuition,' he stated with effect and then seeing that I was in need of delineation he

    10. lustful desire merge with loving feeling and lost the fine line of delineation that was

    11. The auctioneer heard, without much surprise, that his was a constitution which (always with due watching) might be left to itself, so as to offer a beautiful example of a disease with all its phases seen in clear delineation, and that he probably had the rare strength of mind voluntarily to become the test of a rational procedure, and thus make the disorder of his pulmonary functions a general benefit to society

    12. • Cell delineation Maintains the boundaries between cells, enabling systems to isolate cells within a bit stream

    13. delineation of the molecular alterations apparent after abstinence could allow one to

    14. There were white hummocks and pale delineations of things recumbent under sheets in the dimness

    15. In 1949, the FBI declared his Death of a Salesman “a negative delineation of American life

    16. This is a gentle delineation, is it not, reader? Yet he whom it describes scarcely impressed one with the idea of a gentle, a yielding, an impressible, or even of a placid nature

    17. But quitting all these unprofessional attempts, let us glance at those pictures of leviathan purporting to be sober, scientific delineations, by those who know

    18. In some instances, to the quick, observant eye, those linear marks, as in a veritable engraving, but afford the ground for far other delineations

    19. It is a story of the family rather than of the field, and is charming in its delineations of quaint Russian customs

    20. There are seven sketches of life at Parkhurst School; eleven character delineations of "Boys we have known"—such as "The Bully," "The Sneak"; twelve representations of "Boys of English History"; and seven other short stories of boy life and interest

    21. “The Orchid,” by Robert Grant, Scribner’s, might be an authentic biography of a twentieth-century society woman, including a faithful delineation of her environment

    22. As the central figure in the series of adventures described is O’Rourke, so the most conspicuously meritorious piece of literary work is the delineation of his character

    23. It is a theme which has engaged the pen of writers time out of mind—but it is safe to say that never has the theme been handled with such mastery, with such keenly sympathetic character delineation and analysis, as that with which Mr

    24. We trust that all cultivators of mineralogy and geology in this country, will willingly aid Professor Cleaveland in enlarging his list of American localities for a second edition; and we hope that he will repay them, at a future day, by giving us a distinct treatise on geology, with as particular a delineation as possible of the geological relations of the great North American formations

    25. By a view of the map of this country it will appear that the above divisional line will divide the Territory into nearly two equal parts, and it has, for the most part, a delineation by nature

    26. We are indebted to this gentleman for his delineation of this singular case

    27. He had worked hard upon it; great pains had been expended upon the delineations of character, and the tone and play of incident; the plot, too, had been worked up with much artistic force and skill; and, above all, everything was so strikingly original; no one, in regarding the various characters of the tale, could say: this is intended for so-and-so! No, nothing precisely like the persons in his romance had ever actually existed; of that the author was certain, and in that he was very probably correct

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