Usar "naive" en una oración
naive oraciones de ejemplo
1. Kulai was always mild and even and sweet and gave the impression of being naive
2. In truth he was anything but naive and would get the better of people in negotiations while letting them chase him directly where he wanted them to go
3. But I was naive and I truly thought that white man only wanted me to drive his car and do errands for him for $75 a day
4. My mother was your lover, you never saw anything in me but a naive soul you could train to make the body she abandoned, act like she was still animating it
5. At the time, I was young and naive
6. I was a virgin until that moment, naive and totally lost, except for the feelings he opened for me
7. Lying there in the darkness, she smiled at her younger, naive self
8. He seemed honest enough to be naive in fact, she entertained the thought that she had under-appreciated him
9. They weren’t naive enough to do outdoor work themselves, but they had hired some of the largest and best known investigators in the city in the past
10. Likewise, in her earlier more naive years, Heather would’ve charged down the
11. amazing that the woman could be so naive
12. He wasn't talking like a wizard, but still the naive and dependent little child
13. client than some naive girl with gold teeth
14. Alan had been a naive and desperate child when they met, he was already a successful grown man when he left Zhlindu
15. Naive! I do not think it is appropriate
16. Their bones might be found some decades later by treasure hunters and thrill seekers, testaments to a naive and vain hope
17. Yet, given the recent dealings with the Elusivers, this seemed a tad naive
18. Shelagh could not be so naive as to imagine that he hadn't noticed the scars on Rosemary's wrists, and that they were recent
19. Because when Rosemary had mentioned that she had invited Frank, Shelagh wasn't that naive that she didn't suspect that if Rosemary wanted Frank there, it was for a special reason
20. naive? And he expected her to come to him all sweet and willing
21. They had a kind of pureness of spirit if not a little naive, so what harm could they be planning for Rich? Rita was far too shrewd a lady to let on her interest
22. Monique herself had been tempted by such naive optimism
23. The king was not as naive as he appeared
24. The Temporal Directive had become a naive ideal belonging to a time when the known worlds were isolated or at least autonomous, a time when the troubles of a world could be observed
25. I felt like a naive debutante, being seduced by dinner with an old, rich man
26. He added with a naive feeling of surprise:
27. However naive and futile it may have seemed, he dearly wished to kill him
28. so naive! When America’s financial empire collapses, we should have
29. This concept of reward and/or punishment according to your past actions is a naive explanation of the precious and complex work accomplished by Karma
30. While it still does living a naive,
31. I thought it rather naive of him to think that the Chimu had no spies of their own
32. with the naive hope of decontaminating the area
33. I should have taken it as a hint and gone out of my way to avoid him as well, but I was still naive and stupid back then
34. I could hear Elle laughing at how naive I had been
35. I asked William to stay in the car, just in case I was being naive about staying with them
36. When we believe that two lines differ in length, as in a naive beginning of the Müller-Lyer
37. Even he wasn’t that naive
38. Entire villages began to be attacked, and the Love Spirits, being very naive and not accustomed to war, didn’t know what to do
39. I could hear him crying and I could feel myself falling again but no! Not again I have been so naive to have thought that someone like Chris could change
40. but there is still another part that just wants to never hear why, wants to say naive to the guy that has broken me in bits
41. naive?) and on top of that recommended that Tony move out of the office
42. News is scarce here, and I am naive in worldly things, but I will tell you what I have learned since coming here
43. But now it came to me that this naive kid had not only swallowed
44. he insists that the hope that biochemistry will yield the whole story is naive
45. It was probably naive to think the insanity would be any less insane when I pulled up to Marv’s diner
46. This is both naive and inaccurate
47. The impact of the news delayed a few minutes in being processed by our naive and incredulous brains
48. For any tender hearted naive soul who has read this far, GHB is
49. Had he really been that innocent and naive? Clearing through his problems helped with the need for drugs and he got through the day without using cocaine at all, managing with just a couple of joints and a shot of tequila or two
50. ‘What’s heaven but hearsay? Won’t the benedictions therein seem make-believe? The Hindu swarga, the Christian salvation and the Islamic hereafter, are they really real? Had anyone called back to earth from those summits of faith? And without a body how does the soul enjoy the earthly pleasures of the religious heavens? How naive is man in envisioning heaven! If the swarga is not make-believe, won’t Sneha join the company of the pativratas, in wait for their husbands they had left behind? But, having sinned so much here, would I gain admission there? Well, if hell were to be my destiny, why not make the best of the rest of my life here itself? It looks sensible