Usar "parting" en una oración
parting oraciones de ejemplo
1. Their parting had not been easy, as stormy as their pairing
2. fingers gently to ease the pain of the parting
3. Kate and Jeffrey left the chamber quietly, their parting not being noticed by the others
4. ’ Drens said huskily – clearly he is finding the parting as difficult as we are
5. That was the end of the incident in the log she had playing so Ava commented on Yellelle's parting words, "What a bitch!"
6. She remembered the parting
7. she smiled, “K’nada gave him a parting gift
8. “Not only is this poorly crafted---note how the threads of the wraps bulge over the burrs left on the guide feet, and the gaps between reel seat, grip and hardware---now listen:” and he pulled on the rod to separate the two pieces which made not a sound at the parting
9. Harry looked away as the gentlemen approached the door to exit the shop, but heard clearly, and remembered ever after as long as he lived, the parting words the Sportsman left with all in earshot, “Mr
10. She smiled without parting her lips and sat back,
11. She asked one parting question of Kulai as she climbed inside
12. Kaitlyn's father left on his own errands when they reached Normandy, with the parting words that he would see them in Paris in six days time
13. I am unused to resorting to such arguments as I was perforce required to employ, yet all was well and from our initial introduction to our parting of ways was but the duration of a good stretch and yawn first exercised upon a chilly winter's morning
14. He makes a profit of the one by keeping it in his own possession, and of the other by parting with it
15. The farmer makes his profit by keeping the labouring cattle, and by parting with their maintenance
16. The farmer makes his profit by parting with them
17. The profit is made by parting with it; and it comes back with both its own profit and the profit upon the whole price of the cattle, in the price of the wool, the milk, and the increase
18. When the ewe collapsed, Tragus added three vicious kicks in parting
19. and then the sentimental parting
20. After finishing their customary rounds at the tavern, they stopped outside before parting ways for the evening
21. With a loud cry, just as she had done in the bathroom, she threw herself on him, and parting her lips frantically, took in his raging cock and swallowed his torrent of spunk as quickly as he could release the exciting fluid
22. By thus parting good friends, the natural affection of the colonies to the mother country, which, perhaps, our late dissensions have well nigh extinguished, would quickly revive
23. It might dispose them not only to respect, for whole centuries together, that treaty of commerce which they had concluded with us at parting, but to favour us in war as well as in trade, and instead of turbulent and factious subjects, to become our most faithful, affectionate, and generous allies; and the same sort of parental affection on the one side, and filial respect on the other, might revive between Great Britain and her colonies, which used to subsist between those of ancient Greece and the mother city from which they descended
24. He lowered his head, exhaling as he tried to conjure up his parting words to Alex
25. “The only rest you are guaranteed Pte Woods is when your toes have curled up and you are thrown with the rest of the corpses until then you will get on with the fatigues you are given and carry them out quite cheerfully”, and with this parting remark he proceeded to hand out the working parties and assignments
26. I had to prise her off and she and Mabel clung to each other like survivors on a life raft the parting almost too much to bear for all of us
27. The pilot left them with a farewell and good wishes, but it was not the kind of parting one would have with
28. “Remember he is a sly bastard he might not try to give you a kicking in fact he wont because he’s a fucking coward but he will try to get you back another way”, and with these parting words he went on his way
29. “Try not to let all this get you down too much hopefully I can find someone else who can help”, and with this parting comment he left
30. Rabbis H’s police interview was interspersed by interruptions from his mother, her parting shot
31. “I’ll be back in the morning,” the surgeon said in parting
32. Between thoughts of Coal and the idea that he was parting with the ransom money, Bosco was feeling more apprehensive by the second
33. “Puh-lease,” Cruzel pleaded as he faced where Latrandura had lain, ready to send her a parting gift, only to see he pull herself through her own small catflap of a rent in time, and disappear from the cave
34. That evening the adventurers spent the night in a small cave before parting and the large man and half-Elf set of or their journey toward Taron and the rest of their lives
35. “Depends on whether Books is snoring again,” Maldynado muttered, but he lifted a gloved hand in parting and tramped indoors
36. With that parting remark Terry was gone and they watched him through the lounge window as he ran to Sheena’s car, slamming the door closed just in time to stop a cat slipping in behind him
37. Together they turned toward the priest, their hands never parting, their souls forever joined
38. You know, I can still remember our final parting
39. Contenders for the one million dollars for charity Scow is pledging as a parting gift to the city have been reduced to a list of five finalists
40. His head came forward then, his lips parting, and for one interminable moment, I thought he was going to kiss me
41. I tipped my head back, my lips parting, as his other hand found the small of my back
42. My blood roared in my ears, my lips already parting in anticipation of his kiss
43. And as a parting gift, he had left Albert Gray with a broken nose
44. The crew around the plane simmered down in the presence of authority, parting like the Red Sea for Moses
45. With another coarse chuckle, he gave me a parting shot, “The
46. open hatch above showed a parting of the hull’s timbers, but
47. And with that parting reminder, Langdon was up and out of Crabby Bill"s
48. I remembered her, her body, her soft embrace, her tears at our parting, and the music carried me and I drifted in it
49. ” With those parting words,
50. He was glad when they came to the parting of the ways