Usar "silly" en una oración
silly oraciones de ejemplo
1. It didn’t change that he loved the silly cunt
2. "You can take us from this star or that star, this age or that age and we're still just humans doing our silly human things
3. Ackers wrung his hands in the air in frustration, looking very silly and clichéd
4. I'd sat with him for several evenings while he drank himself silly and even cooked food for him, egging him on to eat when his appetite failed
5. “Forget it, Dan, who cares about silly old waiters and mysterious
6. modernity rather than the traditions of old wives tales and silly Greek flummery
7. Though it is gratifying that she and Adrian care that much – Adrian had even come on the phone at one point trying to convince me that they had space – silly man!
8. All very silly
9. ‘I suppose you could say I am trying prevent a silly argument becoming something even more ridiculous
10. ‘I … he … it was a very silly argument
11. A silly grin spreads across his bloodied face and he begins to mumble
12. Bolt stares out the window, a silly grin plastered on his face
13. But the alternative is just plain silly
14. ‘Oh, don’t be silly, Emma
15. I hadn't thought about it, but I suppose it did sound a bit silly, cartoonish even
16. It was both so silly she wanted to laugh and so real she was afraid
17. ‘Yes, she was sobbing herself silly before they brought him out but when he started on her she just froze
18. it was silly
19. My qualifications are quite good and then I could let the house out, it would be silly to opt out of the property market
20. The silly bitch didn't mean it
21. It seems silly to fuss so I leave him in peace and wander into the kitchen
22. ‘Just being silly, Mum
23. He relaxes visibly – silly man, did he honestly think I was going to say anything else?
24. But no, probably I am all wrong he can't be so silly, I thought
25. Yet, I could hardly enjoy it, as the bloke started bombarding me with lots of silly questions such as: “Are you sensitive?”
26. Silly really, he wasn’t that much taller than me really
27. Nothing can be so bad that you are crying like that!’ he exclaimed as I sob myself silly into his jacket
28. ‘Don’t be so silly, Kate
29. Whenever I confide in her I like some stranger on the road, she says scornfully: “Only silly women fancy such men!”
30. That first night we smoked ourselves silly, knocking back our bottled water as if it were neat vodka, becoming giddy with the sound of each other’s voices
31. “Love you too, you silly boy,” he said softly
32. it doesn’t matter how silly it is
33. " Victoria enjoyed Glenelle's company and conversation, especially with Al still in his funk about his silly shuttlecraft mission instead of reveling in the excitement of discovery
34. For a moment Kara hesitated, wondering if there was an aspect of Joris she’d never suspected … a black brutal side she’d never seen … then she realised that the various weapons had been used by people attacking Joris or his colleagues … they had been won in battle … oh, you silly man! It’s a gallery of your successes! I wonder if the Secret Guild would like these … they have a small museum
35. Lord those eyes of his! Concentrate silly girl, concentrate
36. He sat there drenched with a silly grin on his face
37. SAMANTHA: It was silly
38. Come here, you silly lady
39. That'll show these silly kids
40. This huge man, who was afraid of nothing, sat there on Wolf, with a silly smile on his face as tears were running down his cheeks
41. Some of the stories were hilarious, especially the ones about the Blue dragons; some were so silly they were all laughing hysterically before the end could be told
42. ‘Can’t make any promises, but we could stop there for coffee … probably won’t find anywhere open … it’s still early … but we can have a look … seems silly to come all this way and not set foot in the town … we’ll want a break by then anyway
43. Again and again he had to remind himself that he didn't drive her from his bed, he simply agreed with the Apostle Paul that the sterile simulations of reproduction were silly
44. ' 'You silly or what? It will be a
45. ‘Come on, Katie, this is silly
46. Just before they left the room, Rayne noted Duncan had a silly grin on his face and both she and Tarak laughed
47. Silly that I should miss you more here than I do when I’m in Bournemouth, but that’s how it is
48. ‘I was very silly, Jo
49. Ava had been caught up in it while it was happening, but while listening to it in words, it seemed a silly little walk thru a damp basement compared to the abandoned areas of Zhlindu or Yondure, or even the canyons of the Yakhan
50. She wasn’t going to narrate the whole thing, she didn’t want to sound silly