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    1. The Tale of Marley Williams Hatch

    2. "We saw it leave," Ava on the ground said, and told a tale of being flown over by the shuttlecraft

    3. Rose relates a horrifying tale about the bombs which were dropped … some of her family were killed in Bristol in an air raid aimed at one of the factories … and she was also anxious about Wally as they were engaged by then

    4. For example, when an infant has an accident and is paralyzed for the rest of his life, I can never swallow the tale that “this event serves an invisible but good purpose” or “his soul chose this because he needs this experience”, or “he is punished for something bad he did in his past life” and all that paranoiac piffle

    5. However, this truth is usually revealed to the advanced disciples only; the rest of us delude ourselves with the fairy tale of self-improvement – and we never get anywhere

    6. It was true that 'Virgin birth sired by God himself' had been a popular tale told by girls in ancient times on this planet and many thousands were documented and hundreds had significant numbers of followers

    7. He cocked his head, listening for the tell tale whistle of slipstream and the dark, forbidding rumble of eighteen inch rims, and then smiled

    8. "But you're here to tell the tale," Fyasin observed

    9. Alan's fairy tale, not Luray's

    10. Luray's tale was one she could understand and appreciate, she knew of the Troubled Times

    11. Once upon the fairy tale of softly focused memory,

    12. You also better believe I wouldn't be accepting this now if you hadn't proven the truth of your starship tale

    13. Today, the tale can be

    14. ‘It is a sad little tale, Lintze … ten years ago or so, I was working in the north of Italy, around the lakes

    15. for gifts that bear the tell tale

    16. The message was of a tale told by the whole crew of a flats-raft out in the Zhlindu basin

    17. " Reading speed was a modification he'd made to himself centuries ago, he flipped the page, there were three more repetitions of the same tale, as told by different members of that crew to different newsmen

    18. Andrew was deeply affected by the tale of Ash and his heroic death

    19. Gonzar told her tale of an army of intelligent dactyls breeding in the depths of the Ttharmine that were coming out bent on world domination any day

    20. Yarin told a very short version of Luray's tale, not naming names, but Desa recounted how she'd heard the long version

    21. When the people learned the details, ‘First Contact’ and the emergence of Jake became the most sought after tale to relate

    22. This is a tale with roots that run deep into the

    23. ‘Poor you!’ I commiserated, listening to his tale of woe

    24. quietly beautiful as that of the fairest fairy tale princess

    25. “Oh?” he said it in a way that made Kelvin wonder how Thom was telling the tale

    26. just like a fairy tale prince, but as she approached him the battered

    27. Tevid was very impressed with Tarak’s tale of Rayne and the creatures on Agria

    28. But it was the tale of the late Septak guard dogs that held his attention

    29. me years ago, when I was but a nipper,” he said, “It’s a tale of a

    30. his own military experiences with the childhood tale for the first time

    31. seem to be a story, a childish tale, but you should understand that

    32. “My story is a tale of a group of companions, travellers from

    33. “My tale is set in the island of mystery, many years ago, when all

    34. told me this very tale when I was a girl,” she chuckled, “But

    35. gunner returned to his tale

    36. “I don’t really know that Himla was here when she was Tdeshi? Do I have that right? Your tale is a little confusing

    37. “There's quite a tale behind that old bitch,” he said, draining the

    38. Guessing at the price of the tale, Tom offered to buy the old man

    39. with the distinct impression that he had told this tale before

    40. “Ha, that old wives tale,” the hunter laughed, “No, they don’t

    41. seat, appeared to be taking some interest in the tale

    42. Alistair turned to each other at the conclusion of the hunter’s tale,

    43. “My tale is all about secrets, and the things that have to be done to

    44. sleep, but she would occasionally relent with a short tale

    45. The trace on the monitor is showing all of the tell tale signs of ventricular tachycardia

    46. Fred told this tale with a certain amount of relish, and Tom found

    47. “Nothing much,” He told the tale from the Kassikan’s side, how her body had been found unconscious on a needleboat, how she was brought to the clinic

    48. “And have you heard that tale about Grace Darling?”

    49. The older man shrugged, then returned to his tale

    50. “And there’s another tale, which will have to wait for another

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