Usar "unvarnished" en una oración
unvarnished oraciones de ejemplo
1. Petty politicians have used the war for their own purposes, thimbleriggers have not been idle; but to the close observer it was evident that the war was a war of the people, the will of the multitude, inflamed perhaps by much exaggeration and misrepresentation, but nevertheless exerted for a just purpose when unvarnished facts stand forth
2. Driving there and staying for some weeks, I began to encounter unvarnished Africa
3. I preferred my history unvarnished, but it was rather diverting reading
4. was an unvarnished one, and he seemed to look at people in that
5. or admit it, but it's the unvarnished truth
6. otherwise, since the forces of unvarnished capitalism had once
7. But she shook her head; and as she presently walked through the rain holding Fritzing's umbrella,--none had been bought to replace hers, broken on the journey--getting muddier and more draggled every minute, she felt that now indeed she had got down to elementary conditions, climbed right down out of the clouds to the place where life lies unvarnished and uncomfortable, where Necessity spends her time forcing you to do all the things you don't like, where the whole world seems hungry and muddy and wet
8. Then you will see the true social interplay of unvarnished hate, envy, and jealousy, and plotting, and treachery, and skullduggery explode into the open instead of being hidden behind closed doors and closed hearts and closed minds
9. The systematic corruption and poisoning of Winston Churchill by his own undead ancestors…by every evil filthy thing that could infiltrate his life and body and soul, can be traced and analyzed in the unvarnished historical facts of his life
10. Musically, I had just the opening melody that Allen’s playing immediately rendered more graceful, but I was shocked by both the passion of the music and the unguarded, unvarnished anger of the lyrics that Allen proposed for the bridge in a series of uncomfortable questions
11. ALL I WANTED was the simple, unvarnished truth, but isn’t that what we all are searching for? That night I sat in an old painted pine rocker beside Kathleen’s pretty canopied bed
12. Arraigned at my own bar, Memory having given her evidence of the hopes, wishes, sentiments I had been cherishing since last night—of the general state of mind in which I had indulged for nearly a fortnight past; Reason having come forward and told, in her own quiet way a plain, unvarnished tale, showing how I had rejected the real, and rabidly devoured the ideal;—I pronounced judgment to this effect:—
13. Hubert, in King John, presents us with an unvarnished picture of the common people receiving the news of Prince Arthur's death: