Usar "upset" en una oración
upset oraciones de ejemplo
1. All Chemicals cause imbalance, upset the environment and increase stress
2. she’d been involved in a long term relationship up in Bristol … it fell apart … she was considerably upset, partly because of that and partly because her sister had just got married … she was at the age when she could feel the clock ticking
3. Frank was very upset to hear this
4. Even though it would make his ma right upset, Peter didn't actually want to be a panhandler
5. ‘Hmmm … What worries me is that you were implicated … now from what you’ve told me, Dan used to get really angry with you when he had upset you …
6. ’ He said quickly, obviously bothered that he has upset me
7. The information which is available to you in this book, is passed along with the understanding that we are always responsible for our actions, we must not upset the balance of our delicate ecosystem, nor endanger ourselves
8. ‘Don’t be daft!’ he said with a half smile ‘You’re allowed to be upset when someone vandalises your car
9. I’d be more than upset if they did it to mine!’
10. ‘Pretty upset, but not harmed
11. He’s terribly upset … he thinks that it is possible that Sadler tampered with Liz’s car before going into the house and blames himself for not checking the car was okay
12. Got upset whenever she cried, so, of course, she learned very fast that he was entirely at her beck and call
13. Whenever I hint that we ought to stop seeing each other she gets all upset and I can’t go through with it
14. Herndon had used a little technology and a bit of money to establish this ranch farther into the chaparral than any other fenced operation, but tried hard not to upset the social or economic fabric of the area by encroaching too much on the open prairie
15. So what are the facts? An operation arranging illegal immigration of undesirables (according to Renald Forhamm) ostensibly organised from Earth with well-placed contacts across on Errd, a suspicious Errdian in a position of some power in London, Earth, who is upset by the arrival of an agent of the Secret Guild on his patch … and come to think of it, he’d not liked the fact you were coming to this part of the country
16. ‘That was kind – he was ever so upset to hear the news
17. Lyla was upset with Son and she let him know this the morning of his
18. ‘She had a nasty nightmare last night and was extremely upset when she woke this morning
19. They came bounding around the side of the house and almost upset the grill
20. Pottypears is upset is that he didn’t know what was going on
21. I respect you Beth, and I won’t do anything to upset you
22. The dragonets were delighted, and began to keen, even in their eggs; but they were upset when they realized that they couldn't communicate with the large dogs
23. What are you upset about? You can't hold me responsible for her being a virgin
24. Kate was very upset for Michael
25. He had been very upset over what had happened, he could see and feel the pain that they all felt over the death of Ash
26. ' And that's what we did and soon we were all laughing again, but because he'd upset me and then was so sincerely sorry, I felt closer to him at that moment than ever I had felt before
27. Andrew could see that he was upset, but now was not the time to ask why
28. For all his posturing, he seems genuinely upset about this
29. Ruby was dreadfully upset by the despicable fate her mother had chosen for her and she sobbed quietly into her bedclothes
30. When he was in the nurse's station, upset and confessing I was long into another thought, not aware it ever happened
31. I was going to visit and started to get upset
32. I know that you have been upset that you cannot contact Valotin
33. ‘Karen said you were upset when she left you yesterday
34. ' She was upset with me
35. Of all the people to bump into! Alastair doesn’t go into detail but I gather Barrie was less than complimentary about me which really upset Alastair
36. ‘Hi, Jo, how are the nerves?’ I laugh but then tell her about Alastair’s encounter with Barrie and how it upset him
37. ‘What is it, Ben?’ he looks shamefaced then admits that he’s upset Katie and that she’s crying
38. I said if, Ish said, upset at the score more than
39. The men are deep in conversation when we get back to the table, and both look at me as though expecting me to be upset in some way
40. He looked upset, as if a Gujarati girl broke his heart
41. I don’t know how it works but I can usually differentiate between you being upset about some outside agency, like today, and you having an accident or something
42. an upset patient comes in
43. I was afraid it would upset you, Anna
44. ‘I’m not upset, Simon,’ I said smiling through my tears, ‘Thank you so much
45. Crazy, but little tiny things really upset me at the moment
46. ‘I brought her a photo of Sam, Jo, wasn’t sure if it would upset her or not and had a very hairy moment when she opened it, but she loved it – was I relieved!’
47. Margaret seems to be one of the few people Bunty was really close to so she would have been upset by the news
48. He's not in the office today and thought it just as well I knew about it, just in case you were upset
49. the thought of spread makes me queasy … probably not a good idea, the fat might upset my stomach again
50. ' he said encouragingly 'Nothing to get all upset about
1. She knows what will happen if she upsets things
2. “Argh!!! This very much upsets The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa!” Said The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
3. " He spoke softly, "I know that it only upsets you
4. It has been observed that we are avoiding more and more the last two types of taste with the result that it upsets the digestive system and balance in our blood, thereby leading to a number of diseases, including cancer
5. It is one of the most highly researched herbs and probably the first herb to reach for in the case of mild stomach upsets caused by nervousness or hyperactivity
6. Most now believe these little Hominids were a separate genesis that upsets the ―Out of Africa‖ theory
7. It upsets him, she says
8. Seeing me cry upsets him a lot, even if it was irrational which in this case it was
9. had unwanted pregnancies, abortions, upsets and tears; it
10. Most often it’s a result of something that upsets
11. After one of her upsets, he asked me, “How is your mate?”
12. defeats the purpose of lifestyle changes and upsets the balance created
13. purpose of lifestyle changes and upsets the balance created by having a pattern the rest of the week
14. “George would have let you in, but the only thing that upsets
15. ‘I start every day determined to be tough and butch, but as soon as anything upsets me Priscilla takes over
16. Friends and clients called him "Walkabout" Miller because of his erratic, hair-brained flying techniques which resulted in several nasty upsets
17. When another driver does something that upsets you,
18. They would wake up at the same time, have the urge to go to the bathroom at the same time, suffer the same upsets in health, and they even dreamed about the same things
19. Petra Cotes interpreted it as one more of so many upsets brought on by the bad situation, and every morning for over a year she would touch his palate with a dash of honey and give him some radish syrup
20. When Bannion digs deeper, he upsets quite a few people in organized crime along with their co-conspirators in the police force
21. it really upsets me when I have to waste time on something like a corrupt start-up file
22. carbohydrates and dangerous fats upsets the natural balance of the bodies
23. reject it because it upsets too many of their own cherished beliefs
24. and prophesies of their faith, which upsets some of its leaders
25. “Well maybe she really doesn’t remember beating that little boy Marcus up, but still, what if she ever comes to our school and one of those children there approaches her and tells her something that upsets her, then she winds up going off on that child beating the crap out of that child too, then winds up not remembering that either
26. However, negative moments, negative emotional upsets were engraved in my memory in detail
27. And out of nowhere, here comes this young upstate senator from Illinois who upsets the
28. Digestive upsets, bowl pains from indigestion peptic ulcers, colitis (inflammation of the colon), with the symptoms of diarrhea, some times with blood and mucus
29. another room if his presence upsets you
30. declared act of war by a president, still upsets me
31. Her confirmation upsets Cass’ hungry heart
32. Thus it is anger over anger that upsets the mind
33. There’s only one thing that upsets me: He said her name with such care…
34. “We have rules,” he says, and it’s clear something about this upsets him again
35. This upsets the balance between oxygen and CO2
36. If anyone upsets her in any way they will suffer consequences and believe me they will not be lenient
37. “I'm sorry if mentioning her upsets you but I think there is something you need to realize and I will not let it be pushed away
38. Revival always upsets the status quo! Now, we must understand the hurdle it was for the Jews to accept Gentiles—but this was God’s new thing and, in fact, more accurately it was God’s new man
39. The next cart it upsets is that of literal interpretations of books like the Exodus, various parts of
40. This upsets the person who thought that they had a
41. You know women—a nothing upsets them, especially my wife
42. "Is it Baxter that upsets you?" he asked at length
43. She had also observed that certain kinds of illness – stomach upsets, coughs and colds, and poxes of all sorts –seemed to flare up during fairs and markets; so it seemed obvious that they were passed from one person to another by some means
44. The rapidly diminishing number of plague victims, and others who had catching illnesses such as stomach upsets and poxes, went into the new building, which was officially blessed by the bishop early in the day
45. If he finds that a series of losses upsets him it is an easy matter to reduce the number of shares one-half or a quarter of the regular amount, or even to ten shares so that the dollars involved are no longer a factor
46. He is endowed with a certain indescribable, unexpected joviality; he upsets the composure of the shopkeeper with his wild laughter
47. Small digestive upsets are relatively insignificant in survival conditions, but symptoms which suggest a more serious condition should not be ignored
48. Use them to staunch bleeding and heal wounds, for fevers, colds and digestive upsets and other treaments as described
49. "But other people noticed it, and that's what upsets him
50. The condemned man experiences a fear which is very terrible, but purely physical—an unconscious fear which upsets his moral nature
1. He certainly wasn’t worried about upsetting me
2. Some of his work is very upsetting – children being abused … wives being beaten … I’ve never worked out if it is worse for him having to defend the aggressors or to prosecute them … either way, he has to delve far too deeply into people’s lives
3. You might be upsetting your stomach with too much fruit
4. “Hope you haven’t been upsetting anybody this time” said Fred
5. ‘I was just concerned that you might have found the whole exercise too upsetting, that’s all
6. It was very upsetting for us to even
7. ‘You’re upsetting the cat, you idiot! Oh, the vicar said to phone him if we wanted to practise for the wedding
8. easy to understand how upsetting that would be! I
9. ‘Have you any commitments at church this weekend? I’m not going to risk upsetting Peter by stealing one of the pillars of his church from him at the most important festival of the church’s year!’
10. And combined with the stress of the move, knowing were only a get 45 minutes for lunch really was upsetting her
11. How can anyone be happy that his family has been captured and exiled from their native country? It would be upsetting to most others
12. "You can live with that, can you? Hordes of wild unmonged pigs roaming the countryside, upsetting young ladies, riding around on tricycles and leaving their mess on your lawn?"
13. I don't know how to put it without upsetting us both
14. “You don’t have to tell me all this now it is obviously upsetting you and wearing you out as well
15. The athletic build, cropped hair, sallow skin and cold stare, told Holland that this was a man you’d regret upsetting
16. You can also hear the handler shouting in the background to the criminal to "f cease upsetting his dog and stop f moving
17. In this manner a (thoughtful) society seeks to promote dialogue and affect (meaningful) change(s) without (unduly) upsetting the natural ―order of things
18. have been declared upsetting and mind threatening by concerned experts of the
19. These novels have been declared upsetting, and mind threatening, by
20. This measure, while upsetting the bi-cameral symmetry that remains the underlining genius behind our form of government, would likely invest (disproportionate) political influence in the hands of citizens residing in relatively fewer, however more densely populated states
21. Dickens was in every respect a man of conventional manners and tastes who sought to reform existing (societal) arrangements without (needlessly) upsetting the social fabric
22. She quickly realized her comments were upsetting her sister
23. That having been said, I neither seek to ―forgive‖, in the manner that such transgressions must be quickly taken to task, nor explain away improper conduct upsetting to thoughtful Christians who have been raised to
24. As he cupped his nose with his hands, she threw her weight against him, upsetting his balance atop her
25. And, I don‘t need him around upsetting me emotionally, because that‘s what happens every time
26. He joined Susan and their three youngest, living in different hotels, upsetting staff wherever they went, pulling their usual uncooperative and confrontationist stunts whenever challenged with requests that did not suit them
27. “My mother was also cremated at this place and it is very upsetting to realise that half of her remains are lying in a hole somewhere
28. He could tell it was upsetting me
29. Bush and the Republicans is that the election of 2000 was “stolen” from them in the Florida recount, which they had insisted upon in hope of upsetting Bush’s narrow victory
30. Making the change, whatever it is, may mean the upsetting of one or more habitual ways of going on that
31. When severe, morning sickness can ruin what is supposed to be a joyous time -and doubly upsetting
32. She stares at me, waiting for my response, but I’m only thinking of what I want from her, and that does not include upsetting her
33. and damaging your career by upsetting one of the power bases within
34. damaging your career by upsetting one of the power bases within the company
35. Despite my finding it incredible that a grown man would cry over my fax, I nevertheless apologized to the ACO for inadvertently upsetting Mickey
36. I can imagine it would be terribly upsetting, even devastating
37. “I can’t watch this!” Mark declared as he abruptly stood, almost upsetting Talia from his chair’s arm
38. as he was not there constantly upsetting her with his
39. I directed golden-white Light to the members of the team, but did not send energy to 8, to avoid upsetting the balance of energies they wanted to establish
40. For almost three hours, we discussed a very upsetting letter he had received from her
41. Bleeding Skull stayed in close quarters, too close for the bat, but too close to the upsetting fluids covering Dawley
42. The Army did not know that the aggression was really directed at them for upsetting all his plans
43. A small number of pre-teens and teens still wet the bed, and for these children, the problem can be quite upsetting
44. No sense upsetting her again, responding,"Yes, that's the long-term scenario
45. Zoe had a very upsetting day and she was very angry
46. remembered how she ran away from him, her act upsetting the
47. But perhaps back then it was to avoid upsetting literary writers who received such poor advances!
48. We’ll also look at ways that you can tell her that you aren’t being satisfied by her in bed (without hideously upsetting her)
49. That you can see “how upsetting it is to her when you both fight about sex all the time”