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    Usa "cos" in una frase

    cos frasi di esempio


    1. Have to do better than that, computer, cos I’m over it

    2. ‘If you are God you can give me that, cos you’re all powerful, right? There’s still things---’

    3. The SIN, COS and TAN Functions

    4. Here, you input the angle value into sin, cos and tan function

    5. 22 The same things wrote he likewise to Demetrius the king and Attalus to Ariarathes and Arsaces 23 And to all the countries and to Sampsames and the Lacedemonians and to Delus and Myndus and Sicyon and Caria and Samos and Pamphylia and Lycia and Halicarnassus and Rhodus and Aradus and Cos and Side and Aradus and Gortyna and Cnidus and Cyprus and Cyrene

    6. A unit Vision should span a couple of COs tours or about five

    7. "I did, but he only searched my back pockets and I had the other one in my front, which I forgot about cos it happened so quickly

    8. “Yea, cos I’m the one who dragged you in a here!” Gulab used the same tone

    9. And then it got worse and worse cos Kate is Matthews’ girlfriend and they kept giggling and holding hands and I saw them both

    10. and I couldn’t see if she let him cop a feel cos the serving hatch was too small, but he looked so smug when they came back with

    11. after it’s gone and Kate was fussing it and telling it that it was a really good boy cos it didn’t bite Matthews when he put the

    12. I’ve been looking in GQ or it might have been in FHM or Loaded or something (Danny Smith at school got me a copy of Loaded from his brother cos I sort of told him I was writing about

    13. which is ages away but he’s really into being her boyfriend cos he can cop a feel when he likes and she’is nearly convinced but he wants to get her a pretend dog – cos that will make her wear Kylie shorts and put her arse in his face and stuff won’t it?

    14. and we could share the money cos we’ll all be happy then – and 43

    15. like 42 hits, though Toto says that it isn’t a real number cos every time I go there it adds one to the count and I’ve been

    16. though when we were doing the settings, cos he put my job as

    17. spend the money on the Moni-me camera except that Toto stole it and hasn’t even got a receipt so I’ve got this crappy shitty camera and it’s all his fault and I hate him cos he could’ve got me this one instead of spending all his pocket money on

    18. stolen one of those so easy when we were in House of Fraser in Bristol cos they were on the counter when Mum was trying to

    19. underwear and saying that I should buy Kate some cos at least

    20. then she’d look like a girl but that was before she became that fat greasy scratter’s girlfriend and I cut her off cos she’s

    21. own copy of GQ cos first of all I thought it was the one I borrowed off Toto and that my Dad had come across it when he was

    22. finds them in the end anyway, cos even though the mother had

    23. trousers off in the garage cos there are loads of weird old

    24. chemicals from the man who used to live in our house before he died of his heart breaking cos his wife died and his kids had run away from home years ago cos he was boring or nasty to them

    25. Liverpool’s (who Steven Gerrard plays for) biggest enemies cos they both live near the same park and probably have fights all the time and stuff

    26. Anyway, we told Dad that we were going the park cos the

    27. Toto wanted to steal the clanger off their burglar alarm as well, but it’s on the front of the house and people would’ve seen him and stuff, so we just took the dog, which was really easy cos it was as stupid as the rest of the family and just followed us when Toto 58

    28. I could put my cap on it too if I had it in the corner of my bedroom, cos I can never find it and stuff

    29. wicked cos it had these really foney plastic bits of meat hanging from the ceiling and you could have a Desperate Dan Cow Pie

    30. which was cool cos it was like a whole meal in this really massive bowl with pastry on top and two horns sticking thru it

    31. between his legs and pretends that he’s a girl, well he’s hiding out and there’s this other girl in like a big pit (Dad said it was a geek pit, cos people used to put geeks in pits and throw chicken heads at them before they had computers and got rich and cool

    32. and stuff) - but anyway, Kate is tied to this table and I feel strange cos she’s all hot and sort of sweating and smelling funny 68

    33. with Mum about Terry or anything - cos downloading MP3s

    34. So I was playing with Google and kind of searching for more stuff about Quiksilver cos Dad said he would buy me a Quiksilver T-shirt to put under the Ben Sherman shirt Uncle Terry got me from his mate who’s on

    35. stupid cos even the ones you buy in the shops are made in

    36. he hasn’t got any friends cos they’ve had to move to his Mum’s family house cos Daddy is canned at her maj’s pleasure - and

    37. That’s where Fred West hung himself, and it would be so cool if Matthews’ smelly Dad hung himself cos then he would be

    38. like she was in Sex in the City but got thrown out cos she looked like a bloke except not that much like a bloke)

    39. Well, he was like really angry cos he thinks I

    40. me not to cos it was a family secret bound by blood and

    41. even though Toto said to go to his party and pretend to be his friend cos you should always keep your friends nearby but you

    42. after he moved to Arsenal - and I hate them and think it must be weird cos everyone is French, though I guess it’s the same at

    43. But the party was OK cos Minto was funny and kept telling

    44. Hi again, I had to get up to write this cos it was the most

    45. You see, Matthews has been telling everyone for ages how he’s this super DJ and that and even Kate said he was OK - cos his Dad had got him these really expensive decks and lessons at Christmas last year and Minto had seen

    46. it’s weird cos when I asked Minto why it was ok for him to say it but not for me, he thought it was funny and then he said:

    47. was talking to Kate cos I asked him to and I said to Matthews

    48. go and put it on his computer and stuff cos I had to give Toto the CD-R back because he didn’t want anybody else to have a

    49. Anyway, I just pretended to get real shitty and said that if he didn’t want it I just wish he’d stop pissing me around and treating me like a bitch and all - and he was like ‘no, no’ and stuff cos he really wants Cubasis and all but really was worried about Kate and

    50. rassed to be seen with Kate cos she’s a kid and everything and a skater-girl whereas Minto says that he isn’t Grunge and he isn’t Rude – ‘I’m an individual’ - but Matthews is dumb like that and doesn’t really think it through

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