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    Usa "madrid" in una frase

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    1. Doubtless there would be trouble with the team over in Madrid when he told Grant what was going on, but then Grant had dropped James in it properly when they had realised that someone needed to deal with the Chas situation, so it would just serve him right

    2. The same thing may be said of Paris, Madrid, and Vienna

    3. His Temple in Madrid says he’s in Rome, but Cupid knows he’s not in Rome because Cupid has been there for three weeks

    4. But a few hours before, the Spanish general had cabled Blanco and Madrid that Cervera had escaped, and General Aguirre at Cienfuegos was ordered to receive the squadron with ostentation, while General Correa cabled his congratulations to the Admiral

    5. Had injudicious censorship allowed news of the plight of our forces to reach Madrid, Spain would have hurled its strength towards the city's defences, to save a national disgrace by assault at frightful sacrifice

    6. On July 10th, Toral, receiving prompt rejection of his offer to capitulate if allowed to march out with full honours of war, requested that cable operators might go to the city, to transmit to Madrid the terms of the surrender demanded

    7. However, terrorism sowed terror and succeeded to incite indignation, hatred and fear with the infamous massacre of March 11 in Madrid, just three days before the elections

    8. There is no doubt that on March 11, Spaniards in Madrid acted with dignity and even heroism

    9. One of them, The Daily News of the San Fernando Valley of California showed in the front page pictures of Barcelona, Zaragoza and Pamplona (and of Madrid in the interior of the paper), below the title across the page which read in huge letters:

    10. Overlooking the fact that, for more than three decades, ETA (Basque terrorist group in Spain) has been causing desolation, which has resulted in more than 800 deaths, before Madrid there were already New York, Bali, Moscow, Baghdad, Najaf, Karachi, Istanbul, Mombassa, Jerusalem, Riyadh, Casa Blanca… What do those voices want to accomplish, blame the Spanish government and justify, or perhaps even applaud, the atrocities of soulless terrorists who only desire to kill? In addition, do those heralds long for Spain to be ready to surrender its foreign policy to the demands of pitiless and savage terrorists? Were that posture of appeasement to be adopted, it would create infinity of problems much more severe in the future

    11. ¿What happened? Two things occurred: the March 11 massacre in Madrid and, as Ignacio Sánchez pointed out in the ABC digital edition of March 15,

    12. We flew from Los Angeles to Madrid, with a stopover in London, on August 4 in the afternoon and landed in Heathrow Airport early morning of next day

    13. Our trip to Madrid via British Airways was cancelled

    14. What was the result? We arrived in Madrid hours late and without our suitcases, which arrived in Spain two days later

    15. Our intention was to go from Madrid airport directly to Salamanca where we would stay two days before we proceeded with our tour through Portugal and northern Spain

    16. Waiting for our luggage, we remained in Madrid for two days and reconfigured our itinerary for visiting cities in the Iberian Peninsula

    17. Instead of proceeding to Salamanca from Madrid, we decided to travel to Lisbon and advance towards the north of Portugal into Spain

    18. I arrived in Lisbon early this morning, having taken an overnight train from Paris, by way of Madrid

    19. With my dispatches finished and sent off, I left the court, which was currently in the city of Madrid, in the middle of the country, and hurried to catch up with Gonzalo who was in Cartagena, a large port on the southeast coast

    20. On the plane to Madrid, a Spaniard told me it was difficult even for him to

    21. To return to the United States, he had to go directly to Madrid International Airport on September 16 as planned

    22. That solidarity with the United States became also obvious at Madrid international airport on September 18 when he left the Spanish soil to return home

    23. On Sundays it transforms into a kind of flea market of “rastro” style in Madrid, Spain, or Florence in Italy

    24. That agreement, known by the name of the Nootka Convention was signed in Madrid in 1795

    25. While they were still in Fuentesnuevas, Roger’s brother Antonio sent a telegram from Havana, Cuba, that he was arriving in Madrid

    26. Ironically, Roger and Josie, both products of Castro’s condemned “Imperialismo Yanqui”, were asked to go in their Mercedes-Benz to Madrid airport to meet Antonio who was traveling from Castro’s Cuban “paradise”, with an almost empty suitcase inside another for the purpose of filling them both with consumer goods to take to Cuba on his return

    27. Somewhat disillusioned, they returned to Tarrasa after a three-day stop in Madrid

    28. Although the eighteen-week program in Salamanca and Madrid, including the one-week tour through southern Spain, was both gratifying and relaxing for Roger, he missed his children considerably

    29. Carlos is taking courses at the University of California at Irvine, after spending one school year at the University of Madrid, Spain

    30. Salamanca, about one hundred miles north-west of Madrid and about forty miles from the Portuguese border, is a university city with an ancient history, a preserved artistic display of picturesque art and an attractive way of life that evidences a sense of individual comfort and security

    31. The first “Semester in Spain”, sponsored by Los Angeles City College, was indeed a positive educational experience and an academically rewarding adventure for the students who chose to take full advantage of the opportunities offered to them during the six-week stay in Salamanca and eleven weeks in Madrid, and a one-week tour of southern Spain

    32. Josie, who was in Madrid studying with a group of teachers from Los Angeles, went to Salamanca on an excursion and was on her way to visit the University

    33. He said in 1991 President Bush gave a speech at the Madrid Conference to pressure Israel to turn over land to the Palestinians

    34. While the President was in Madrid giving his speech, a hurricane changed direction and traveled about one thousand miles out of its expected path to slam into one of the President’s homes in Maine

    35. stopped in Madrid to open a new office for Exbrus

    36. I had not yet discovered the mysteries of love, nor traveled to the distant lands of Egypt with its fascinating pyramids and its enigmatic mummies, nor walked by the powerful ruins of Machu Picchu, nor seen the portentous skies of Bogota, nor navigated through the narrow gorges of Venice, or visited the giant cathedrals in Madrid or the glimmering white towers of the Taj Mahal, nor the sumptuous waterfall Angel Fall, nor perceived the subtle aroma of the Dutch tulips, nor tasted a faint taste of the Swiss delicacies, nor the French pastries, nor the Mexican toasts

    37. I bought a pair of rope soled shoes, neat trousers and a white shirt, then attempted to hitch to Madrid

    38. Madrid was astonishingly beautiful

    39. “Have you noticed all those soldiers?” someone remarked as we were driving from Madrid to Valencia

    40. Generalissimo Franco was returning to Madrid

    41.  Aranjuez, a town about forty miles southeast of Madrid containing one ofthe royal estates

    42. He sailed down to Mexico and caught a flight to Madrid with Gunter and Boris Smitz

    43. mote Spanish village, which compared closely to maps held in a Madrid museum

    44. In Madrid, almost all of the children picked up by police

    45. Madrid the capital city of Spain, with about 1,000,000

    46. ‘’I have her number, which is from the Madrid area, and am presently running it through the Madrid directory

    47. ‘’I highlighted the calls this Maria Franco either sent by or received from Ronald Atkins, our Madrid Chief of Station

    48. By the way, Atkins is married and his wife is presently residing with him in Madrid

    49. The information about your team and your exact mission is however being kept tightly controlled and the Madrid Chief of Station is not to be made aware of your presence in the Cadiz area

    50. A second team from Langley will be sent to Madrid to deal discreetly with the embassy mole you unmasked, so that you will be able to concentrate your attention solely on the weapons shipment

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