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    Usa "middle ages" in una frase

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    middle ages

    1. As we walk through the entrance into the house – a pretty mansion originally built in the middle ages and rescued from dereliction early in the 20th century – he gives himself a little shake

    2. One of the few unarmed forces in the world, they had the utmost regard of the European superstar policeman; fighting a tidal wave of international organized crime with only their bare hands, hopelessly outnumbered, out-gunned and underfunded, technology from the stone age, forensics from the middle ages

    3. 'During the Middle Ages Faria had a thriving community and became a haven for pirates

    4. doctrinal stress of the Middle Ages unbridled to

    5. During the Middle Ages, people had a smart

    6. One of the most important and influential philosopher-theologians of the high middle ages

    7. And further, according to some college students recently studying history, during the outbreak of the Black Death that devastated Europe in the Middle Ages, victims of that disease grew boobs on their necks

    8. However, by the middle ages, with the crusades and interaction with the Muslims, there was a renewed interest both in hygiene and medicine

    9. Childhood was rough in the middle ages – only 40% of children survived the gauntlet of illnesses to adulthood

    10. “In the middle ages the Pope had very great sexual powers…”

    11. This idea of divine abode became the empyrean heaven, where in the middle Ages stood the mansions of the blessed

    12. habitat in the Early Middle Ages (we are interested in the period of time between

    13. The state of the economy in the Early Middle Ages, especially in an area

    14. Degeneration of the Latin language at its periphery hastened the Roman Empire’s dissolution in the Middle Ages

    15. however, it is certain that the constitutum was regarded as genuine both by the friends and enemies of the papal pretensions throughout the middle ages

    16. Christianity, during the High Middle Ages, produced a scholar who attempted to

    17. France and Germany both have Catholic leaders, and there is no interference from Rome, which is an idea of the middle ages

    18. explorers in The Middle Ages who certainly observed that the

    19. My nose was still larger than most! Many years later I learned that ninety percent of Israeli Jews are descended from Ashkenazy Jews who originate in central Europe, converting to Judaism in the middle ages in the vain hope of avoiding war

    20. nuns in the Middle Ages

    21. Europe out of the terrible darkness of the Middle Ages

    22. of the fifth in the Alchemists and Rosicrucians of the Middle Ages; while its

    23. There was plenty of that in the Middle Ages, but it was chiefly due to the

    24. lts origins can be traced to the High Middle Ages (Berman 1988)

    25. During the Middle Ages, for example, elective starvation was viewed as a means

    26. in the Middle Ages?

    27. A number of equally black, cone-shaped communication towers dotted its surface, making the thing look like the head of an ancient mace from Earth’s Middle Ages

    28. The middle Ages witnessed the use of fully-spike-armoured

    29. During the middle ages (Europe) it was commonly believed

    30. The Museum of Hoaxes: A Collection of Pranks, Stunts, Deceptions, and Other Wonderful Stories Contrived for the Public from the Middle Ages to the New Millennium, E

    31. Its crusades and violent inquisitions came out of this thinking that prevailed through the middle ages

    32. During the Middle Ages everyone was middle aged

    33. That was his life two years before Gaston began to wait for the airplane, and it went on the same way on the afternoon that he went to the bookstore of the wise Catalonian and found four ranting boys in a heated argument about the methods used to kill cockroaches in the Middle Ages

    34. The old bookseller, knowing about Aureliano’s love for books that had been read only by the Venerable Bede, urged him with a certain fatherly malice to get into the discussion, and without even taking a breath, he explained that the cockroach, the oldest winged insect on the face of the earth, had already been the victim of slippers in the Old Testa-ment, but that since the species was definitely resistant to any and all methods of extermination, from tomato dices with borax to flour and sugar, and with its one thousand six hundred three varieties had resisted the most ancient, tenacious, and pitiless persecution that mankind had unleashed against any living thing since the beginnings, including man himself, to such an ex-tent that just as an instinct for reproduction was at-tributed to humankind, so there must have been another one more definite and pressing, which was the in-stinct to kill cockroaches, and if the latter had succeeded in escaping human ferocity it was because they had taken refuge in the shadows, where they became invul-nerable because of man’s congenital fear of the dark, but on the other hand they became susceptible to the glow of noon, so that by the Middle Ages already, and in present times, and per omnia secula seculorum, the only effective method for killing cockroaches was the glare of the sun

    35. [15] Godons: Nickname given to English soldiers by the French during the Middle Ages, due to their habit of swearing by saying �Goddam�

    36. Doctor Shelton, on top of her diplomas in history and human sociology, is the author of a thesis on the High Middle Ages, which she embraced as her specialty in history

    37. ‘’Ladies and gentlemen, you could hardly find a period of history more dissimilar to our own concept of human society than the High Middle Ages

    38. Ann had few illusions about how effective those capes would be at rendering inconspicuous a group of tall men and women wearing what would look to locals like suits of armor, but that was the best they could come up with quickly, the fashion of the 41st Century being totally unlike that of the Middle Ages

    39. Toulouse had a reputation through the Middle Ages for being a tolerant and cultured city compared to most of the rest of Europe

    40. Unfortunately, I know little about the Middle Ages and its capacity for food production

    41. He then remembered what Ann Shelton had told him about the demographics of the Middle Ages: towns with a population larger than 10,000 were actually the exception in this time period, at least in Europe

    42. The merchants ended up buying at that store nearly two tons of tools, nails, kitchenware and other steel and glass products, along with a few seemingly minor but actually very valuable items for Middle Ages people, like sets of fine steel sewing needles and dozens of handheld mirrors

    43. [4] Dreki : Longship used by the Vikings for their coastal raids and their battles at sea during the High Middle Ages

    44. [7] Margrave : Old early Middle Ages title for a noble controling a territory on the border of a kingdom

    45. Since the Middle Ages, cod liver oil has been used to prevent and treat rickets

    46. something that did not even work in the middle ages should work now? These kinds of

    47. during the early middle ages, but that was due to the military potentials brought in there

    48. It did happen in the Middle Ages, but that custom has long been abandoned

    49. He remained confident in the teaching of the English anchoress from the middle ages, Julian of Norwich

    50. “What did you just almost call me? Were you starting to say ‘Brother Cadfael,’ the mystery novel monk from the Middle Ages who was an accomplished herbalist and who had a penchant for finding dead bodies and solving crimes

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