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    Usa "reverend" in una frase

    reverend frasi di esempio


    1. The reverend quoted passages out of scientific studies about how singing raises the white blood cell count

    2. I mean, where would Alice be without the Reverend Dodgson or Peter Pan without dear old Mister Barrie?”

    3. I mean, where would Alice be without the Reverend

    4. Walcott is soon to be married to a certain Reverend Cruttwell, of Malvern College

    5. Although Malvern was not ideally equipped to prepare him in this regard, the Reverend Mr

    6. reverend professor was not accompanying the students on the

    7. The reverend Jesuit, the Chief Rabbi, and the Holy Iman

    8. observed by the very accurate and intelligent author of the Memoirs of Wool, the Reverend Mr

    9. The chestnuts shade, in reverend dream,

    10. the name of Reverend such and such?

    11. Together with Reverend Charles Coughlin, they formed the Union of Social Justice Party, a leftist coalition opposed to Roosevelt's New Deal as not going far enough

    12. chased Peace with God, a book by the Reverend Billy graham

    13. Have you heard Reverend Jackson on this? Who is man to sit in judgment of another man? Judge not, that ye be judged

    14. The Reverend Doctor was reputed to be a very eloquent speaker; and, bearing in mind the old dictum that a minister should take his best clothes to the city and his best sermons to the country, he delivered a very scholarly and impressive discourse

    15. That reverend gentleman looked gravely at him

    16. "If--if I was your father, I would give you a spanking that you would remember all your life, Miss," said a very angry reverend gentleman, as he stalked out of the study

    17. Prove, from scriptures by quoting the appropriate passages that a minister, priest, preacher, reverend, pastor or any other type of clergymen must conduct the funeral of a child of God

    18. 9 He sent redemption to his people: he has commanded his covenant forever: holy and reverend is his name

    19. Reverend Eugene H Peterson, in “The Message”, correctly heads this section with the words

    20. That Onias, who had been high priest, a virtuous and a good man, reverend in conversation, gentle in condition, well spoken also, and

    21. ship of Reverend Jacinto Alderete, the center’s

    22. Reverend George Walter Capps, to the current

    23. Reverend James Jones, bishop of Liverpool, has set forth a new “earth theology” that holds Christianity to be a religion of consumption

    24. Little was said, even by his stumbling Republican opponent, of Obama’s lifelong radical left associations, of his refusal to reveal his Harvard Law School records, or the effect of his twenty years absorbing the hate America ranting of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s “God DAMN America” Trinity United Church

    25. It is an Anglican mission founded in 1838 by Reverend Alfred Nesbit Brown to convert the Maori population to Christianity

    26. 12 And this was his vision: That Onias who had been high priest a virtuous and a good man reverend in conversation gentle in condition well spoken also and exercised from a child in all points of virtue holding up his hands prayed for the whole body of the Jews

    27. His uncle was like the reverend and Michael the intellectual

    28. 15 O blessed old age and reverend hoar head and life obedient to the law which the faithful seal of death perfected

    29. To my reverend handmaid of Christ, the Abbess Tetta, in the bond of spiritual love, and with a holy and chaste kiss of affection:

    30. And I got hold of that Reverend Greyson too

    31. Accordin' to the good Reverend, this is a non-sanctioned church event, whatever the hell that means

    32. Brother Humphries watched through a veil of fog as Rosa departed and Hank, Reverend Greyson and Deputy Sheriff Jennings headed his way

    33. "Shut it, Reverend," said Brother Humphries

    34. As they were leaving, the Reverend Switzer detained her and led her back to his office for a minute

    35. to reverend John Schug, in his book on ‘Padre Pio,’ the saint’s temperature

    36. One Sunday in June 1997, Reverend Ted Cummings speaks from the pulpit: “Starting today, you need to think of God and His creations in a new light

    37. "And finally,” the Reverend pauses for dramatic effect, “He gave us his only begotten Son

    38. The reverend wished he never quit

    39. “Thank you, Reverend Peabody

    40. “Quite the contrary, Reverend Stonebridge,” Greg replied

    41. The Reverend Archibald Stonebridge, Chief Financial Officer of the Swordsman Church, turned to Greg, “My x-ray machines indicate that you still carry the little toy you call a snub-nosed 38 next to your right biceps

    42. “The Mother Superior for the Sisters of Mercy sent me a copy of the surveillance recordings of your meeting with the Reverend Stonebridge

    43. In addition to his schoolwork, The Reverend, for that was how Emerson was to refer to him, piled him with religious studies

    44. The Reverend taught him chess and introduced him to war game simulations

    45. As Emerson’s background in religious literature expanded, the Reverend recruited him to help write sermons

    46. The Reverend was clearly proud of him, continually encouraged him, but never relaxed the intensity of Emerson’s training

    47. The Reverend, immediately realizing his mistake, stooped to pick up the escaping balls of fur

    48. The Reverend Max Hoffman, DD

    49. casts the unanimous ballot for the Reverend Doctor Harold

    50. Treasurer withdraws his nomination of the Reverend Max

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