Usa "senator" in una frase
senator frasi di esempio
1. But his mother had been a Senator from the late great state of Ohio, his father an officer in the occupation in charge of keeping order in the senate chamber
2. Because his mother had been a senator back when Ohio was a state, they were housed at an army barracks
3. John Slidell who, prior to the Civil War was a senator from the state of Louisiana, joined the
4. Furthermore, he considered the Saginaw a political vessel that was ordered to be built in California by the secretary of the navy at the instigation of California Senator William
5. The two most egregious in today"s America are Senator Chris Dodd and Representative Barney Frank, he of the male prostitution ring from his townhouse
6. It comes to our attention that, in a recent attempt to stem taxpayer losses for bad loans guaranteed by Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack, Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn
7. Senator Dodd explained his party"s vote as follows: „Passage of such a requirement would restrict home ownership to only those who can afford it
8. After the visitors left, they quickly stepped into the presidential carriage and headed to Senator
9. Rabidly racist United States Senator from Tennessee
10. Superb liberal Massachusetts Senator re health, labor and other issues, when he wasn"t in a drunken state chasing waitresses under the restaurant tables
11. Thus, Senator Leahy, in his capacity as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, saw fit to kill a bill that had been passed unanimously by the House
12. It is perhaps worth noting, and keeping in the forefront of our memories that the left has currently adopted the same stance as this disgraced senator, with oh so much more vigor
13. Compare that stance with that of Obama, who, while a state senator from the benighted state of Illinois, even voted against the law entitling new-born survivors of abortion to have life-support systems
14. Semiliterate, uneducated senior senator from the benighted State of New York
15. At first, and in view of his being a failure haberdasher and then being called „The Senator from Pendergast," didn"t have much of a reputation around the Capitol
16. American Senator and Statesmen (1782-1852)
17. “Ahhh, then, that would be Senator Andrews,” he replied with a twinkle
18. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts should dispense with its farcical practice of holding mock elections and simply designate its Senior Senator Senate Pro-Consul for life and be done with it!
19. He became a Democratic Senator, and when Tennessee seceded, he spoke against it, but also against abolitionists
20. When Batista overturned the results of an election, a newly elected senator, Fidel Castro, led a revolt
21. Long was both a US Senator and Governor of Louisiana
22. In the first debate, the Senator declared that the United States has to pass a “global test” before using the armed forces for its security
23. These numbers that continue to distance the president further from the senator as the absentee ballots are counted, perhaps do not mean much to the readers of this article, but they document for the American people an uncommon victory for the president
24. In addition, in time of war, many did not believe that it is logical to elect a senator who in 1971 vilified, with unfounded allegations before Congress, the armed forces of the country he was now aspiring to govern as commander-in-chief
25. Neither did the senator inspire much confidence when, after voting to send the troops to Iraq, voted later on against the 87
26. Personally, I would love to see a presidential campaign between the “polarizing” Democrat senator Hillary Clinton and the very popular Florida governor Jeff Bush, brother of the present resident of the White House
27. Hannibal Hamlin, Lincoln's first Vice President, a Radical Republican senator from Maine, would have been a far better president than Andrew Johnson during Reconstruction
28. In actual history he served two more terms as Senator before retiring in 1880
29. The material Laura had are photos of him in bed with her and this Senate office memo of Senator William Anderson causing a young member of his staff to be pregnant
30. �How about Senator Klausburger's material?� the Captain stated with a slight smile
31. Vanessa was another story, for she was a ticking time-bomb and her threats to Klausburger's well-being drove him over the edge,� replied Steve as he closed the file on Senator Klausburger
32. A third party may win city council or state congressman, or even Vermont senator
33. "We have a warrant for your arrest, Senator Lena Schmidt
34. “That is why on Feb 19th Senator Rockefeller, joined by seven of his Democratic colleagues, wrote to
35. In 2005 Senator McCain and three others sponsored a bill that would have required better
36. Senator Arlen Specter stated, “it"s a challenge to the plain language of the Constitution
37. ” Senator Robert Byrd (D- W
38. For example, a Leftists has blind spots in logic, when it comes to such things as whether Government has money or as Senator Chris Dodd (Democrat from Conn
39. I am again reminded of the most recent statement by Senator Chris Dodds when he voted against a GOP bill to require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to require of all loans they buy that the owner put up at least 5% of the purchase price
40. Remember, she came undone and began ranting about that he was to address her as Senator, because of all her hard work to obtain that title
41. “You there, Senator Clinton
42. Senator Obama, with no set preconditions, as candidate for president was willing to talk with an enemy who had expressed his own Mein Kampf
43. On the thirtieth anniversary of the original DDT ban in the United States, Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords introduced a bill in the United States Senate calling for an international treaty that would further restrict the use of DDT
44. For those such as Senator Jeffords and other environmental greens who proclaim their sensitivity, compassion, and good conscience to assist those in need, there is a question to be considered
45. When the nomination was announced Senator Edward Kennedy rose on the Senate floor to condemn “Robert Bork’s America
46. ” That America, the Senator intoned, would be tormented by midnight police raids, segregated lunch counters, back alley abortions, and courthouse doors “locked on the fingers of millions of citizens
47. His speech was necessary, the Senator later explained, to prevent those Senators recognizing the high qualifications of the nominee from signaling their early support
48. Senator Kennedy revealed later that numerous and repetitious phone calls had to be made to persuade (coerce) those who knew better to testify against Judge Bork
49. A prominent Republican Senator from Arizona has never seemed to learn that lesson
50. The President and Congress looked forward to a Happy New Year finishing off their work of dismantling the American Republic behind the barricade of their 60 Senator filibuster proof majority