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    Usa "apprenticed" in una frase

    apprenticed frasi di esempio


    1. Claude, had been apprenticed as a vintner since he was

    2. All male children exempted according to an approved criteria, or beyond school age up to the age of eighteen years, not currently apprenticed or otherwise gainfully employed, shall henceforward be required to provide bi-annual proof of employment to this Council at the commencement of Autumn school term and at the end of Spring school term

    3. He was after all just an apprenticed architect and not yet graduated from university

    4. apprenticed in some area of the service and that could lead to a lifetime in the Ministry

    5. Sheri, after high school, was apprenticed as a hairdresser and beautician and no higher ambitions troubled her after that

    6. Both were apprenticed to learn at a very early age

    7. I’ll be moving out of the Orphanage and apprenticed to Old

    8. apprenticed to a blacksmith

    9. Offspring of ignorant and poor, boys apprenticed to trades,

    10. I did not desire to be apprenticed

    11. So Bert was apprenticed - bound for five years - to Rushton & Co

    12. I was fully old enough now to be apprenticed to Joe; and when Joe sat with the poker on his knees thoughtfully raking out the ashes between the lower bars, my sister would so distinctly construe that innocent action into opposition on his part, that she would dive at him, take the poker out of his hands, shake him, and put it away

    13. "Meaning the master you were to be apprenticed to?"

    14. "You had better be apprenticed at once

    15. "I was liberally paid for my old attendance here," I said, to soothe her, "in being apprenticed, and I have asked these questions only for my own information

    16. The shop where he had been apprenticed used to be just down at the bottom; the place had been pulled down years ago, and the ground was now occupied by more pretentious buildings

    17. He had first been apprenticed to Elfric’s father, Joachim, a builder of wide experience who had worked on churches and bridges in London and Paris

    18. Merthin, by contrast, had been apprenticed to a carpenter, and set on a road that could only lead farther down the social hill

    19. I was heartbroken when they apprenticed me to a carpenter

    20. “Ah, to be apprenticed to a Surgeon on a Slave Ship at Thirteen is to know, ere the Waters o’ the Womb are fully dry behind yer Ears, the full Extent o’ the Degradation o’ the Human Heart!” Lancelot went on

    21. Running away from him at length, she was apprenticed to a Quaker Sempstress of cruel Temper (who us’d her as a sort of human Pin Cushion and curst the Colour of her Skin as the Devil’s own Doing)

    22. I had myself been apprenticed by my former visits to this watching horror, and yet I, who had up to an hour ago repudiated the proofs, felt my heart sink within me

    23. He had, it appears, been for three months apprenticed to a printer

    24. " Well, I see through you once and for all from this minute," cried Tatyana Pavlovna, jumping up from her seat, and so suddenly, that I was utterly unprepared for it; " yes, you were not only a lackey then, you are a lackey now ; you've the soul of a lackey ! Why should not Andrey Petrovitch have apprenticed you to a shoemaker ? it would have been an act of charity to have taught you a trade ! Who would have expected more than that of him ? Your father, Makar Ivanovitch, asked—in fact, he insisted—that you, his children, should not be brought up to be above your station

    25. The proceedings showed that this boy was apprenticed by his father at a tobacco factory, where he remained five years

    26. It developed during the trial that this boy had been apprenticed in a tobacco factory, in which he worked five years

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    apprenticed articled bound indentured