Usa "authority" in una frase
authority frasi di esempio
1. “Yes, here is the sales report,” Henry tried to say with an air of authority as he put the slightly crumpled papers in Mr
2. "You speak with authority on the natives
3. never happen unless someone assumes the authority and puts everything
4. In order to use the authority and power of Spirit we need to use our faith,
5. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband
6. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own
7. in the name and authority of Christ
8. Behold, I give you the authority
9. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions,
10. According to God’s will we are the bearers of His power, His authority
11. If we have an understanding this authority we will not set our
12. the manifestation of His authority and the release of miracles by the
13. Behold, i give you the authority
14. We have the authority over him
15. All the authority given by Jesus must be manifested through the Church,
16. We have the authority whether we realize it or not
17. authority of the believer
18. Church have such authority on the earth which we have not realized yet,
19. the authority which we do not use… Only few of us have touched the edge
20. of this authority, but before Jesus comes back there will be a whole group
21. Behold, i give you the authority 101
22. We need to learn how to take on this authority so that we could confirm
23. whom he presented and he realized full measure of his authority as a
24. God gave you the authority in your life just as He gave the authority
25. you have the authority over your family and your
26. When we saw in the Word of God that we had the authority over
27. to the Word of God and release this authority with your mouth
28. Behold, i give you the authority 103
29. God gave me the authority over demons, diseases and
30. that is why i take the authority over any situation which does not
31. and all the symptoms of disease in my life, for i have the authority to trample
32. i thank my God who has given such authority to the man
33. Jesus gave us the authority, and the Holy
34. has given us the authority over demons, diseases and death
35. that authority, Satan will use it
36. the Scriptures: God gave us the power and authority to live a victorious
37. has the everlasting authority to forgive our sins
38. his sins for 38 years before he met the One Who had the authority to for-
39. with daring and authority
40. In the end, the victims consider it as the greatest honour and happiness to serve an authority or a master
41. Schools of spiritual development are no different to the army: They teach you how to fight but never for your personal interest; it is always for a supposedly superior authority
42. That is not to say they have the authority of an eldership (which has been
43. authority upon them are called benefactors
44. leader, (to rule, command; to have authority over; a prince, of regal power,
45. As in all departures from biblical authority, men think they know more than God and try
46. If God has provided the rule, pattern, authority for the operation of his church, man
47. 2) Declining respect for the authority of God's Word
48. "An Ayatollah has authority only in matters of faith
49. "The faith they seek is the faith that never questions authority, coupled with the certainty of faith that they are the authority in society
50. (2) A declining respect for the authority of God's Word in all religious matters
51. The inspired writers of the New Testament find both precedent and authority for the
52. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence"(bold mine - RR)
53. They are not to teach or to take authority over the man
54. was never to exercise authority over man
55. Let us respect the authority of God's Word! Let us respect the roles God has ordained for
56. The use of the Bible as a standard of authority in religious matters
57. What do we use as authority in
58. has infants; therefore this gives us authority to baptize infants, but this is not an inference, it is an assumption
59. There is no authority for the baptizing of infants anywhere
60. Having shown that the Bible authority is established by direct command, approved
61. S o far as co n cern s church obligations, elders of the congregation are authority in the realm of expediency
62. The question has been asked, "What is your authority for a song book?" The song book is an expedient
63. It is necessary that we respect and be governed by divine authority
64. This recognizes the Bible is God’s final authority! We need to remember that God’s word
65. “I just want to go home”, she said, trying to breathe softly while mustering the militia of authority to protect her exposed flanks
66. ’ He said, handing back the authority once he had scanned it
67. It might also be part of the reason people have such a hard time in submission to authority
68. In replacing those two words (though He is indeed the Creator), we have allowed an excuse as to why people should not submit to spiritual authority
69. Now, I would like to make the statement that spiritual authority was never intended to be one man or a team of pastors
70. God anoints the people who have authority
71. If in the moment of need the most recent of members to the Body of Christ speaks up with full authority of the Holy Spirit, then he or she has the spiritual authority
72. It is partial to the business-like system that would put the one man at the front as the head over the company, and all others must bow under their authority
73. In the end, she retaliated by forcing him to use the birdery daily to correspond with Lintze, stating that if he didn’t at least do that, she would use the authority she had to have him thrown out
74. It’d be another positive outcome of this whole affair if she and JJ were to get together as Berndt seems to think they may … Abery Hall ought to have children running around its grounds … Kara, get your feet back on the ground! Talking of which, you had better get yourself moving … get this bread home and dig out that authority Berndt gave you
75. The warehouse in question formed part of a complex of buildings set inside a forbidding stone wall a considerable amount taller than Kara; she presented herself at the gatehouse, offering the authority Berndt had supplied
76. Maybe another way to put it is this: Who is your Lord? Caesar or Christ? Power or peace? Who is your King? Herod or Jesus? Is power your king? Is authority your king? Is wealth your king? Who is the king? Who is Lord? Government? Statues? Stature? Hot tubs? Palaces? Who is the king? Who is Lord?
77. Until sickness or death disabled the king to continue their rule, they sat in their place of authority
78. David surrendered his authority
79. True authority and power is established when we defer authority and power
80. He is humble, and from that humility comes His authority
81. There is a conjunction between humility and authority
82. Ultimate humility brings us to a place of ultimate authority
83. When God releases His hand, Satan will actually have the ability and authority to rule over this world
84. She has an air of authority about her … I wouldn’t dare cross her
85. Their mother, who hadn’t yet hit the cans, made a real fuss of them and told the assembled figures of authority that they were always running away and she was so relieved they had been found
86. The young man who sold you the phone was acting outside of his sphere of authority
87. people give more authority to in their lives
88. He lead his country through all of the qualifying matches with an authority that mixed stern determination with the most sublime football skills that the world had ever seen
89. Giving this level of authority to the controller isn’t an easy task in most cases
90. He carried himself with great authority and seemed to garner respect from the men around him
91. He needed the crowd to stay focused toward the front, toward where they looked for authority
92. So much for my position of authority
93. There is no questioning of their authority, just total, blind obedience
94. assembled figures of authority that they were always running away
95. C as a blogger, and they feel your authority over the
96. sold you the phone was acting outside of his sphere of authority
97. who holds into account is at a level of authority and will act upon it
98. But, say you are fired or beaten by someone in authority for what you