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    Usa "bushwhack" in una frase

    bushwhack frasi di esempio


    1. This man had knocked me off Jasper! Standing before me is the bushwhacker that TJ is after! This is the notorious Virgil Troaz!

    2. Casey’s horse could be tethered just up the trail where this bushwhacker left him

    3. “I heard you tracked down the bushwhacker, Troaz, despite that busted arm

    4. He just referred to him as a ‘bushwhacker

    5. Entirely because Jones here, like a professional lawman, continued on up to the bushwhacker’s hideout, found his hidden loot and promptly turned it all in to the proper authorities

    6. “He was bushwhacked

    7. felt they must immediately begin the search for Houston’s bushwhacker

    8. Either the bushwhacker

    9. I was the one who’d been sensually bushwhacked and then taken advantage of!

    10. After a few words with Cindy through the car window, we headed for the backyard and bushwhacked through the waist-high weeds and thistles that had grown thickly between numbers 4 and 6

    11. A week ago, about eight of us had bushwhacked through the woods with cadaver dogs, dug up old deer antlers, and had our hopes raised, then shattered, so that Fish could smell fresh air

    12. He didn’t quite have the skills to be an army sniper, but he was plenty good enough for this kind of bushwhacking

    13. I bushwhacked with my arms, skirting a huge knot of thorny scrub the way Moses had obviously done before me

    14. They weren’t fighters, but bushwhackers, whose primary weapons were surprise and intimidation, not the implements they were suddenly holding in oddly tentative ways, as if trying to remember what they were there for

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