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    1. ROBERT: My first witness will demonstrate to the jury that my client is a loving, caring, and a considerate young man

    2. active part in the conversation to demonstrate you are a good listener

    3. ‘Alastair tells me there’ll be a whole cast rehearsal up at the hall and I think it would probably be a good idea if you and I went along to it to demonstrate to the operatic society precisely what good terms we’re on

    4. After dinner, the kids went off to do their own thing and Gary insisted on helping with the washing up, saying that he was fully domesticated and proceeding to demonstrate that very effectively

    5. Ava wondered if this was the entertainment or if the girls had to demonstrate that their bulls were safely trained

    6. No, the real reason was to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the

    7. A bath big enough for him to completely submerge between her legs and demonstrate how long he could hold his breath

    8. demonstrate his authority over the Church

    9. demonstrate to the Pope that it is he who is in charge of

    10. demonstrate to them that we’re not here to harass them,

    11. ” Harry called, and went ahead of them to demonstrate how he wished them to exchange the staff from one hand to the other

    12. doing all he could to demonstrate that it should be him

    13. considerable exaggeration ), the great sums which they lend to private people, in countries where the rate of interest is higher than in their own, are circumstances which no doubt demonstrate the redundancy of their stock, or that it has increased beyond what they can employ with tolerable profit in the proper business of their own country; but they do not demonstrate that that business has decreased

    14. They will demonstrate the true heart

    15. demonstrate, that though some countries have, by this course, attained to a considerable

    16. The famines which they are said to have occasioned almost wherever they went, in countries, too, which at the same time are represented as very populous and well cultivated, sufficiently demonstrate that the story of this populousness and high cultivation is in a great measure fabulous

    17. There are many authentic records which demonstrate that, during the reign of that prince (towards the middle of the fourteenth century, or about 1339), what was reckoned the moderate and reasonable price of the tod, or twenty-eight pounds of English wool, was not less than ten shillings of the money of those times {See Smith 's Memoirs of Wool, vol

    18. The frequency, regularity, and amount of his repayments, would sufficiently demonstrate that the amount of their advances had at no time exceeded that part of his capital which he would otherwise have been obliged to keep by him unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands; that is, for the purpose of keeping the rest of his capital in constant employment

    19. Those who do leave their details demonstrate their interest in what you have to

    20. Though at present few people, I believe, doubt of this, yet during this period five years have seldom passed away, in which some book or pamphlet has not been published, written, too, with such abilities as to gain some authority with the public, and pretending to demonstrate that the wealth of the nation was fast declining; that the country was depopulated, agriculture neglected, manufactures decaying, and trade undone

    21. You may use it to brand yourself as an authority, or to demonstrate

    22. The: wealth of ancient Egypt, that of China and Indostan, sufficient1y demonstrate that a nation may attain a very high degree of opulence, though the greater part of its exportation trade be carried on by foreigners

    23. These encouragements, although at bottom, perhaps, as I shall endeavour to show hereafter, altogether illusory, sufficiently demonstrate at least the good intention of the legislature to favour agriculture

    24. asleep, she’d demonstrate why the only envy he should feel was that directed at him by all the other men

    25. Should this be supposed, it would afford the most decisive argument, to demonstrate how unnecessary it is for government to watch over the preservation of money, since, upon this supposition, the whole money of the country must have gone from it, and returned to it again, two different times in so short a period, without any body's knowing any thing of the matter

    26. A particular examination of the nature of the corn trade, and of the principal British laws which relate to it, will sufficiently demonstrate the truth of this assertion

    27. To demonstrate what he means by this, he gives an example of how an earthquake in China could ultimately cause a butterfly to flap its wings in Central Park

    28. The temporary laws, prohibiting, for a limited time, the exportation of corn, and taking off, for a limited time, the duties upon its importation, expedients to which Great Britain has been obliged so frequently to have recourse, sufficiently demonstrate the impropriety of her general system

    29. But I warn you, by this act I will demonstrate two things: firstly that I am as charitable with my time as I am with the departments funds; and secondly, that my decisions never - never, I tell you - necessitate revision

    30. To demonstrate how important it is to have your finger on the pulse here, let me quickly outline the compounded benefit of improving both these factors, rather than just focusing on one of them

    31. But that the monopoly of the trade of populous and thriving colonies is not alone sufficient to establish, or even to maintain, manufactures in any country, the examples of Spain and Portugal sufficiently demonstrate

    32. The prime example lies in year 2011 when people in the Middle East countries demonstrate the powerful shift in human awareness

    33. And which of those were men? Were single? Or just wondering what other talents she could demonstrate

    34. Fish never demonstrate affection

    35. She perused both of the craft but the only one she could use was Roidon’s, given that she had a sample of his DNA; there had certainly been plenty of opportunities to obtain a sample, before each shower (they had seemed to demonstrate the truth in the effect of living in dangerous times)

    36. The revolutions which the turbulence of the Greek clergy was continually occasioning at Constantinople, as long as the eastern empire subsisted; the convulsions which, during the course of several centuries, the turbulence of the Roman clergy was continually occasioning in every part of Europe, sufficiently demonstrate how precarious and insecure must always be the situation of the sovereign, who has no proper means of influencing the clergy of the established and governing religion of his country

    37. If we can demonstrate that the aspects mentioned below are in fact true, we will have a good foundation for further investigation and for moving on to other points

    38. I have only touched on a few examples to demonstrate the intricate numerical structure contained in the text of the original languages that exist at different levels in the Bible

    39. It is even more astonishing to find that if one considers each book in the New Testament, they all demonstrate this very peculiar feature: Each book contains words that are only used in that specific book and are divisible by 7

    40. Neither do the books in which they are found demonstrate any complexity in design, as is evident in the Bible

    41. To demonstrate how this works, we could use the palindromic example of:

    42. Many events, designs and models in the Old Testament, if carefully studied, are also linked to aspects found within the New Testament that would demonstrate through symbols, hidden messages and other devices, things yet to come

    43. How then should we treat those statements or sections from the Bible which we are unable to verify authenticity? Would it be accurate to assume that if we can prove 100% factual truth in all cases, would it be fair to treat the sections or passages for which we lack the evidence or foresight into the future, with exactly the same attitude? Would it be stretching it too far to think that we can demonstrate scientifically that the Bible as a whole is a supernatural unity and that we can accept with certainty that it contains true information on all aspects - even on subjects that we are unable to validate, due to our limitations? If we know that the information contained in this Book, predicted events that would happen in the future with 100% accuracy and continue to predict future events which we cannot assess from our point in time, should we not pay serious attention to what it says about those future events?

    44. Also, if the Earth was not to be empty before God started describing his creative work to us, would there be any sense in describing it at all, if we assume that it should all have happened on the first day? To demonstrate this more clearly: When an artist describes how he goes about creating a painting, we would not find it strange that he would start by telling us that he would need a clean canvas mounted on an easel

    45. After Adam made the wrong choice, God had already devised a plan to correct the relationship that was broken through Adam’s choice, and through his plan to demonstrate to us how much he loves us

    46. And he had jumped up in the restaurant and tried to demonstrate her unique way of wiggling, both up and down from the middle at the same time

    47. come to visit in peace, and he wanted to demonstrate his

    48. It would be more than appropriate to demonstrate that, in some instances, the reverse is much better than the original

    49. In the next chapter I’ll demonstrate how all this works in

    50. I thought that we should take a look at some of the Apartheid laws to demonstrate what we learned at College, and the effect they on the populations and those of us who had to enforce them

    1. Not all stress is bad, as has been demonstrated by the pioneering work of Professor Hans Selye

    2. She held them up and demonstrated their use

    3. Like many other Yoga asanas the Swan Posture consists of two opposite movements which I have demonstrated in figures 15 and 16, page 61

    4. knees, and sink into the kneeling position I have demonstrated

    5. I have demonstrated the correct Camel

    6. I have demonstrated the correct position in figure 18, and you can see why this posture is named the BOW

    7. ground as I have demonstrated in figure 25

    8. I have demonstrated the correct position in figure 30, page 91

    9. While sitting in the Lotus Pose with your hands above your head with the fingertips touching as in figure 31, raise your buttocks off the floor and remain balanced on your knee-caps as 1 have demonstrated in figure 29

    10. I have demonstrated the correct position in figure 45

    11. I have demonstrated the correct

    12. I have demonstrated this

    13. I have demonstrated the position in figure 38

    14. as I have demonstrated in figure 47

    15. the position I have demonstrated in figure 47

    16. You should now be in the position demonstrated in figure 46

    17. I have demonstrated the correct position in figure 49, page 151

    18. In this third and final stage you assume the second pose as in figure 51 but instead of placing your left arm outside the left knee you place it inside as I have demonstrated in figure 50

    19. Her sole purpose in life seemed to be dedicated to looking down her nose at people, and nowhere was this alarming personality trait more obviously demonstrated than in her reaction to possible suitors

    20. In recent years this combination of valour and commitment has been ably demonstrated by many of the parliamentarians who congregate at Westminster

    21. ’ She demonstrated how the lounge and dining rooms open up into one large room – ‘I reckon that, with some trestle tables from the church hall, we could seat everyone without too much trouble

    22. this alarming personality trait more obviously demonstrated than in

    23. valour and commitment has been ably demonstrated by many of the

    24. The process of getting tanked is being demonstrated more than adequately by a mixed group a few paces away

    25. Leaving such a boon for our girls to the whims of chance, as the women of my lineage have---as demonstrated through the untutored achievement of a few; that is Unacceptable! Titania and Hipolyta shall receive full training

    26. “Put the paint on the wall this way,” he said simply and demonstrated the strokes

    27. George borrowed a block from each of them and demonstrated the posture and motions he expected them to use

    28. Guardians, the serious mettle of the corps was now demonstrated by

    29. “You two pull on your rain gear and tie yourselves onto that rope, its going to get slippery here, very fast, and I don't want to have to chase down this canyon after either of you,” said White Feathers as he donned a poncho and demonstrated with his own length of cord

    30. Ninja demonstrated how relatively easy it

    31. Then he stopped their progress again and demonstrated just how he would prefer her to walk with the pole, something more of a sweeping movement, but nothing overtly odd at a glance

    32. ” As he demonstrated the full motion, he moved the wagon a few feet, where it rested

    33. He gave each lady a pair and demonstrated their use: right hand clockwise in a moderately sweeping circle, and the left hand counter clockwise in a synchronized motion with the right hand

    34. “It was remembering your every move of that last day on the road near the White's house that prompted our determination to achieve what you had demonstrated,” they admitted to Harry's delighted expression

    35. He received full marks during his Hundred year, largely due to it covering subjects and skills for which he had already demonstrated mastery

    36. ” He smiled widely, his shoulders pulled back delighted that he had demonstrated good foresight

    37. demonstrated by the reaction of the complaint-o-meter

    38. Luray joined them at Nonik's that Noonsleep and demonstrated that she did have a mode other than slow and gentle – to Nonik and Vmikel

    39. God’s power is demonstrated in the place of our shame and

    40. When he was confident at this, she demonstrated how to plow the water with ones arms

    41. Very serious studies have demonstrated that one can improve his muscle strength by 15% with daily exercise of mental imagery without any physical exercise

    42. other people’s lives? Do you have information that is best demonstrated?

    43. demonstrated, rather than just watching you talk about it

    44. They have demonstrated that they now trust you, and if they have just bought

    45. The tattoo was the physical representation that demonstrated my acceptance of my lineage

    46. If I’ve demonstrated anything in this tome it is that I’ve been prepared to take a leap of faith, and when I’m confused, lost or lonely I just remember rule number one

    47. ” They demonstrated their maturity by sticking their tongues out at one another

    48. She had demonstrated great promise as more than the usual infantryman, instead showing an independent flair, a knack for strategy and resourcefulness – to say nothing of her clear and obvious talent with a blade

    49. That foreign trade enriched the country, experience demonstrated to the nobles and country gentlemen, as well as to the merchants ; but how, or in what manner, none of them well knew

    50. But this battle had demonstrated the lasting durability of Dwemer creations, and the inescapable exhaustion of mortal bodies

    1. The entire Old Testament demonstrates the fact that it is impos-

    2. If we are to be rulers of this kind of Kingdom, then we need this same heart and attitude that David demonstrates

    3. The fact that he flirts outrageously with her – much to her enjoyment – demonstrates that he is a frequent visitor to The Centre

    4. ‘What has that got to do with anything, Sally? It merely demonstrates that you’ve something to show for the past twenty odd years

    5. about healing, dramatically demonstrates the concept

    6. It clearly demonstrates, first, their great abundance in proportion to that of corn, and, consequently, the great extent of the land which they occupied in proportion to what was occupied by corn ; and, secondly, the low value of this land in proportion to that of corn land, and, consequently, the uncultivated and unimproved state of the far greater part of the lands of the country

    7. It clearly demonstrates, that the stock and population of the country did not bear the same proportion to the extent of its territory, which they commonly do in civilized countries ; and that society was at that time, and in that country, but in its infancy

    8. The experience of all ages and nations, I believe, demonstrates that the work done by slaves, though it appears to cost only their maintenance, is in the end the dearest of any

    9. The necessity of these temporary statutes sufficiently demonstrates the impropriety of this general one

    10. demonstrates, that this colony was very likely to prosper, had it been protected by the mother country

    11. The frequent conquests of all the civilized countries in Asia by the Tartars, sufficiently demonstrates the natural superiority which the militia of a barbarous has over that of a civilized nation

    12. That in the progress of improvement, the practice of military exercises, unless government takes proper pains to support it, goes gradually to decay, and, together with it, the martial spirit of the great body of the people, the example of modern Europe sufficiently demonstrates

    13. To me this demonstrates that the person who put this together had design in mind

    14. Given these facts, what attitude should we adopt with respect to what is written in the Bible? Should we not pay careful attention to the message it conveys? If we know and can scientifically prove with 100% certainty that the Bible is the only Book on Earth that demonstrates that a supernatural Being was responsible for its construction in its entirety; that every letter in the original languages, in which this Book was written, was placed in their individual positions with intense purpose and that this Book has been preserved through the ages without changing, omitting or adding one letter, does this not give us enough reason to at least read it and try to understand what is our Creator’s purpose for us?

    15. The frequency of treasure-trove, or of treasure found, of which no owner was known, sufficiently demonstrates the frequency, in those times, both of hoarding and of concealing the hoard

    16. It demonstrates a calm confidence that they find to be irresistible

    17. demonstrates the hand of God operating in our lives

    18. Here is a simple program, which demonstrates the use of if and the relational operators

    19. The book demonstrates that we face problems, not calamities

    20. Are they “Coloring the News,” as William McGowan demonstrates they do in other respects as well in his book of that title? Perhaps, Seligman speculates, the bosses fear lawsuits

    21. To Gary Rosen, editor of Commentary, Ravitch’s book demonstrates that the villain of the language cleansing enterprise is the “multicultural left” and its advocacy of “diversity

    22. To Manhattan Institute scholar John McWhorter this incident demonstrates that the man was not interested in the welfare of those supposedly helped by the programs

    23. The book demonstrates that subversion within the West has pitted the traditional moral imagination of the West against what David Gelernter calls “its dead opposite

    24. Hobsbawm demonstrates in his book Interesting Times A Twentieth Century Life

    25. which demonstrates that we have survived those deleterious years of colonialism,

    26. Who says despotism cannot emerge from a grassroots movement of the people, by the people, for the people? History demonstrates otherwise

    27. "It demonstrates racial intolerance," Mark said of the "gene pool"

    28. The President --- his administration --- today (2013) --- demonstrates --- daily, an increasing contempt for the Constitution and is ignoring / fighting the process of implementing laws:

    29. Further, the President demonstrates frequently that he feels he can change laws at his whim

    30. This demonstrates to potential

    31. contact that demonstrates your interest in them beyond the pure

    32. two facts about a client or other key contact that demonstrates your interest in them

    33. from a highly attractive object demonstrates that other factors are in-

    34. It demonstrates yet again the practice of the Jewish community to identify and support such an individual

    35. As a society it demonstrates the same ability to grow, reproduce, and self-repair that we have seen in the cell

    36. For these are truly divine gifts that demonstrates God’s love

    37. This works every time and demonstrates thereby how the whole economy can expand

    38. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us

    39. The Dartmouth map demonstrates that the sites spending the most with no

    40. Review of The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care sadly demonstrates that even our

    41. Death: Exposing the Real Costs of End of Life Care, which demonstrates the many

    42. This episode demonstrates the courage of the Master and his utter lack of intimidation of authority figures, secular or religious

    43. It demonstrates that we must work at providing the essential nutrients and care to a relationship and it will grow by itself

    44. Perhaps it will take a year or more (Empiricism) before the student can demonstrate to the master that the koan has served its purpose as the following story demonstrates

    45. Then, in the box What Demonstrates Completion,

    46. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us

    47. - A killing that results from an act that demonstrates the perpetrators depraved indifference to human life

    48. demonstrates to Google that you are an independent authority within your

    49. In his best-selling collection of therapy cases, Love's Executioner, the psychiatrist Irvin Yalom (1989) demonstrates how alive and well this tradition is in psychotherapeutic

    50. The prevalence of problems with eating also demonstrates an increased attempt to

    1. There was only one male and by the time he was done demonstrating those acts with their instructor, he had little left to use for personal instruction

    2. His t-shirt was stained with sweat, demonstrating clearly the effort he was putting into the digging

    3. Concentrating on not dropping the tray he was holding, the uniformed policeman kicked the door gently with one foot while he balanced on the other and manipulated the tray through the doorway, protruding tongue demonstrating precisely how much effort it was taking him

    4. He was still there when she got to his grotto, and before she could finish saying hi, was already demonstrating more interest in her body than he had the last year they were together

    5. " She was feeling for the post next to her, demonstrating questioning her sight

    6. The human male was speaking, demonstrating the effect of the temporal eradication process through the probe’s recording Zorandi himself had forwarded, speaking (according to the audio translator) as if he were central to the plan

    7. C: -- it demonstrating similar numeric design as that found in the surface text and

    8. house, demonstrating how quick she could be

    9. D: -- All of the information contained in the book is ordered in such a way that the text ends up demonstrating amazing numerical, structural and chronological features when analysed - the design structure demonstrating that every letter’s placement was carefully planned, positioned and anchored

    10. When I completed the first drafts of all of my requirements of the Project Demonstrating Excellence, I decided it was time to start actively looking for a job

    11. Some people see other people demonstrating their unique qualities, then they realize they don't have those abilities, and then they translate that into not having confidence

    12. So you'll want to get good at consistently (and subtly) demonstrating that you are similar

    13. When he ran for president in 2004, his campaign asked peace groups to quit demonstrating, vaguely claiming Kerry would halt these wars

    14. John Kerry, Democratic presidential candidate in 2004, voted for war, and his campaign undercut antiwar protesters, asking them to stop demonstrating

    15. Zinsmann set to work demonstrating how to dismantle and reassemble each of the weapons, with Colling interpreting his instructions

    16. The cabin crew were demonstrating safety instructions and so he prepared himself for takeoff

    17. She is teaching me to braid hair, demonstrating on a lock of her own, laughing when my fingers fumble

    18. He just stood there perfectly demonstrating how proper plants

    19. Her partner in crime was busy demonstrating to her the farcical outcome of events at the bank…

    20. Contacting your customers and demonstrating that you are

    21. was actually able to walk around up there pretty easily (as he was demonstrating), while the

    22. ” Demonstrating that “this was one of those gifts that keeps on giving, like VD,” the incompetent little twerp is an archetypal example of the Peter Principle

    23. The plump Co at the register, demonstrating great experi�ence, palmed the green bill neatly and only pretended to punch Bubba's rat-card

    24. They had reacted with deadly force and Tesar got mad, so he was demonstrating his craft’s ability to defeat their weapons, which caused the flashes of light

    25. I withdrew a conducting chip from a compartment and was proudly demonstrating how to install it to my students and boasting about the properties of her new implant when the crisis occurred

    26. ”25 The war necessitated a vast expansion of government activity, and the socialists cited this as demonstrating the feasibility of government control over the economy in peacetime

    27. demonstrating a Return on Investment and a Return on Information

    28. Demonstrating that this problem is not a shortage of

    29. The local economy presented her a splendid variety of opportunities—short order cook in a couple of cheap restaurants, inspector and supervisor during the war at a plant with a contract for mortar shells, years of clerking in a fabric shop, demonstrating sewing machines for a White distributor, sales in the home appliance section of a department store, and several years as a school secretary before retirement

    30. was here on earth dependably demonstrating its

    31. demonstrating these objectives for Homeland Security:

    32. curves - the configuration of these best fits can vary considerably, demonstrating positive

    33. his touches aimed at demonstrating his possession of her

    34. The city girl had put him in his place, demonstrating she was not fooled, showed him the fingernails, and he, scratched and reminded, had stayed hypnotized by this feature of Beatrice's personality

    35. Inside the scrolls and papers are drawings of lines demonstrating on one axis a line of numbers, on the second axis the square of those numbers

    36. Before long the assistant was demonstrating a number of the smaller recording devices

    37. Start participating by demonstrating that you are a respected figure of

    38. There are dozens of young virgin girls for each man who gets there, and rivers of milk and honey, all demonstrating the magnificent power of our God

    39. demonstrating the stretch, simultaneously state out loud one fact that is topic-related

    40. teaching others what they have been taught – by demonstrating, explaining and

    41. demonstrating the power of perspective to render invisible that which does not matter

    42. While Hilde Bruch (1978) has suggested that anorectics are demonstrating the triumph

    43. You will soon begin to understand this and have enough experiences under your belt to start demonstrating your trust in your ‗Infinite I‘ by ceasing to lock anything (home, car, briefcase, locker, whatever); and it‘s important, once you‘ve let go of some of these lesser fears, to behave differently in your daily life, acting on your new understanding and letting go of old habits along with the fears

    44. ” I said before turning back to my godmothers, clearly demonstrating that the subject was closed

    45. ” He winked at me, demonstrating his ability to be comical even with a serious subject

    46. Jane Honda – she’s still demonstrating against the war, but now comes in a hybrid model

    47. Thankfully, that person of interest saved our agent, along with herself, demonstrating in the process some incredible mental powers, like superhuman strength, making men burst in flames from inside, telekinesis and touch healing

    48. This was illustrated not too long ago when an executive was demonstrating some new 117

    49. Demonstrating superior qualities as a fighter pilot, he destroyed in quick succession two Mitsubishi G4M BETTY medium bombers that were going to strike Clark Field, forcing the rest to withdraw in disorder

    50. was raised with the sole intent of demonstrating this

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