Usa "experienced" in una frase
experienced frasi di esempio
1. His hands were the best she had ever experienced, and he could spend two days going no farther than that
2. that, Jesus experienced the power of resurrection in three
3. I wouldn't put it past Venna to completely deny that she has ever laid eyes on me before even though she was the most tempestuous four Earth years my bed has ever experienced
4. It does not mean sympathy or identification of his problem as something that we may have experienced
5. ‘No, but there is no denying that a lot of employers dislike taking on staff who are older and more experienced than they are
6. parked up and run his experienced eye over the place he felt more than a little
7. Later, during the hard times I experienced everything: pain,
8. She had experienced the bind and had rejected it after a time
9. They were childhood sweethearts and had an ‘understanding’ by the time they were in the mid-teens – she told me stories of some of her friends who lost their men or, got them back seriously disabled and mentally disturbed by the events they had experienced
10. We’ve sold you to another group, more experienced with this sort of thing
11. He lived only a single instant at the impact, but it was an instant of pain beyond anything he had ever experienced before, even as he lay gut-shot and dying as a mortal
12. I feel wonderful as I respond spontaneously to this mutual love attraction; it's something I've never experienced before
13. It was pain that he feared, but now he knew he had never even experienced pain before, not real pain
14. Normally if anyone had this happen to them it would be reported and the Council would make everyone produce a backup and go over those backups looking for control of the scene Bahkmar had experienced
15. It was the first real human warmth that I had experienced in weeks, in months
16. He'd experienced hotter as a mortal on pilgrimage to the holy land
17. It seemed that I was the only person to have experienced life underground
18. Then, there was no sound, no motion; for a few moments I experienced a paradox emptiness
19. The only ones that can truly apprehend that mystery of the resurrection at the end of the age are those that have experienced resurrection now in this age
20. Though our flesh has not experienced such glory, our spirits are reborn
21. Can you imagine an entire nation of Pauls going to and fro throughout the earth to proclaim the freedom that they have now experienced in Christ? It will be during the Millennial Kingdom that Israel will fulfill her ultimate purposes of being the priestly nation to the nations (Exodus 19:6)
22. He experienced silence
23. But without having experienced that antithesis, I would
24. I have to say that she was horrified when she heard that you’d been attacked – she’s been seriously scared, Karalintze … not that I’d want to excuse her action or in any way minimise the awful attack you experienced, but she never intended you any harm
25. Despair taking me, I plunge deep into the pointless misery I have not experienced since I came across
26. She has experienced childbirth
27. How will we survive something as gruesome and terrible as the Tribulation without falling away? It is only by the empowering of the Spirit in a way that we have not yet experienced, nor began to fathom
28. As you experienced when you retrieved your tawstones, the memories were locked away safely
29. He too suddenly felt the rising tide and it surprised him with its intensity; he realized that he had never experienced anything as strong as this
30. On the other hand, if I stayed where I was I might look more experienced
31. Inside the trailer the students were busy comparing notes and feelings about what they just experienced
32. Alan was probably a bit older and more mature in most ways, but Nuran was much more sexually experienced and aggressive than he, much raunchier and probably more energetic
33. "She said that now that you had experienced what a real cunt was like, you weren't as interested as you were before in an old bookworm like me
34. Everyone else was as an Angel, there was nothing that he had experienced directly was there? "Vic told me about the constables and the judges
35. Of all the dreadful shocks experienced that day, nothing compared to the sudden and degrading catastrophe that he had just suffered as he’d bent down to pick up the soap in the prison shower
36. Clearly the wasteg is the preferred mode of transport for those who live near it - having experienced the trackways, I can understand why
37. Like many young men Tom felt the excitement inherent in the imminent promise of resting his head in the arms and on the bosom of an older and more experienced woman
38. “So, you’ve experienced the true reality of life as a Craig at last, my girl
39. It can be frustrating to newbies and so I can only recommend it to experienced practitioners
40. They have experienced trauma in their lives
41. I have experienced trauma in my life, and although I don't suffer because of it, it still affects my life in some ways
42. He had to project the air of a confident and experienced battle captain ready to identify threats and respond to them decisively
43. This fly is very popular among experienced fly fishers
44. Rayne was overwhelmed by her emotions; always in tight control, she was now faced with something she had never experienced before
45. every sensation you have ever experienced has been
46. death toll rising inexorably and with the losses experienced by
47. being, by now, quite experienced in the use of retail therapy as a
48. She smiled at him and he noticed the same aroma he had experienced with Altera, only more intense, and wondered if it was common with all Ogatu females
49. He thought back remembering when he had first arrived at the camp; scared and confused, traumatized by what he had just experienced and seen on a battlefield not of his choosing
50. You don’t have to be a talented or experienced