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    Usa "force-out" in una frase

    force-out frasi di esempio


    1. Force-outs sometimes can be at extremely low prices, because the insiders, by their actions (or lack of actions), have contributed to the depression of stock prices

    2. Although attempted force-outs at prices we would consider unconscionably low are relatively infrequent, they do happen

    3. Whether compensation to the minority in the force-out has to be adequate depends in part on state law, including the adequacy of appraisal rights for dissenting stockholders, and on compliance with appropriate disclosure requirements under federal securities laws

    4. It is our observation that attempted force-outs at prices we would consider unconscionably low are relatively infrequent

    5. Major or second-tier investment banking houses can be retained either to recommend a force-out price or to approve one chosen by boards of directors

    6. State law can be helpful in affording some protection to outside stockholders in force-out situations

    7. This has become true especially since the supreme court of the leading corporate state, Delaware, ruled in 1977 that force-out transactions ought to have “business purposes,” and that stockholders are entitled to “entire fairness

    8. Non-control investors are also supposed to be the beneficiaries of various state laws and regulations, including blue sky statutes governing terms and conditions under which new issues may be offered;3 antitakeover statutes; statutes aimed at controlling going-private transactions; more generalized common law and state statutory requirements covering the fiduciary obligations of those in control of corporations to unaffiliated common stockholders; and statutes defining appraisal remedies when stockholders dissent from force-out mergers or similar force-out transactions

    9. Since the management of Rapid American Corporation forced out minority shareholders of Schenley Industries in 1971 at what we believed, from examining the 1971 proxy material, was a grossly unfair price, we concluded that we would rather not be an outside investor or creditor in any company controlled by the Rapid American management, albeit there was nothing illegal about the Schenley Industries force-out

    10. (Do insiders in merger transactions sometimes hold back some consideration initially so that they have reserve ammunition to settle stockholder suits?) In force-out mergers, state blue-sky laws, as they exist in California and Wisconsin, for example, can be a problem

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