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    Usa "get ready" in una frase

    get ready frasi di esempio

    get ready

    1. "Us Elves never get ready for the heaviest things

    2. He wasn't much slower to get ready himself and must have been saving a yearning for her for these four days also

    3. Whatever it was, he should get ready for it so he reached for the knife and the crutch

    4. “Just let me get ready

    5. 'Get ready you pig,' Mama said as he lifted his trishul and took five steps back

    6. She cared more for one that would give her time to get ready and not force her

    7. ” She pulled two samples and closed the catalog, returned it to the office and called over her shoulder as she went back to the house, “Supper's at seven; you probably should close up soon to get ready, Hipolyta's gonna be in the bathroom a bit longer this evening

    8. This reminded her that she still had a few things to do to get ready for the trip

    9. 7“‘ Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you,

    10. “Good, I got to put these away,” he shook the axes, “and get ready to hitch up this team, come walk with me while I’m in a good mood

    11. For the next three local weeks the probe got some sunlight for a couple hours early in Afternoonday and Ava got to hear the native couple make breakfast, brush their teeth and get ready for the day

    12. a “get ready” process

    13. If you don’t want to freeze to death in here, you can help to get ready for this storm

    14. Isabelle leaned over to Kurt and Elizabeth, “Two things I need to tell you as we get ready to leave here

    15. ‘Allow me ten minutes to get ready

    16. occasional gaudy lipstick, yet it could still take her fifteen minutes to get ready to go out

    17. It was a nice meal and the hotpot was superb and we chatted amicably between ourselves then it was time for me to get ready to go out

    18. ” The briefing broke up and we went off to get ready for tomorrow each one of us with our own thoughts and more than a little fear coursing through our veins

    19. Just before we started to get ready for the retreat Ted Wallace said to the Colonel

    20. I told Sam to get ready as night was now setting in fast I told him we would leave everything to the wounded apart from a water bottle apiece a couple of packets of cigarettes and our rifles and ammunition as we needed to travel light and fast

    21. That’s the “get ready” command I just mentioned

    22. He merely crossed his arms and waited for her to get ready

    23. Note: Why is it important to know about the second coming of Christ? Who is he coming for? How do we know he is coming for us? What, if anything, should I be doing to get ready for this event? First John 5:12-13 says, “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life

    24. Get ready to go on a diet after the holidays!" Original recipe yield: 3 1/2 pounds

    25. I need to get ready

    26. “And after that, it will be time to get ready for the introduction,” she added

    27. She went off to have a shower to wash away her hangover and get ready for the day’s work

    28. Get ready to move and surround the

    29. “Come on, we had better get ready to leave in the

    30. Bruiser started fooling around with the ACA cats and me, “Alright guys, get ready … I’m going to go over to those B-Boys,” he said while pointing to the guy that was holding the black boom box, “I’m going to tell them that you guys want to battle for pants

    31. ” He went back to get ready for my serve

    32. “To answer your question about what you can do to get ready, I suggest that you do nothing else than be with people, listen to them, and let yourself talk—but only if you feel that what you are saying will be of help to them

    33. It was the only place I could think of to go to get ready

    34. We helped him get ready and saw him off down the road

    35. “Get ready!” shouted the mayor

    36. Ahuezotl told us that we had best get ready, since the funeral would start soon

    37. One had a child that dawdled and didn't get ready as soon as he should have

    38. And what does this mean? It means (and get ready to stare in awe)

    39. I’m thinking he’s wiping it to get ready for the ultimate presentation of my drink, so I wait

    40. But then the excited feeling left me when I remembered the party that I had only an hour to get ready for

    41. “We still have about three hours before we should get ready for the party

    42. Lose no time and get ready the elephants against tomorrow as you did before for the destruction of these accursed Jews

    43. "Considering you only had a few hours to get ready

    44. On the first day of his vacation, when it was time to get ready for bed, he happily chose the pajamas and slippers he wanted to wear from Marjie’s collection, and took the first shower of his life

    45. It dawned on him that he needed to get ready for the

    46. she could get ready for the movie

    47. “Form up, form up!! Standard Formation Three!! The hssswwx have been sighted, and we have to get ready

    48. "I want to turn the soil over—get ready for winter

    49. She calls back to Jonathan as he is trying to bring a food basket along and laughs, “Drop that thing and your drawers and get ready for a new kind of surfing

    50. We started to get ready for our move to Sitka where we were to begin work in February 1993

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