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    Usa "high noon" in una frase

    high noon frasi di esempio

    high noon

    1. warped version of a cowboy, living through high noon without a second thought of

    2. It was night in the rest of the valley, but in these four areas it was high noon, and a blazing tropical sun shone directly overhead

    3. “Now, I was thinking that if the wizard’s power is radiated from the stone in a direction that is mostly perpendicular to the surface, there should be a point above the center of a hemispherical impact crater that intercepts most of the radiation, and is therefore analogous to the focus at Focus Mountain at high noon

    4. The sun was just reaching the peak of high noon overhead, and there were rain clouds gathering on the northern horizon

    5. “We should go to the east coast of Xervia, where it’s high noon

    6. I’ll have to have the Xervians open a corridor in their Wards when it’s high noon there

    7. “That is, the place marked in the northern tip of Kletiuk by the white spot is experiencing high noon right now, as the sun is directly overhead there

    8. Their people would never live together with Kellaran’s, since they required an environment hotter than Kellaran’s harshest desert at high noon, their air and water contained a large proportion of sulfur compounds, and it was thick with alkaline mineral salts

    9. It was high noon when I saw the Connor farm ahead

    10. and that, coupled with the permeating heat, meant that come high noon the place would often

    11. At high noon on October the 3rd, JW called me and told me that Michael had died in a tragic auto accident about one hour earlier--his truck rolled over on a curve and he was ejected from the vehicle and crushed when the truck came to rest on top of him

    12. The day is opening up, the sun at high noon, all the shadows gone from the light post on your path to the expressway

    13. “It will soon be high noon and

    14. He found them intact among the prehistoric plants and steaming puddles and luminous insects that had removed all trace of man’s passage on earth from the room, and he did not have the calmness to bring them out into the light, but right there, standing, without the slightest difficulty, as if they had been written in Spanish and were being read under the dazzling splendor of high noon, he began to decipher them aloud

    15. Unfortunately this was to go on for two days, Friday and Saturday, and it was by no means set to end each day before high noon

    16. When mother returned at high noon he was fit to burst, and launched into his main grievance immediately

    17. High Noon, ” he said quickly and with definitiveness

    18. It was near high noon, sun blistering hot and very little shade, and with me getting up in years, thought it would be nice to settle under these three of four cedar trees for a rest and maybe take something to eat

    19. Conversation was kept to a minimum as at twenty minutes to ten the oversize white face of the station clock measured the minutes to high noon; high noon at 10am with the Hatfields riding into town

    20. It was like a Western duel of craziness set at high noon and there was no telling what the end result would be

    21. Especially at high noon, in the parking lot of a West L

    22. ” dramatically he pointed towards high noon

    23. ” PT turned and fired the tray towards the conveyor belt at high noon

    24. ” he lifted his leg on Ralf, then yapping in that pocket-bitch squeal of indulged entitlement, Doguru trotted towards high noon

    25. The sun was almost at high noon, and everything sparkled under its brilliant light

    26. She wasn’t sure how many hours had passed, since the sun hadn’t moved from its position at high noon in the sky, but boy, oh boy, could she use some sleep! She knew, of course, that McAdams would find and kill her in her sleep and that closing her eyes for even a moment was out of the question

    27. “ Nancy, the love I feel for you burns hotter than the Sahara Desert at high noon

    28. " Silas couldn't see directly through the branches, but it looked like high noon

    29. I try to cheer myself up by telling myself that at least it’s not at high noon

    30. There was somebody else leaving town in a pine box come high noon

    31. The sun hit high noon and then

    32. It was high noontide, when two dusty men passed through his streets and under his swinging lamps: of whom, one was Monsieur Defarge: the other a mender of roads in a blue cap

    33. On that morning when Magua led his silent party from the settlement of the beavers into the forests, in the manner described, the sun rose upon the Delaware encampment as if it had suddenly burst upon a busy people, actively employed in all the customary avocations of high noon

    34. It was now high noon

    35. Was that what he wanted? His own High Noon in the middle of the capital

    36. There may be a clue after all, if we can find why today his paroxysms came on at high noon

    37. It was High Noon

    38. It was exactly at high noon that a series of coincidences occurred that tottered and swerved toward the miraculous, and myself at the eye of the maelstrom

    39. By high noon the whole madness boiled to a terrible peak

    40. ‘No, more! Give her these pills at down, high noon, and sunset

    41. At high noon Captain Hart walked briskly into the city, accompanied by Lieutenant Martin and an assistant who was carrying some electrical equipment

    42. It was high noon

    43. I really did not expect any Grace to answer; for the laugh was as tragic, as preternatural a laugh as any I ever heard; and, but that it was high noon, and that no circumstance of ghostliness accompanied the curious cachinnation; but that neither scene nor season favoured fear, I should have been superstitiously afraid

    44. From the first sensation of chilling fear Clayton passed to one of keen admiration and envy of those giant muscles and that wondrous instinct or knowledge which guided this forest god through the inky blackness of the night as easily and safely as Clayton would have strolled a London street at high noon

    45. The rest of his body was so streaked, and spotted, and marbled with the same shrouded hue, that, in the end, he had gained his distinctive appellation of the White Whale; a name, indeed, literally justified by his vivid aspect, when seen gliding at high noon through a dark blue sea, leaving a milky-way wake of creamy foam, all spangled with golden gleamings

    46. It was hard upon high noon; and Ahab, seated in the bows of his high-hoisted boat, was about taking his wonted daily observation of the sun to determine his latitude

    47. Along the entire line of the fortifications, especially over the hills on the left, rose columns of thick, dense, white smoke; suddenly, abruptly, and incessantly illuminated by flashes, lightnings, which shone even amid the light of high noon, and which constantly increased in volume, assuming divers forms, as they swept upwards, and tinged the heavens

    48. Leaving it, then, to graver historians to trace the financial, commercial and social evolution of this tremendous street, which was a forest trail once, within whose sylvan solitudes red men roamed and wild beasts prowled, let us from our humble station, as men of the world and social philosophers, describe merely that stretch of it which begins at Madison Square and ends at Forty-fifth Street; where it is high noon at eight o’clock at night, and bedtime when the gray dawn comes shivering cold and ghastly into hotel corridors where the washerwomen are scrubbing the marble floors

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