Usa "indoctrinate" in una frase
indoctrinate frasi di esempio
1. The teachers tried to indoctrinate the white youth that the "swart gevaar" is very real
2. And the system they run is uniquely situated to indoctrinate young minds at their most pliable stage
3. First they had to indoctrinate the large crew on the goals of the project and then train them how to stamp out and assemble the bomb casings
4. ‘As we explained before, we indoctrinate Vassals and Freemen with fear of retribution by the gods, to keep them in order
5. This pathetic abuse of screen time is supposed to indoctrinate latter-day Macedonians to dare, be decisive, and to face challenges
6. Indoctrinate them to buy hordes of useless wares in the belief it will make them happy and the economy strong
7. location to indoctrinate its visitors and enjoying the much-welcomed
8. You must indoctrinate selected disciples in the
9. In addition, it demands Friday prayer at the mosque where the sheikh will indoctrinate the layman thoroughly
10. Andrina just tried to indoctrinate me, but she saves the real potent stuff for Tempests with loads of power
11. "You indoctrinate republicans! you warm up hearts that have
1. Indoctrinated Thinking- A Christian Satanist should be wary of
2. reading to do, that is indoctrinated thought
3. Christians are indoctrinated and have no
4. We know that most terrorists are also indoctrinated and manipulated by people with a political, religious or financial interest
5. will find a Greece with a population indoctrinated
6. Victor as they are indoctrinated by Victor
7. ‘And you are no more than a clone, a fake, a simulacrum indoctrinated with his creator’s proclamations
8. I say that the white kids who stayed and were indoctrinated into the Army and SAP to enforce the Nationalist’s racist laws are also a lost generation
9. One the local population hardly ever to never reported their presence which made the Rhodesians think that the locals were thoroughly indoctrinated against the government
10. fully indoctrinated that homosexuality is equal to heterosexuality
11. We are taught that church is the bride of God, we have been indoctrinated from childhood that church is the “house of God”
12. That's because they are so indoctrinated in the old, traditional ways
13. Although I have been indoctrinated into believing that my worldview is rational, that it is based on reason and physicalism, I must confess that faith and hope motivate me to act
14. Roger knew what was at play: Fidel Castro found it necessary to send Antonio to fight Roger’s anti-Castro influence in an industrial center like Ponferrada where “workers” had been indoctrinated in Castro’s line of thought
15. indoctrinated beliefs that sex is 'dirty' or a 'bad thing'
16. “so that as soon as the children would have acquired strength, they would be indoctrinated to military works
17. Had been indoctrinated
18. There are three decades of successful infiltration of our school systems by the disgruntled ‘flower children,’ their indoctrinated students, and their sympathizers
19. That is also the basis of the one-sided push by the ‘anointed’ educators’ in our institutions of higher learning to ensure a large number of emotionally indoctrinated students
20. you’re still exactly like them, that you’re still indoctrinated, still brainwashed with all that shit
21. indoctrinated by their culture, education and twisted
22. “Well! what do you think of Moses now, “Ra said, “he is now fully indoctrinated in the mystical and occult practises of nine different countries
23. ‘Not indoctrinated eh? That’s a first—if it’s true
24. Sapiens have always indoctrinated their offspring with irrational dogma because it’s an efficient means of controlling them
25. But if you haven’t been indoctrinated there may be hope for you
26. But, when it came to the terrorists, he felt that having been indoctrinated by others for a cause there never was, they were not their own men even when they were free
27. trained, indoctrinated, turned into loyal weapons of God, then
28. “The Sanctuary is everything,” he said, indoctrinated
29. She was nice, but indoctrinated
30. Once that happened, I had to deal with the guards and the androids and any indoctrinated humans in Sanctuary who wanted to stop me from hurting their beloved Pallas
31. couldn’t do that without being indoctrinated as a ‘pledge’
32. indoctrinated to that institution (their brainwashing
33. The person here described as a fish (indoctrinated
34. Job is saying that a newborn baby is not indoctrinated with
35. they were indoctrinated to the truth of God or were a burnt offering to God
36. example is showing that the blind man was now indoctrinated to the underlying code
37. reality, indoctrinated) and something to be honestly admired
38. Before being indoctrinated into the army, Mongols grew up hunting from their horses
39. The media’s malevolent smear campaign proved to be very effective and it indoctrinated the minds of the public, all around the world
40. Born - indoctrinated - conditioned - educated - programmed - inundated with ads - consume, consume - get married or go to college, can’t afford it? Join the army
41. This is because you have been so indoctrinated with the assumption that you are a separated perceiver of an outside reality
42. The Longest Day, and a new indoctrinated generation of naive
43. born into or, worse, indoctrinated religious system was the only
44. More than once, I heard him and other similarly indoctrinated
45. We have all been thoroughly indoctrinated with so much negative
46. David had been culturally indoctrinated right from the beginning of his life, and this indoctrination had never stopped since then
47. But before he could get indoctrinated, before he could be told anything at all, he needed to have an open mind, he needed to hear the voices of his parents and have the curiosity to try to discover some meaning behind them
48. Of course she had been indoctrinated all her life, p rimarily by her family, who were intellectuals, and the circles they lived in
49. She should be able to be indoctrinated anew
50. He was indoctrinated with orthodox religious views of
1. The ease and comfort of any repetitive tool-use: whether it is using our bodies, or our minds as tools, indoctrinates people into non-learning smugness, blindness and unawareness
1. ‘left-wing’ belief system have achieved in indoctrinating the minds of students and citizenry over three generations in this country
2. indoctrinating them to their precepts
3. Understandably, those anointed as the Islamic religious preachers and teachers, take it upon themselves the onerous task of indoctrinating the faithful to the dogmas of their own upbringing