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    Usa "irascible" in una frase

    irascible frasi di esempio


    1. ‘Show me,’ said the irascible old man

    2. The irascible monk pointed to Jean, bowed, and left

    3. Not least of all, he was a bit uneasy about the Guild’s irascible leader

    4. All in all, an irascible character who did not readily show respect

    5. somewhat thinned down version of Soot, the irascible one had finally returned

    6. He noticed from the corner of his eye Major Guighan approaching almost sheepishly, a trait that usually provoked his anger and irritation even though he did not consider himself an irascible man

    7. Surely, they became irascible in the Philadelphia heat during the Continental Congresses of 1774–76, but they didn’t resort to terror! Washington

    8. department, an irascible little old man who had written several respected books on the

    9. his mood as irascible as ever

    10. In Michael Caine’s autobiography he writes about his theatrical initiation with the irascible Alwyn D

    11. For a price he would train the armies of Keshan and lead them against Punt, their hereditary enemy, whose recent successes in the field had aroused the fury of Keshan's irascible king

    12. Nelson and the irascible Stallman as something of a "mixed

    13. Rear Admiral John McCain, Commander, Aircraft South Pacific, sitting in the back of Turner’s jeep, gave a cautious look to his irascible superior: Turner had the look of a severe school teacher and was a man of great intellect, but he was also a man with a difficult character and an acid tongue

    14. McCain was nearly shocked at the tone of voice of Ingrid, who seemed not to be intimidated one bit by the irascible Turner, but there was something in her, some sort of supreme assurance and inner strength, that somehow stopped the surly vice admiral from dressing her down on the spot

    15. That quality had made him an ideal leader for the Allied coalition, but Ingrid wished that he could just once put his foot down and tell the irascible and arrogant Montgomery to shut up and listen

    16. Ingrid gave him a jaundiced look, not intimidated one bit by the irascible admiral

    17. The sailors and officers on the bridge held their breath as their irascible admiral stopped cold, with his welcoming smile fading at once, to be replaced by an angry expression

    18. Another story which comes to mind involves my brother's irascible nature

    19. Jasper and Killian complained about Lord Kikritan all the way to the dinner hall, conjuring up anecdotes from other apprentices who had suffered his irascible, unlikeable personality

    20. I am not irascible enough for the position

    21. That hiss, faint as it was, irritated the irascible gentleman, and sealed the culprit's fate

    22. The threat sounded awful, but did not alarm Jo, for she knew the irascible old gentleman would never lift a finger against his grandson, whatever he might say to the contrary

    23. Braithwaite, large and irascible, glowered at him over his spectacles

    24. Then they began to have a few irascible words when it waxed hotter, both, needless to say, appealing to the listeners who followed the passage of arms with interest so long as they didn't indulge in recriminations and come to blows

    25. whose name is legion, he guided public opinion by ideas he did not share; that irascible country gentleman, perfectly correct in the conclusions that he had been worried into by life, but wrong in his exasperation against a whole class, and that the best class in Russia; his own dissatisfaction with the work he had been doing, and the vague hope of finding a remedy for all this—all was blended in a sense of inward turmoil, and anticipation of some solution near at hand

    26. Not one conversation with Sviazhsky, though he had said a great deal that was clever, had interested Levin; but the conclusions of the irascible landowner required consideration

    27. Moreover (Levin felt that the irascible landowner had been right) the peasants made their first and unalterable condition of any agreement whatever that they should not be forced to any new methods of tillage of any kind, nor to use new implements

    28. No one who’d ever had the misfortune to deal with the Earl of Thirsk’s irascible valet would have accused Sahbrahan of sensitivity or anything remotely approaching sentimentality

    29. Uncle Henry was a short, pot- Charles’ Uncle Henry Hamilton, who lived in bachelor state at the Atlanta Hotel near bellied, irascible old gentleman with a pink face, a shock of long silver hair and an utter lack of patience with feminine timidities and vaporings

    30. The difference was that it was now all outside: the irascible all-night traffic, the cabs in front of the Ethiopian takeaways, the grinding, saurian garbage trucks

    31. Wrench was a small, neat, bilious man, with a well-dressed wig: he had a laborious practice, an irascible temper, a lymphatic wife and seven children; and he was already rather late before setting out on a four-miles drive to meet Dr

    32. Unlike our irascible friend Wrench, he had the easiest way in the world of taking things which might be supposed to annoy him, being a well-bred, quietly facetious man, who kept a good house, was very fond of a little sporting when he could get it, very friendly with Mr

    33. Intrepid, energetic, irascible, stormy; the most cordial of men, the most formidable of combatants

    34. He had to deal with holly bushes, nettles, hawthorns, eglantines, thistles, and very irascible brambles

    35. I see peeking from beneath, old elephants, familiar tigers, fine and amiable zebras, irascible crocodiles

    36. Like some poor devils ashore that happen to know an irascible great man, they make distant unobtrusive salutations to him in the street, lest if they pursued the acquaintance further, they might receive a summary thump for their presumption

    37. This dear good Sviazhsky, keeping a stock of ideas simply for social purposes, and obviously having some other principles hidden from Levin, while with the crowd, whose name is legion, he guided public opinion by ideas he did not share; that irascible country gentleman, perfectly correct in the conclusions that he had been worried into by life, but wrong in his exasperation against a whole class, and that the best class in Russia; his own dissatisfaction with the work he had been doing, and the vague hope of finding a remedy for all this—all was blended in a sense of inward turmoil, and anticipation of some solution near at hand

    38. Usteantseff was consumptive, and, therefore, irascible

    39. Nearly all were taciturn and irascible, preferring to keep to themselves the hopes they secretly and vainly cherished

    40. Under ordinary circumstances these people are bilious, irascible, intolerant, contemptuous, often very warm, which really after all is part of the secret of their strength

    41. The first of these, B—ski, was a man of infirm health, of consumptive tendency, irascible, and of a weak, nervous system; but a good and generous man

    42. " He also tells us that Coriolanus indulged his "irascible passions on a supposition that they have something great and exalted in them," and that he wanted "a due mixture of gravity and mildness, which are the chief political virtues and the fruits of reason and education

    43. His indignation was so great that it suddenly stopped this trembling; he therefore prepared himself to enter with a calm and self- possessed air, promised himself to speak as little as possible, to be very carefully on the watch in order to check, above all things, his irascible disposition

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