Usa "laid" in una frase
laid frasi di esempio
1. She is the richest person either one of us has ever laid eyes on, with the possible exception of the guy she was with
2. I wouldn't put it past Venna to completely deny that she has ever laid eyes on me before even though she was the most tempestuous four Earth years my bed has ever experienced
3. He laid His life down for you
4. Usually the eggs are laid on the hosts that then drop to the ground
5. Construction Sand (90%) and DE (10%) mixed together and laid down around the house 3 feet deep and 3 feet out from the house will prevent termites from moving into your house
6. · The rules of Dharma have been laid down for regulating the worldly affairs of men
7. The practitioner of laid down Dharma experiences peace, joy, strength and tranquility within himself
8. Now he laid down an iron and spent a good part of the day in one every year or two
9. ” Growing up in Puerto Rico/Miami, Lopez was heavily influenced by the fact that his mother grew her own fruits and vegetables and always used animal manure as fertilizer This organically based philosophy toward gardening techniques laid the foundation of Lopez beliefs and in 1972 he founded Astra’s Garden, based on something of a religion that subscribes to living in harmony with the environment: not polluting; treating all living plant life with respect; and, basically just listening to what the earth is telling us
10. The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs
11. He was laid off three months ago
12. The artistry of the machine was good enough that she probably could use it to go to the surface and get laid if the shuttle was still here and the android had working sex organs
13. And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon
14. I laid my hands upon her
15. “And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all
16. “And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his
17. Someone had laid the body out respectfully, but it had drifted sideways
18. The flashes from the quick welds it laid down lit up the debris like flares
19. ‘Very much so, his hedges were always properly laid, even if he had to swear like a trooper at the younger men to achieve a proper result
20. He nearly tore out two or three of the bundled connections he’d laid just trying to get out of it as fast as he could
21. "I’m just checking what coordinates Timms laid in here
22. Timms already laid in coordinates for the Algol-Mizar transit
23. I tried to unravel time in some vain hope of stopping the days from ticking over into the new shift pattern, but the inevitable morning dawned with the usual sounds of boots on concrete, sliding locks and the dull metallic alarm of my breakfast tray being laid on the floor by my mattress
24. His lounge is a comfortable room, laid out with a sofa and a couple of easy chairs at one end and a table, set for four, at the other
25. He takes me into the front bedroom which he’s got laid out as an office with bookshelves and a computer, as well as an easy chair and a music centre in one corner
26. Together with the suited American, the two guards lifted and carried me, trussed like a roasting bird, and carefully laid my body in a metal box underneath the flat bed back of the lorry
27. Most of us have a laid back attitude when it
28. Beyond the hedge and the ubiquitous, unforgiving, waist-high nettles, chunks of ballast gravel, sharp and stained, emited a slight haze of heat, baking the old timber sleepers laid a hundred years ago, counting off the miles between Blue Anchor and Watchett
29. ‘James would have come but he’s been laid low by one of his attacks and can’t move, so I thought I’d come and see how you were doing
30. Kara laid down the pen she had been using and gazed out of the window into the darkness of the night outside her bedroom window
31. blissfully unaware of the plan, laid
32. She also laid forth with every twist of invective an old sailor could come up with
33. laid upon the ghost path of a life remembered
34. in a bare laid room, heavy with block grey walls and
35. She had laid out a tablecloth on the luscious green grass
36. After the picnic Catwhiskers laid back and closed his eyes
37. Lardyme laid next to him, but not too close
38. laid on a badly levelled drive, shovelled out of a crack axled
39. The room revealed was about the size of Joris’s office at Abery, and similarly laid out with shelving around the walls and a table set in the middle
40. Laid out before me was a hatching chamber
41. “This is really a nice place; the house design was carefully laid out
42. She walks on crazily laid paving,
43. The rows were laid out with loose-leafed notebooks at the beginning and end of each
44. He heard movement behind him, and as he turned, he reached for the rifle he had laid on a crate
45. They laid out California and Daniel bent over the map
46. He reached out and laid his hand on her arm, “Not all men are bastards; some of us believe that there is no greater gift that a woman can give
47. Poopsie had laid the table with the fruits, toast and the tea
48. She scooted over and laid her head on his chest, giving him a quick squeeze
49. when they came and laid bare the bones
50. She would still be laid up at the first camp, willing to eat the lalleets by now