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    Usa "pile" in una frase

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    1. Dad lets the bread roll from his fingers onto a pile of clothes

    2. Jerm threw up his hands and reached for his coat on the top of a clothes pile in the corner

    3. Not finding what it was he was looking for, Henry dumped the massive pile back onto his desk and started opening his desk drawers, banging his elbow on the cubicle wall behind him

    4. Realistically, the most Ackers would do was lecture his brain away into a melted pile of unrecognizable goo

    5. Bacterial action in a compost pile is the basis for proper composting

    6. Always provide plenty of oxygen (by stirring pile, aerate it) and plenty of natural nitrogen and trace minerals

    7. There are many different types of bacteria present in a compost heap depending on the time from the start of the pile

    8. When making bins or piles, the bigger the pile the more heat it will be capable of producing

    9. Too small a pile, and too much heat is lost

    10. Turn pile over, spraying with the liquid seaweed as you go, turning the pile: This is done by one of several methods

    11. the easiest being using a front end loader to turn the pile over; or use the shovel technique

    12. The main idea is to turn the pile over in such a way that you are turning the layers together except for the center of the pile

    13. At the point where the temp starts to drop that is the time to turn the pile over again

    14. Uncover pile and turn over while spraying with the liquid seaweed

    15. Turn pile over lightly, (aerate the pile by turning over the top layers)

    16. Turn pile over while spraying with liquid seaweed mixture

    17. This is when you dig into the center of the pile making it look like a volcano has just erupted, then you throw everything back into the center of the pile mixing it up and watering lightly as you go

    18. Cover the pile with clear plastic

    19. Rock dust also helps heat up the compost pile

    20. Add a thin layer of rock dust to the compost pile, alternating between layers of grass clippings, manure, kitchen wastes, etc

    21. get a glass of water, and was then sitting on a pile of old tyres that we used to keep

    22. "We'll have to take an aisle out over here to get it out of there on a dolly," their guide waved his arm at a pile of crates at least twelve feet high

    23. including Russ, John and Bolt, pile off the bus as one of the doors of the building begins to creak open

    24. By the time I hear Stephen’s car on the gravel outside the house, I have covered the whole of the carpet and heaped up the bits of furniture in a pile in one corner

    25. ’ I said with satisfaction as we survey the pile of boxes just before ten in the evening

    26. Bolt pushes along the fence row, snapping pictures as he walks of rocks, an acacia tree covered with windblown plastic bags, his shoe, a pile of garbage rotting in the sun, a dead sheep rotting in the sun

    27. ’ Andy said, yanking the top chair hard and loosening it from the rest of the pile

    28. So, good and early on Christmas Eve (so that we can park without too much trouble) we pile our passengers into the cars and set out for the church

    29. A pile of leshin bales was irregular, there was a short one they could climb on out of the aisle so anybody would have to come down this aisle or climb up to their nest to see them

    30. As he stood by the bed he noticed a pile of clothing stacked up on the nearby chair

    31. It's relatively easy to hook lon with stripped archwood fronds, and in a few minutes they had a quarter of the water cleared and a nice little pile of the thick leaves beside them

    32. Alan had been at the water's edge stuffing the pile into his pack

    33. “Lardyme, have a quick look around that pile of rocks”

    34. Lardyme took another look around the pile of rocks

    35. All they could do was make a pile of their bodies inside the tent under the blanket

    36. I stop momentarily to pile a couple of bricks up for him

    37. He was sitting at a table with a pile of food spread out before him

    38. this lonely pile of brick and slate,

    39. (SAMANTHA rushes to a chest of drawer and pulls out a pile of her dresses

    40. There was a large pile of eggshells

    41. She was juggling in vain with a pile of parcels and bags that seemed have a life of its own

    42. They saw a large pile of fur and a lot of blood near the brush and much more at the cave opening

    43. I look round the cabin and slowly accumulate a pile of odd bits and pieces, heaping them up on the bunk so that Berndt can pack them

    44. After a few seconds the soldier started to feel really freaked out, so he popped the dog into the shopping trolley, pressed the buttons and built the biggest pile of fifty-pound notes he had ever seen by the door

    45. There was enough money in the pile to buy a small army all of his own

    46. These he stuffed into the shopping trolley followed by the huge pile of fifty-pound notes

    47. His great pile of cash dwindled slowly at first, but as the weeks progressed the pile seemed to shrink more and more quickly

    48. ’ I said, fixing my eyes on the source of the sensation – a small pile of rocks set back a metre or so to the left of the Well

    49. If you still think the traditional way is better, then go for it! When the pains of trail and error begin to pile up, reconsider using the online dating software, and help you avoid those painful

    50. “How about when you fell into a pile of cow shit over the field in

    1. But when they all piled into the kitchen, even Millie and Sparky together got scared they wouldn't make it out of the kitchen alive

    2. There were twenty bags piled on the floor of the cockpit

    3. She’d been amazed by the overabundance of cleaning materials that she had correctly guessed would be stored in the cupboard under the sink – some things defy cultural differences! Kneeling on the floor, all the better to examine the various spray containers and bottles piled in there, her amazement turned into confusion … there were plastic spray bottles for limescale removal, disinfecting the worktops … apparently killing 99% of all known germs - though that did raise the question of what danger the remaining 1% presented if it was so vital to get rid of the things … bottles of cream for cleaning the sink and another, lavender scented, for polishing wood, a big bottle of bleach that at least smelt familiar, and noxious substances for cleaning the oven that had signs warning of danger plastered all over them … it was an education

    4. Oh it was good to be out of all those fumes! The odour of cooked food quickly filled the room as Friede, the cook and general factotum of The Centre, brought in plates piled high with savoury pastries

    5. Despite the bright sunshine, there is an air of melancholy neglect … similar to the atmosphere you find in a junk yard, where unwanted relics have been piled up and forgotten, unwanted and unused

    6. The roadway is busy here at the entry to what must count as docks … wagons piled high with all sorts of goods trundle heavily along, drawn by much sturdier ggs than my elegant Sefir

    7. By the time the coffee’s made, Ben and Gary have got all the stuff in and piled it all up in the hall - and there it will just have to stay there until tomorrow, can’t be bothered to deal with it now

    8. I piled on more wood, trying to look busy

    9. Lord Tarak, Duncan, First Kai and Lady Rayne piled two of the hovercraft high with large trunks, and set out for the Queens Hold by mid morning

    10. Thick pads of straw woven into long mats had been placed about the fire pit and piled high off the ground

    11. He lived in a one room cabin of roughly piled stone chinked with whitewashed mud and roofed with thatch

    12. All his screens were fully rendered in pieces of plastic furniture piled in precarious heaps

    13. The girl appears wrapped in a bath towel with her hair piled up in a hand towel

    14. The floor was covered with tables piled high with paperwork over which a dozen Gnomes were toiling

    15. Their hair was piled and curled, and their heeled riding boots were barely visible beneath the full black Anabel skirts

    16. There were boulders that were much too blocky piled on top of each other down at the bottom of this valley

    17. The remainder of the far half of the room was piled with all kinds of dusty old junk

    18. As they all piled out of the van, and let the others know what the plan was, she felt the tip of how cold the ride home was going to be

    19. Lucia?’ We all piled out of our cars (Lucia was

    20. piled back into our cars and continued down the road

    21. reluctantly piled into the car

    22. good idea once) and piled out of the car

    23. Behind him, a throng of ragged children piled into the city

    24. When the girl returned, some hours later, she carried a tray, with a cup of fragrant tea steaming on it; and a plate piled up with very hot buttered toast, cut thick, very brown on both sides, with the butter running through the holes in it in great golden drops, like honey from the honeycomb

    25. The island was less than a mile wide and two miles long, but it looked a mile high with all the structures piled on it

    26. Here they lay, drank the remainder of that yaag and played games with the clouds that piled up in a couple places over the hill

    27. There were two extra bunks set up on opposite sides of the room, the elaborate trysting bed in the middle of the room being piled with the biggest collection of clothes Klowa had ever seen

    28. The crates were falling somewhere, until they crashed with the biggest of all crashes onto the out-of-style cheap ceramic ware piled on the floor below

    29. There was no open space anywhere, everything was piled with stuff that was now infested with things slimier than wevn and other small things that jumped and crawled and slithered over him

    30. Behind him, being drawn by another two horses, was an open back Volvo truck, piled high with supplies

    31. carefully piled blocks carved out of some dark wood

    32. The scattered books, piled high, and on shelves, Relating to various scientific and mysterious matters, Are filled with equations, esoteric illustrations, Diagrams, texts in various languages;

    33. Then she piled straw

    34. “Hey, Ash!” Griffin piled out of a jeep with three other guys from the coven and Isis

    35. They piled great heaps in their vats, creating enough weight to press the grapes below… But as I was saying, they loved my poetry and feted me throughout the night

    36. I piled into my bed with more pillows than usual and used the light beside the bed to examine the journal

    37. As they passed the fire pit, Nerissa caught a glimpse of the hermit’s neatly piled sleeping

    38. The bodies were piled high beside the gate, and the reflection of the fires danced in the standing blood

    39. They all piled into the van waiting for them in the drive, and one of the Guardians took the wheel, speeding off toward O’Hare Airport

    40. “When we took this trench from the Turks it was left piled with their dead so we put them in the parapet wall piled soil on them and moved the trench back a bit too where we are now standing

    41. But within a matter of minutes the Turkish machine guns and shrapnel had turned the trenches into an hell on earth piled high with dead and wounded

    42. I said to myself here is another son of Balarat that wont be going home and I knew that we were leaving to many good blokes behind here in some places out dead was piled three and four deep

    43. The picture of her standing at her door last night, in her kimona, flashed into his head; her standing there with her hair piled up in a towel and him miming and calling her Lotus Blossom and she hadn't been amused

    44. We arrived at the station and Captain Melstone went off to find a RTO we stood in our ranks with our kit piled and were given permission to stand easy and smoke if we wished

    45. The Officers set off for their comfortable carriages while we piled on board the cattle trucks leaving the doors open at the moment for fresh air and so we could see the countryside

    46. Then they all piled into taxis, Oh the stink!, and headed for a disco, only getting in by the skin of their teeth, having to hide the reeking groom-to-be in their midst and because one of them knew the bouncer

    47. the vessel, bulkheads torn down and piled up in her cabins and

    48. If he were still with us, he would recognize that we are in fact all Keynesians now, thanks to the trillions in debt piled up by the Obama administration

    49. Roger, Liz and I piled into the car

    50. The presales piled up

    1. He was hunched over his desk, shifting through piles of paperwork and tossing it around with abandon, creating a bigger mess than he had before

    2. Henry started sorting through the piles of paper with renewed energy, like he was digging for buried treasure

    3. He ran over and quickly opened his closet, revealing piles of clothes heaped on top of each other in the middle of the floor

    4. Dry-wood termites leave piles of sawdust like pellets

    5. That is to say they both live in wood, both have wings during mating seasons and they both leave signs (piles of wood dust, wings) which lets us know they are there

    6. When making bins or piles, the bigger the pile the more heat it will be capable of producing

    7. " Crates, boxes and piles were stacked at least eight feet high on top of the crate he pointed to

    8. by the outline of old boats and piles of ragged nets

    9. They looked like piles of huge leaves, but, looking almost like a vine among the leaves, was a tiny head which would occasionally take a small bite of soil

    10. area was surrounded by straw and piles of what appeared to be

    11. and every place at table is cluttered with piles

    12. She piles my plate up with bacon and I tuck in

    13. Having spent her first week of married life struggling with piles of creased cotton and Lycra, Cyberia felt much happier about her revised career prospects

    14. “After all,” she said to herself as she unpacked the boxes and made neat piles of the cards and the packets of paper leaves, “I always enjoyed art classes at school and it can’t be that hard to make a few hundred of them”

    15. " Terry shrugged his shoulders and got down to the serious business of dribbling successfully around all of the piles of doggy mess that littered the park's only proper football pitch

    16. piles of gold, at his huge and glorious palaces and at his subject

    17. were bags of powders and pills and some neat piles of ready cash

    18. ironing boards, a defunct Hoover and piles of dirty washing, nor

    19. made neat piles of the cards and the packets of paper leaves, “I

    20. He takes in the piles of paper in the room with a smile before sitting himself down at the table

    21. They took a wide stairway up a flight where the old woman was greeted by three younger women who were puzzling over a decorated board with some piles of nested chips on it

    22. 'Ah, you've moved the piles around a little since this afternoon, I see

    23. The great politician nodded approvingly at the piles of papers

    24. constructed a wall and piles of hardcore, soft sand and gravel were

    25. Then he pours out three small piles of differently coloured sand from plastic carrier bags

    26. The stew was hot and tasty, and served with piles of boiled potatoes

    27. There were lots of tree-trunk posts and between them, piles of tightly-strapped bales of paper

    28. “As it should be,” Althart said, “But look here, you were transferred on K’shitn, but this wasn’t entered to the files til Kyebenwae, does Kulai usually take that long?” he was looking at some of the other crew sheets nearby in the piles he had made, they were all filed in the same week

    29. Piles of tires and an old

    30. He then opened a crate next one of the lumber piles and hoisted up what looked like the cousin of the pump in their kitchen

    31. On the tables the doctor has laid out a holdall, clothes, two piles of dollar bills, a cobbled together collection of syringes and bottles, and his Beretta with its single clip of ammunition holding two bullets

    32. But they couldn't; they couldn't make out anything useful in the piles of rubble that had once been Quadrant 6

    33. He climbed, rather than walked over huge roots and dead trunks, falling into drops under overgrown piles of dead branches and sliding on the dead leaves and damp rocks

    34. short of the giant wood chipper and the fertilizer piles

    35. SHELLS gather in piles along the shore

    36. It needed the upper branch-and-bubble penthouses that had grown around it as crutches now, to keep these old piles up

    37. Parts had been removed and cleaned and were arranged in orderly piles, along with some carefully hand-drawn prints

    38. The first three floors above here aren't much more than piles of packing crates with some planks thrown over them here and there to allow aisles

    39. Alfred's light played crazily up thru the cracks in the floor, which was just planks across the tops of piles of crates

    40. Alan managed to get his legs up thru the hole to the floor above before the android ran up to the edge where the pile of crates used to be and played its light over the ruin of ceramic ware piles

    41. This floor had abandoned furniture everywhere, scattered haphazardly, sometimes in piles

    42. There were numerous piles of furniture leading to tree trunks to which handholds had been pegged sometime in the past

    43. Proper ones, not just piles of furniture

    44. Not only that, but the paths before them were sealed as well, the roadways packed full of mountainous piles of debris

    45. He noted several arrows resting in the piles of ash

    46. parks of Athens, where, there are not piles of

    47. I didn’t spend much time looking at any specific journal, but started organizing them into piles based on their contents

    48. the junk mail in the house and sorted it into piles

    49. "Shit around here comes in piles

    50. “Nothing changed in that scene,” he muttered, as he watched the cone shaped piles of coal, a scene that had been part of this land for two hundred years

    1. While Emma obtains our refreshments, I tidy up the cups and saucers on the table, piling them onto the tray left beside one of the chairs

    2. Him and the missus bought a big house back when the overtime was piling in

    3. Piling all the containers onto the table, I scrub down the shelves

    4. With nothing to do he sat and worried just how much evidence was piling up against him

    5. "Anything" He insisted, piling his mouth full of food

    6. Not only had they grown to cover the land below, but they continued to spill from the Black Door, piling over one another in their blood-thirsty rage to reach the wall

    7. We did actually try a car one later with my children and except for getting a wet bottom due to snow piling up in the tyre hole, it worked rather well

    8. Seeing them piling into the keep alongside children and cripples filled her with shame

    9. But more thugs were piling into the ditch behind them forcing them forward so that they fell onto more caltrops which punched into their exposed chests and faces

    10. Exactly where Nathaniel and the scholars had spent the afternoon piling up a six-foot high line of dry brush and covering it with diesel and gasoline

    11. She spun away, heading to the entry where the Magi were piling the stone chairs with their Oneness

    12. If he meant to crush her slowly, by piling small stones into a

    13. It was just one more in the string of mysteries piling up at their doorstep the further they ventured toward the frontier

    14. As this was happening more and more Fusiliers were piling into the village and the sound of barked out orders reverberated around the place

    15. The equipment and troops kept piling into the area I received a letter from Helen saying that she would be off for a few days at the same time I would and that I should go to Manchester to see her and work out which days we had off that were the same

    16. Instead of piling on a thick foundation to your skin that is still experiencing hormonal changes after pregnancy use a color tinted moisturizer instead and let your skin breathe

    17. More and more extra troops were piling into the area for the forthcoming offensive and I knew that pretty soon we would be packed tighter than sardines in a can

    18. down with his bare hands and piling the rotten timber in a barricade across the street toward the dock

    19. sleep, and Ann went softly about, folding and piling the clothes into a

    20. She hunkered behind a piling and waited for the others to catch up

    21. The Preceptor might even resurrect the ancient rite of Rock Piling, especially for him!

    22. Piling paper and sticks in the grate, I set them alight and when they were well caught, threw some coal on top

    23. She ignored him, piling on her speed

    24. We’ve mounted them on a piling where

    25. Now that he was back in the office again, he was literally swamped by routine matters that had been piling up

    26. Both bikies were laid to the ground, with other bikes piling up on Nutter and Porky, or running off the road into the culvert

    27. “Under water and several meters into the sand, there is a box attached to piling number one hundred thirty-nine

    28. A feeble old man, his weight balanced between legs and cane, stands on the kilometer-long pier and watches bubbles rise to the surface of the water surrounding piling number one hundred thirty-nine

    29. He sat down as well, the Captain fidgeting on the chair, trying to feel the waft of the ceiling fan; the intolerable heat had sweat piling up on his brow

    30. They drove past the harbor and the piers where the military presence was more than evident: stores of supplies seemed to be piling up, while barges slowly waded through the Niger, loaded to the brim

    31. He couldn’t get a good grip, as Adu was piling up more pressure on his knife hand, trying to wrestle the knife away

    32. After dinner and cleanup, mostly just rinsing off and piling the dishes neatly in the sink this time, we settled into the living room to begin the elaborate gift-opening process

    33. “If there’s a faction left after all this is over,” Lynn says, piling her mashed potatoes onto a roll

    34. Some of the flakes gather on the windowsill outside, piling at the corners

    35. guess what? The groundwater is piling up behind the seawall

    36. help with these boxes,” I said, piling through the front door

    37. the ice off where it is piling up!”

    38. When Halfdan awoke near the chilly mountain-top, the two women from Starheim were already awake; Siv chopping up some freshly-gathered plants with her belt-knife, Yngvild piling twigs for a camp-fire

    39. headfirst, our bodies piling on top of themselves inside the water

    40. The brisk north wind carried them easily against the river's flow, piling water over any shallows

    41. After throwing the rope around the piling, the crewman on the beach turned and surveyed the harbor

    42. The harder Samantha fought, the more the dead came after her; piling on top of her one by one, biting and chewing at her bones

    43. The sight of hundreds of teenage backpackers excitedly jabbering, greeting, planning, studying tourist brochures and maps, piling into camouflage painted four-wheel drive busses for the ‘Safari Adventure of a Lifetime’, taking photographs…were an unpleasant reminder of a youth that had all but passed them by

    44. Necessary evil piling compiling a large city filled with information that kills all sanity if not logic spiraling to a climax just out of reach

    45. with emotions and Passion piling up behind my wall

    46. After piling their luggage on to the platform, they looked around for a moment at the brown and cream coloured building


    48. DM‘s piling in…

    49. They pulled at her rags until she played puppy games with them, free-for-alls that included lots of pulling and fetching and piling on top of her

    50. Fighting the Reds in Korea, piling up construction kites on the DEW Line in northern Canada, crop-dusting, and flying in the face of huge forest fires had never seemed to threaten his very existence

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    atomic pile atomic reactor chain reactor pile nap piling spile stilt galvanic pile voltaic pile down agglomerate cumulation cumulus heap mound big bucks big money bundle megabucks batch deal flock good deal great deal hatful lot mass mess mickle mint mountain muckle passel peck plenty pot quite a little raft sight slew spate stack tidy sum wad jam mob pack throng accumulation bank assemblage cock collection edifice structure pier post fur hair pelage wool accumulate hoard store assemble collect heap up