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    Usa "salient" in una frase

    salient frasi di esempio


    1. "We're delighted to hear it", said the two men, beaming at him, and they proceeded to name the chapters, to summarize their arguments and to explain all of the most salient points they had made

    2. His curious eyes fixed on Alastair, he explains that Sally has gone off to North Wales to see Uncle David’s house and that they have been to church with Anna who has given them a fantastic picnic lunch in her garden, going into substantial detail before finally reaching the salient point which is that they are trying to cut Anna’s lawn, but that the lawn mower is not working properly

    3. arguments and to explain all of the most salient points they had

    4. I ask him what he wants me to say about his pieces but he pre-empts me by handing me a crib sheet on which he has written all the salient information

    5. Miss Backhouse gulped as Harry, the unfamiliar young man, stood up and presented the salient points of the processes and purposed organization of the plans before them

    6. Another salient point which mediums often reiterate is that they do not have control over who will appear in their readings

    7. So we pushed three tunnels out from the pimple that was our salient opposite ‘Lone Pine’ when the ends were finally opened we would have less than forty yards to cover to reach the Turkish trenches

    8. The site of the trenches we were heading for hadn’t changed much since 1914 and stretched from Switzerland to the North Sea coast where we faced the Germans across a small strip of No Mans Land or a salient that pushed forward in a bulge into the opposite territory

    9. I sat back, convinced that I was about to hear the salient facts at last

    10. At the next stop, Manna briefed the other two adventurers on the salient points of his conversation with Jayana

    11. Such characteristics precede a universal fellowship that, however vaguely uncertain, exceeds the salient features that normally sustains the Whole in a manner that seeks to promote natural rather than artificial solutions to its social commitments

    12. The wall consisted of salient and retiring angles like a sawtooth

    13. One can bury a story or leave out salient details

    14. Stepping up to the plate as ‘banker up,’ he conceded that the bank officer knew salient facts about him from his first loan, but to spare the gentleman the gesture of opening his own client file folder, Park laid an updated balance sheet that could be quickly and easily scanned on the adjacent coffee table

    15. may sound outlandish but stick with me here, I’m making a salient point

    16. stream' which the Christians call salvation, will be the salient point in the

    17. According to Chodorow {1978), gender is not salient to the child during early

    18. Although the use of the word self conveys a single, definite thing, rather than a set of multiple and complex interacting processes or constellations, various aspects of oneself actually become salient in different situations and at different times, depending upon a multitude of factors

    19. salient factor in Coopersmith's all-male sample and thus is not considered central to

    20. to be salient, I am suggesting instead that they are issues for every women in this

    21. Those are the salient facts

    22. make a salient point

    23. The dead plants at each end of the counter were salient and

    24. The last great German offensive in the East, 'Operation Citadel', was launched in July 1943 against the Kursk salient

    25. The salient feature of magical training is learning to use the world around us for validation, rather than the devices of people; to come to appreciate more the gurgling of water in a stream, the whisper of the wind in our ears, and the healing warmth of a tree, rather than the approval of people

    26. “That’s a salient observation, Chantelle, and, yes, you can use that word in your first novel

    27. More than just my salient sausage

    28. Some salient feature of the

    29. peculiar way, the sound of confrontation created a salient reminder

    30. One of the most salient features of this Upanishad is the fund of

    31. Then Ingeborg would open her dictionary and look up the words salient in the enlargement, and when she had found them smile back, brightly comprehending and appreciative

    32. “I have only a few salient points to make,” he said

    33. i) The salient features of a wire transfer transaction are as under:

    34. Hiram had remained standing with his coat half off in anticipation of sitting and discussing the salient issues for some time into the evening

    35. of the Solar Federation » are works of fiction inspired by certain of the salient events of the 2011 Canadian Federal Election Campaign

    36. He passed over an information booklet and covered the salient aspects of the Options Market

    37. The most salient and sometimes difficult statement on the relationship between Jesus and his disciples and the Old Covenant is found in Matthew 5:17-20, in the context of the famous Sermon on the Mount

    38. still try to cover all the salient points

    39. This law is very salient today with both the chronic and acute depletion of the world’s resources

    40. These two different energies are salient and evident in not only instinctual behaviours, but consciously considered thoughts and behaviours that emanate from the different levels of life

    41. Vertical and horizontal lines are also of the utmost importance in that first consideration for setting out a drawing, namely the fixing of salient points, and getting their relative Positions

    42. In setting out a drawing, this fixing of certain salient points is the first thing for the student to do

    43. There is no hand’s down winner amongst the two – both Zyban and Champix – as both have their salient features

    44. Two little spotless flags were abroad, the one on a salient angle of the fort, and the other on the advanced battery of the besiegers; emblems of the truth which existed, not only to the acts, but it would seem, also, to the enmity of the combatants

    45. Here the listener who was none other than the Scotch student, a little fume of a fellow, blond as tow, congratulated in the liveliest fashion with the young gentleman and, interrupting the narrative at a salient point, having desired his visavis with a polite beck to have the obligingness to pass him a flagon of cordial waters at the same time by a questioning poise of the head (a whole century of polite breeding had not achieved so nice a gesture) to which was united an equivalent but contrary balance of the bottle asked the narrator as plainly as was ever done in words if he might treat him with a cup of it

    46. Sensible of a benignant persistent ache in his footsoles he extended his foot to one side and observed the creases, protuberances and salient points caused by foot pressure in the course of walking repeatedly in several different directions, then, inclined, he disnoded the laceknots, unhooked and loosened the laces, took off each of his two boots for the second time, detached the partially moistened right sock through the fore part of which the nail of his great toe had again effracted, raised his right foot and, having unhooked a purple elastic sock suspender, took off his right sock, placed his unclothed right foot on the margin of the seat of his chair, picked at and gently lacerated the protruding part of the great toenail, raised the part lacerated to his nostrils and inhaled the odour of the quick, then, with satisfaction, threw away the lacerated ungual fragment

    47. The salient point was he said someone might have a problem with me getting the slot at ISR

    48. A few jetty hairs hung sparsely from his upper lip, he had a salient nose, a thin, long jaw, and a black silk patch over one eye

    49. Treykyn lay thirty miles west of its over-winter position, on the far side of the large town of Styltyn, where the heretics had punched a deep, triangular salient into the Church’s starting position

    50. The “Angle” was the east-pointing triangular salient just west of Styltyn which had drawn in more and more of the Army of Glacierheart’s troop strength … before the Charisians punched through Bishop Sebahstean Taylar’s lines north and south of the town

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    Sinonimi per "salient"

    salient outstanding prominent spectacular striking protruding swelling bowed hilly conspicuous notable remarkable famous