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    Usa "stoic" in una frase

    stoic frasi di esempio


    1. Ackers turned to look at them with a stoic face, “Do you think I should have called her Don’t Eat?”

    2. She is frightened but stoic

    3. stone, the ever reluctant stoic

    4. Her stoic countenance betraying little of the

    5. But now, in front of all of those who had come to pay their last respects, in front of most of the Imperial court, in front of Thalmor dignitaries, she could no longer maintain a stoic face

    6. Rather he maintained his stoic composure, though spoke with more than a hint of impatience

    7. Gazes forward and stoic, no sign of trepidation

    8. Tearing my eyes away, I glanced at Joss momentarily, seeing a stoic expression plastered on his face

    9. Through the window of the house, I could see at least two freaks keeping a stoic vigil in what looked to be the living room

    10. That was the same stoic mask he wore while we dealt with Becky

    11. She was determined to maintain her distance, to remain stoic, but when she saw the hurt in his face, her own brow softened

    12. That she faced this situation with such stoic reserve left

    13. Bosco’s grim, stoic face told the story

    14. Someone for the others to follow as an example; a stoic fighter, a proud man that could not be brought low

    15. " She sneaked a glance at Odin, who remained stoic

    16. While Bob and I were eating popsicles he told me, “This is my second round of chemotherapy, once they get me into remission again, I will do some radiation treatments, and then they will give me my second bone marrow transplant or BMT, the doctors call it ‘BMT’ with their stuffy ass beards and their stoic breaths and such

    17. Some cried bitterly as they were excused, others were stoic

    18. The President’s face was a mask of stoic calm as he addressed rumors swirling around the Internet

    19. All were crying, Yazadril and Nemia as they stood clinging to each other, Talia as she hugged with Hilsith, Theramin and Dilimon and Alilia as they stood alone and failed to be stoic

    20. Sophie was very humble about it and brilliantly stoic

    21. This is so out of character for them that it seems almost impossible, but apparently they even assist in the most mundane and distasteful of labors with as much stoic military discipline as any commander could ask! Imagine Dark Dragons expending their flame in flaring latrine pits! I would have thought that any of them would gladly die before submitting to such malodorous drudgery, but our witnesses have seen it with their own eyes, and reported that it was accomplished with no more griping and complaint than one would expect from any other soldiers!

    22. Stanton sat down and looked Pooh directly into his eyes with a firm and stoic expression on his face

    23. Lovejoy’s facial expression remains stoic, his stare at the boy lasts a second too long

    24. " They both fight to keep their expressions stoic, in spite of the mass of a man they are seeing for the first time

    25. The ancient Stoic philosophers believed the one could achieve peace with oneself and the world

    26. Mary is stoic,

    27. all, the Director maintained a stoic calm, and appeared disquieted by the fact that the others were

    28. 1 A certain rich man, a Roman citizen and a Stoic, became greatly interested in Jesus' teaching, having been introduced by Angamon

    29. 9 Jesus was determined, persistent, and thoroughly devoted to the accomplishment of his mission, but he was not an unfeeling and calloused stoic; he ever sought for the cheerful aspects of his life experiences, but he was not a blind and self-deceived optimist

    30. 6 The Stoic and his sturdy appeal to "nature and conscience" had only the better prepared all Rome to receive Christ, at least in an intellectual sense

    31. Though Bloodtooth‘s attachment to his dead hound had been real, the stoic Greek couldn‘t help feel that his partner‘s melancholy was overplayed or the product of something even more tragic yet unspoken

    32. The Indian‘s face was dry but Jack could feel the intense emotion radiating from his stoic features

    33. With a pleasurable grunt, the stoic half-breed plucked the birds from his garments and nonchalantly pulled their heads off, never missing a step as he deposited the warm, quivering bodies into his coat pocket

    34. Glancing back, Joe Billie could barely keep his disgust from encroaching his stoic features

    35. The first crack in his mother‘s stoic demeanor totally confused the quiet boy as her voice undulated dramatically with her reply

    36. The Mastiff is a massive, very powerful, and stoic in the

    37. Mastiffs can be quite stoic and courageous, not to mention

    38. conquests made us incredibly bold, stoic, and murderous

    39. We weren’t Vulkans or Romulans but we had to be stoic at times

    40. He simply held it up, and for once in one's life they would be able to see past the stoic facade and see that he was nervous

    41. Mitchell looked to Phillip, for any objections in his stoic face

    42. In assisting his prayer request, he maintained a stoic expression, to not further his embarrassment

    43. With a stoic face, he could sense this transvestite did indeed know Rhonda in some way, with the immediacy of his quick question

    44. They met in the hall; Phillip's face was stoic, but in his eyes Mitchell could see his hidden delight

    45. My strapping 58 year-old father emerged with a big smile on his normally stoic face and alarm bells rang in my head

    46. Banks gave her a sidelong glance, a curious look in his otherwise stoic

    47. Maynwarings wore stoic expressions as they considered the possibility,

    48. Thorn, who remained emotionless and stoic, staring straight ahead, as

    49. anyway; the men were more stoic

    50. Dahms' stoic manner and mask of confidence continued as she strode down the long hall thinking about the pain that the city council, and especially Hurd, had brought to her life

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