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    Usa "stone age" in una frase

    stone age frasi di esempio

    stone age

    1. One of the few unarmed forces in the world, they had the utmost regard of the European superstar policeman; fighting a tidal wave of international organized crime with only their bare hands, hopelessly outnumbered, out-gunned and underfunded, technology from the stone age, forensics from the middle ages

    2. Must have been a real problem in the Stone Age, lack of toothbrushes

    3. Returned the world to the Stone Age

    4. If you don"t understand the concepts, or, more probably, choose to ignore them, then you are of the modern liberal persuasion which, of course, would, in all its manifestations, bring us back to the Stone Age

    5. In the Stone Age, the threat of vengeance from family and

    6. protect our scarce resources through force in the Stone Age

    7. He stood and explained, “Forty thousand years ago, your Euro ancestors were still living in caves and gluing their Stone Age tools together, thinking about creating the wheel

    8. 130,000 Stone axes found in Crete suggesting early stone age activity there

    9. 5,500 Stone Age cave paintings and small sculptures in Norway

    10. Standard historical doctrine taught that the hssswwx never advanced beyond the stone age

    11. There he received a brief plant tour, revealing it as a manufactory with a crying need to be boosted from the Stone Age into the Bronze—but they were not convinced of this

    12. Stone Age tools remained unchanged for thousands of years

    13. “I know that! We’re not living in the stone age, you know

    14. The evolution from ape and stone age man to a civilisation capable of space exploration took less than three thousand years

    15. He dropped back into his chair to the accompaniment of laughter but, after they had settled down again, Musab asked, ‘What of you Siri, how would our escapades last night comply with the morality of your Stone Age culture?’

    16. George told me about the Paleolithic culture or the early Stone Age of Japan

    17. Joey continued, “They say that even in our planet’s stone age days aliens visited us

    18. Such a feminist as Laplante seemed to be would no doubt share Sarah’s antipathy for all these stone age-thinking male fossils

    19. only stone age technologies, in the form of stone

    20. Stone Age, we would have no need for much of our

    21. — the early humans of the paleolithic (stone age) period, who roamed the

    22. Communists back into the stone age

    23. Since textile technologies of that time were dependent on the oil products derived from whales, the belief was that society would fall back to the stone age, unable to recover

    24. Having seen and used a number of times the incredibly advanced computers used by the Time Patrol, the American computer technology of 1957 ‘C’ felt downright like stone age stuff to her

    25. Could there be Stone Age beings here? the Doctor wondered

    26. When the visit was over, the tourists were ushered into the boat with their overpriced trinkets, feather headdresses and Stone Age tools

    27. The Stone Age didn’t end because they ran out of stones

    28. Or is it for not believing that there were astronauts during the Stone Age?

    29. In the Stone Age, for instance, different

    30. “It consists of low emitting, stone age military countries with next to no emissions

    31. Those catastrophic nuclear attacks were a hundred years ago, but maybe it knocked the Earth back into the Stone Age, maybe it wiped out as much technology as it did people

    32. Being sent to a Stone Age backwater was not the sort of reward he had expected

    33. But wait: a plain has little or no trees… Did they leave because they had cut down all the trees for firewood? Or did they leave before they found out how to use fire? Or were they forced out before they learned to use fire? One of the most common ways Stone Age tribes committed mass murder was to set fires to entire areas of grass or bush on fire, creating a maelstrom of burning death… and then going into that devastated, blackened, burned out hell to pick out roasted carcasses of dead animals caught in that firestorm

    34. The Stone Age teachings of Taoism attempted to explain these basic, simple principles

    35. You cannot graft Stone Age cultural ideas and values directly onto our modern culture and expect it to be applicable or useable for everybody

    36. Europe was the last to be colonized as a subcontinent of Asia by Stone Age humans

    37. Wondering if the mood would have been as merry and the noise as animated around a campfire in the Stone Age

    38. The ritual of sitting Kings on a throne goes even farther back than Ancient Greece: back to the Stone Age

    39. How bad a state was my Lizzie in? When did it happen? How did Corina find out? In the middle sixties, we were still in the stone age of international telephone communications and that was the reason that neither Corina nor I had each other"s phone numbers

    40. Our modern unspoken assumption of the idea of inclusion is so small, so unaware, so insulated, so selectively hypocritical: it is merely the Stone Age ethic tribalism re-enacted, played out, repeated ad-nauseum for 65, 0000 years and still going strong

    41. Read how the boys descended and regressed into the Stone Age brutality and mysticism and murder and killing: which was the original root of the culture they had come from

    42. Stone age modern humans had nothing to trade except their weapons

    43. The modern culture of Cambodia regressed back to the Stone Age: it regressed back to the culture of Angkor Wat

    44. After refusing to change their tribal obsolete cultural traditions of betrayal and double-dealing between themselves: one tiny clique of Arabs: have become the most filthy rich stone age Robber Barons in the modern world

    45. How was this form of Stone Age death invented? Why was it invented?

    46. This was why, and how: the practice of rectal impalement was invented during the Stone Age

    47. Whatever happened to the culture of the first Kings in Europe? Whatever happened to the Ancient Stone Kings of the Stone Age … the first Kings ever to be crowned? Why were they called Stone Kings? Why was it called a Stone Age? Because these were the first Kings to sit on a stone: as their throne… Which is why from then on… their faces were carved in stone

    48. Our ancestors used stone tools before the Stone Age for millions of years

    49. Those millions of years are not called: the Stone Age

    50. The Stone Age was called that because aged men sat on stones and were crowned as leaders of their tribe

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