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    Usa "strenuous" in una frase

    strenuous frasi di esempio


    1. · The retirement period could be further subdivided into phases such as (i) when you are still as active as earlier say till 65-68, (ii) you need to slow down and take-up less strenuous activities say till around 70-72 and (iii) the traditional retirement when your health concerns take over fully

    2. This is a wonderful exercise for the relief of backache but as it is rather a strenuous posture do please practice it carefully

    3. Trjkonasana is not a very strenuous posture but all the same I do not advise it for women with any kind of internal disorders or for people suffering from hernia

    4. If you find the Camel too strenuous, try this similar but slightly easier asana which is called CHAKRASANA or the WHEEL POSTURE

    5. You will find this posture strenuous at first but as you become limbered up it will become easier

    6. Having started the day with a long walk and a strenuous afternoon

    7. Some strenuous physical activity

    8. “I want to find out how Tdeshi ended without having dangerous and strenuous adventures in the process

    9. Gymnastics was both a required activity and also the center of an orbit of students who were highly proficient in the more strenuous disciplines of artistic and acrobatic gymnastics

    10. wasn't nearly as strenuous as he had feared

    11. But due to the changed life styles, most of us do not have to engage in strenuous work

    12. good again about the strenuous effort

    13. To walk it felt so much more strenuous, the weight on his back bouncing and forcing his legs to take up the shock, feet pounding despite the aircushion absorbers on his soles

    14. Keep it mobile but don’t do anything strenuous with it

    15. Nostalgia, assured by tedious inaction following strenuous exertion, is invariably augmented by fever

    16. · You should not be doing any type of strenuous exercise during this

    17. Camp David was the high point of Carter's presidency, peace achieved almost entirely from his strenuous efforts, over the hardened objections of two dedicated enemies

    18. ‘My strenuous days must soon come to an end

    19. He picked it up, exchanged strenuous looks with Hilderich and carried on to meet the wall of the pyramid

    20. Zoran could see, as they all leaned into the rush of air that visibly slowed them, that they were not in the direct path of where the air over the water rushed by, breaking branches as it surged onward, but eddies swirled close behind them blowing their hair and cooling their sweating bodies as they started the strenuous trek up from the flat ground

    21. Loran learned and had taken over much of the strenuous work involved in the measuring, leaving the older engineer free to do the planning for the next layer of the platform

    22. Mevarn’s words resounded and made chaos of everything, but with strenuous effort, she kept it down and just smiled happily to the others who came over to them

    23. She clenched her teeth and with strenuous effort, she sped up a little more

    24. It was only with a strenuous effort she managed to keep down the sobs until she was so far from him he could not hear them

    25. Just before her mother pulled her around the corner that would completely cut off her view of the beach, Isabel halted fully and tore away from her mother’s grip with a strenuous effort

    26. This triggered millions of warnings that signaled your brain to put you in a state of high alert and caused you strenuous fear

    27. He sought out a teacher, and when he found one in the person of Marpa, he began years of remarkably strenuous and committed practice, which led him to a deeply liberating wisdom and compassion

    28. coddled up by animal welfare activists for several strenuous weeks and released into

    29. He knew his suffering and his long strenuous journey were finally at an end

    30. His face was as calm as if he’d gone through nothing more strenuous than a summer stroll in the park land

    31. As his breath became more ragged, the pull for air more strenuous, he began to wonder how much further they would need to go before rest became vital

    32. At least the strenuous exercise was keeping her from freezing, and after numerous falls and bumps she entered the inadequate shelter of the first trees of the forest

    33. Admission to Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer School has generally been limited to males who must endure exacting and strenuous physical and water safety training

    34. * Attempting strenuous exercise without warming up properly

    35. strenuous exertion, whether it is exercise or home repair

    36. Their strenuous expert training seemed to provide them with untapped stamina, suiting them well to long battles and multiple opponents

    37. and ready for the strenuous task of going under again

    38. The fight was bloody, hard and strenuous but they kept going

    39. I promise not to do anything strenuous,” I said, sweatshirt piled in my lap

    40. strenuous activities I’ve ever experienced

    41. “The Selected have a strenuous task, in all their actions,

    42. He was passive, for a prize-fighter, with tender touch and taking ways – taking all I had the energy to offer after a strenuous week

    43. Zeno too was nowhere to be found, and the strenuous denials of the footballers were collaborated by an elderly neighbour who had seen them leave and heard Bindi moving round the house several minutes after they had left

    44. After what appeared to be a strenuous struggle, Uretep had Peteru on his knees, right arm up behind his back while he fucked him mercilessly

    45. resting so calmly, He is in reality engaged all the time in most strenuous

    46. actually succeeded, but only at the expense of devoting an hour' s strenuous

    47. can if he wishes, by sufficiently strenuous and long-continued effort, further

    48. No youth of Urantia will ever be called upon to pass through more testing conflicts or more trying situations than Jesus himself endured during those strenuous years from fifteen to twenty

    49. He left this world ripe in the experience which his creatures pass through during the short and strenuous years of their first life, the life in the flesh

    50. Periods of intense activity were not far in the future, but there were now about to intervene between his simple but intensely active life of the past and his still more intense and strenuous public ministry, a few years of extensive travel and highly diversified personal activity

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    Sinonimi per "strenuous"

    arduous straining strenuous vigourous zealous spirited active animated forceful eager laborious toilsome