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    Use "catherine wheel" em uma frase

    catherine wheel frases de exemplo

    catherine wheel

    1. Hideous! There sat the dog with eyes as wide as sparkling Catherine Wheels

    2. More out of frustration than hope, the soldier started to press the buttons randomly, and as he did so the door to his meagre little motel room crashed open and in sprang the dog with eyes the size of sparkling Catherine Wheels

    3. If he pressed three, then the dog with eyes as wide as sparkling Catherine Wheels would come

    4. of course, with eyes the size of giant sparkling Catherine Wheels

    5. of sparkling Catherine Wheels

    6. The van was also on fire, tires like Catherine wheels with the underside and lower bodywork streaming flame in the slipstream

    7. A scant few decades earlier, the grand finale itself would have been a life-sized palace or Catherine wheel spewing sparks onto earth or water

    8. Thoughts spun fiery Catherine wheels in his eyes, quick, quick, what, what, what!

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