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    pontiff frases de exemplo


    1. The Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church

    2. Kaveri River, Shri Maharaj learnt that the Pontiff was staying at

    3. Schism proved Basel’s undoing and led to the resignation of its pontiff (1449), while Eugene’s own Council of Ferrara, Florence (1438–1445) stoutly reasserted Papal Supremacy” (Amer

    4. Many other instances of papal interference for the restoration of bishops or the appointment of new bishops and the designation of others to act as vicars of the pontiff are also cited by Barrow” (ibid

    5. Matthew and Ellen had joined the large crowds on the roadside when the pontiff was heading for a gathering at Wembley Stadium

    6. ” Aureliano, José promised to go to Rome, he promised to go across Europe on his knees to kiss the sandals of the Pontiff just so that she would lower her drawbridge

    7. Úrsula felt tormented by grave doubts concerning the effectiveness of the methods with which she had molded the spirit of the languid appren-tice Supreme Pontiff, but she did not put the blame on her staggering old age or the dark clouds that barely permitted her to make out the shape of things, but on something that she herself could not really define and that she conceived confusedly as a progressive breakdown of time

    8. All deities associated with the ancient office of the Pontiff, from ancient

    9. three are ultimately, though secretly, controlled by the Chief Priesthood and Pontiff, that we now call

    10. be elected Chief Priest (Pontiff) of Rome

    11. ” He offered the vial to the Pontiff

    12. As the door opened, the Pontiff still laid as the nun had left him but his face twitched in anquished contortions

    13. The Pontiff had put her out of the Convent when the clone was born

    14. In the interim, Bishop Russo would assume the reins of the church until the Pontiff passes and a new Pope is selected

    15. Messages of condolence and sympathy are being hourly received from all parts of the different continents and the sovereign pontiff has been graciously pleased to decree that a special missa pro defunctis shall be celebrated simultaneously by the ordinaries of each and every cathedral church of all the episcopal dioceses subject to the spiritual authority of the Holy See in suffrage of the souls of those faithful departed who have been so unexpectedly called away from our midst

    16. About that present time young Stephen filled all cups that stood empty so as there remained but little mo if the prudenter had not shadowed their approach from him that still plied it very busily who, praying for the intentions of the sovereign pontiff, he gave them for a pledge the vicar of Christ which also as he said is vicar of Bray

    17. The counsel for the defence had spoken tolerably well, in that provincial tongue which has long constituted the eloquence of the bar, and which was formerly employed by all advocates, at Paris as well as at Romorantin or at Montbrison, and which to-day, having become classic, is no longer spoken except by the official orators of magistracy, to whom it is suited on account of its grave sonorousness and its majestic stride; a tongue in which a husband is called a consort, and a woman a spouse; Paris, the centre of art and civilization; the king, the monarch; Monseigneur the Bishop, a sainted pontiff; the district-attorney, the eloquent interpreter of public prosecution; the arguments, the accents which we have just listened to; the age of Louis XIV

    18. They are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for Emperor

    19. The Pope from Rome cabled his greetings in response to a cable from the Congress, saying: 'The Sovereign Pontiff gladly and proudly blesses you with all his heart

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    Sinônimos para "pontiff"

    bishop of rome catholic pope holy father pontiff pope roman catholic pope vicar of christ primate cardinal