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    devote to frases de exemplo

    devote to

    1. Ten short minutes each day—so very little time to devote to Yoga, but how rich will be the rewards, so rich that I feel convinced that many of you will soon want to get up even earlier to devote yet more time to this healthful study

    2. "She says I am neglecting her because of the time I devote to my goals

    3. Colling informed Sergeant Ferguson that Major Brumerson had relieved him from his interpreter’s duties, and that he would have more time to devote to his responsibilities at headquarters, but asked if he could continue to serve as Miss Hamilton’s driver on the Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays she would need to be driven to Camp 146

    4. 28 Notwithstanding no devoted thing, that a man shall devote to the Lord of all that he has, both of man and beast, and of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy to the Lord

    5.  How much time can you devote to studying? The more time you can spend on expanding

    6.  How much time can you devote to trading? Answering this question will help you cross out a number of trading strategies


    8. The amount of time and energy you have to devote to the project

    9. “With servants, you would have more time to devote to me

    10. His passionate account of his experiences in the field hospitals would further substantiate his stories, though he undoubtedly found time to devote to true missionary work, and conceal his activities behind charitable pretenses that would not be questioned by the most astute individuals

    11. "I date, but I've never had the time to devote to a relationship

    12. Most of you reading this are likely saying ―John, I just don‘t have two hours every day to devote to motivational materials

    13. That"s in addition to the hours they devote to their computers


    15. 2) How much time do you have to devote to auctions? Be realistic

    16. Instead of going out on a limb with your affiliate business, it is simply a matter of setting aside a few hours each week to devote to signing up for programs, promoting the web

    17. income, you can expand the amount of time you devote to the project, eventually phasing

    18. The more time you devote to “get rid of” that which you resist, the deeper it takes roots in your Self-Consciousness, refocusing your UFS into those Directions of development, where this circumstance of your Life will become more and more “real”

    19. You think, “That’s almost 3 hours – three hours I could devote to nurturing my

    20. The point is: when i have more time to devote to living creatures: when i move out of the city, i will have a better chance to establish closer relationships with not just wasps, but with every living creature and plant and tree and flower

    21. Shapiro begged off, claiming that his involvement with the ACLU took up all the time he was willing to devote to such cases, which usually took on lives of their own, lives that went largely uncompensated

    22. And is not this persuasion the reason why so few of mankind inwardly worship the God in whom they profess to believe, with half the enthusiasm which the adorers of the Blessed Mary devote to her service? Their inmost beliefs respecting their Maker are such as to quench soul communion at its source

    23. "It shall not be? But what are you going to do to prevent it? You'll forbid it? And what right have you? What can you promise them on your side to give you such a right? Your whole life, your whole future, you will devote to them _when you have finished your studies and obtained a post_? Yes, we have heard all that before, and that's all _words_, but now? Now something must be done, now, do you understand that? And what are you doing now? You are living upon them

    24. Ironically, their job is to now protect Hinckley with the same vigor they devote to protecting the president

    25. How she would care for him! Now that she had the leisure to devote to a baby and the money to smooth his mother in Charleston and tell him

    26. You should also think about the types of investment strategies I describe in this chapter and choose one that suits the time you can devote to your investments

    27. Within reason, the more time you can devote to the task, the quicker you will grow

    28. It’s important to know, but it is inherently impossible to know with any high degree of probability, so it’s a waste of time to devote too much time to it

    29. 1 J/GH, a much greater amount of electric power will be needed to devote to mining

    30. I am continually amazed at the amount of time the financial and mass media devote to well-regarded analysts attempting to divine the movements of the market from political and economic events

    31. It is evident that these occupations will not end for a long time to come, because it is obvious that there can be no end to them, and therefore the scientist has no time to devote to those things which are necessary to the people

    32. whom I have not the honor of knowing, I suppose that the nobility have been summoned not merely to express their sympathy and enthusiasm but also to consider the means by which we can assist our Fatherland! I imagine,” he went on, warming to his subject, “that the Emperor himself would not be satisfied to find in us merely owners of serfs whom we are willing to devote to his service, and chair à canon * we are ready to make of ourselves—and not to obtain from us any co-co-counsel

    33. Before doing this, you will permit me to premise, that in consequence of my limited acquaintance with these branches of Natural Science, and the still more limited time, which other and important concerns allowed me to devote to the subject, I can do little more than give a general description

    34. So eager were the Choctaws for instruction, that eight children were brought 160 miles across the country before the missionaries were ready for them, and in one year from that date the Choctaw Nation voted to devote to the schools their entire annuity of six thousand dollars, from the sale of their lands to the United States

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