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    Use "downright" em uma frase

    downright frases de exemplo


    1. Did I mention that? I downright hated the damn things and had forbidden my two children from ever having them

    2. The reception office was unassuming, if not downright unattractive

    3. As long as she was in the main thoroughfare it would be difficult if not downright foolhardy for anyone to attack her … but there was a stretch just the other side of the river where the pedestrian path separated from the road, sloping down into a sort of culvert … a subway … if I were going to ambush someone, that’s where I’d choose

    4. There was a bathroom that was downright swank compared to the compost cans on the poop deck that most riverboats have

    5. You can’t really argue with that without appearing downright ungrateful – underhand of him – but he’s a lawyer -

    6. That level of ignorance was downright terrifying

    7. downright foolhardy here in the mountains

    8. It bears the evident marks of having originally been, what the honest and downright Doctor Douglas assures us it was, a scheme of fraudulent debtors to cheat their creditors

    9. It was considered inauspicious and downright dangerous to go much near Wolf-skull Cave these days, what with the stories of lights and unexplained disappearances related by several in Solitude

    10. As the nights progressed from just chilly to downright cold, I was sure the porch wouldn’t be

    11. The most recent glaring example of the ineptitude (or downright hostility) of the Obama regime ran something as follows

    12. How else describe the arrogance, hubris, and downright lust for power a la the second Messiah that infests the Obamas and their senior minions in the ant hill (or is it termite mound) that has remade our nation"s capital? Recall that in the mid 1960"s J

    13. “This is not a joke and things don’t look very good for you at the moment in fact they are looking downright bleak

    14. It dawned on him how downright absurd this was

    15. You can then well imagine my astonishment, not to say downright horror, as I read his latest column saying flat out that Obama cannot be defeated in 2012

    16. If you attempt to call them on their personnel, programs, and policies, you will inevitably be put off, if not downright lied to, for liberalism itself has become, over the years, a touchy subject for those of the left

    17. Of course we were all insensitive, if not downright cruel to him afterward, and he really should have stuck to his story of merely passing out

    18. I don't know if this actually happened, but I do know that no one was allowed to smoke near their air compressors, and they got very fatherly if not downright violent if that rule was broken

    19. Changing the plans is seen as fraudulent behaviour and arrogant if not downright disrespectful

    20. Particularly had Johnson's impeachment been earlier over his actual abuses of power, the precedent would have made it more difficult to use impeachment for such utterly frivolous and absurd cases as impeaching Clinton for lying about oral sex, or downright surreal and delusional birth certificate theories about Obama

    21. It was downright astonishing that the man simply peered through the sand and found a spot where water could be found barely two feet deep

    22. Yesterday Fred had gotten splashed in the crotch, and it had been windy and cool, downright uncomfortable it was

    23. In fact, compared to the books from Mantis, it was downright plain

    24. We SHOULD display the fruit of the Spirit while we are outside of our homes, but don't "relax" at home! Your home is your greatest ministry! If you are going to be "real" anywhere, PLEASE be real at home! How many couples scream at each other on the way to church, then go in and sing "Blest Be The Tie That Binds"? How many times have we disrespected our husbands or neglected our children, yet how sweetly we talk to "Sister Sarah" on the phone about how she can better her walk with God?? We have this idea that it is okay to be rude and downright self-centered in our homes, but we would never speak that way to our preacher

    25. Only this time, the feeling wasn’t as sensual and alluring as it was with Levi, it was downright painful

    26. Nothing! Can you imagine such a preposterous outcome? Why, it is downright barbaric

    27. on misinformation and downright ignorance of what the United

    28. It was with a feeling of downright pleasure that he took his place in yet another queue at the immigration desk, passing through without any

    29. Now Smythe became downright chatty

    30. parent came forward saying that she downright did not like Karen and requested that her child

    31. Of course it's hard! You have years of waste, self-indulgence, wrong thinking and downright laziness to put right

    32. What I’m reiteratng is that it’s downright unethical to present those kinds of

    33. At last he exhaled a long, low whistle—the note he hit was downright sorrowful

    34. The gods hadn’t been kind to him and, in his myopic view, it was downright unfair that he was now facing disciplinary action, a loss of a plum assignment to London and the humiliation of getting his security clearance suspended---not to mention the not-so friendly chats he was forced to endure with the department shrinks to explain he was, in fact, quite sane

    35. Down deep in his heart he regarded the whole performance as a little childish, if not downright foolish

    36. Was this an encouragement, or a downright insult? I couldn’t find out, and I didn’t have enough time to read his aura

    37. , said in an interview with the popular cultural magazine “Where the Roots Come From” in 290 that “I am a Uola man from Atileten who loves his culture and history more than anyone else’s, but it would be downright unprofessional of me not to acknowledge that other civilizations had running water centuries ago while my people were still figuring out how to wipe their bottoms”

    38. Nancy finally called it quits after nearly one hour of exercising at a rhythm and intensity that Farah found downright infernal

    39. Those blue things are downright mean critters – others may say they’re just tough birds –

    40. can downright count on it

    41. She, too, wound up with a better offer and management was downright shocked when she presented her letter of resignation

    42. It was downright repulsive

    43. I had and still have a profound admiration for that incredibly brave and capable woman and I find your prejudiced view on this quite myopic, if not to say downright stupid

    44. The day had gotten downright hot by Nassau standards, but manageable with the sunshade that covered the terrace

    45. � Sending an agent out with no money on top of that was downright implausible

    46. � You are too damned precious, downright irreplaceable actually, to risk your life like that

    47. “Because I could touch it? With my feet?” she suggested, with a downright fearless look in her eyes

    48. Their immaculate tailoring probably concealed a variety of weapons and body armor as well as a physique honed for defense, if not downright killing

    49. The popular mood in Japan is now downright ugly, with unanimous calls for revenge

    50. Jennifer realized at once the amount of violence and deaths this probably meant and shook her head in disgust: she was no angel, but this was a downright stupid and needless display of violence that could lead nowhere

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    Sinônimos para "downright"

    absolute downright out-and-out rank right-down sheer absolutely entirely utterly indubitable unquestionable complete utter