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    for christ frases de exemplo

    for christ

    1. He agrees with me and he's a Buddhist for Christ's sake

    2. "Stop trying to look at your own spine for Christ's sake, you can't see it

    3. Sitting behind Nick, catching my breath, I contemplate the back of his head while Rose tells me how warm the beautiful shawl Nick gave her for Christmas is

    4. He’s cooked for the woman, for Christ's sake, pleading guilty, under house arrest, but he loves her and he wants to make amends

    5. For Christ's sake, it was bad enough then, but at least I knew what I was doing

    6. "For Christ's sake, Jock, give me a hand

    7. Perhaps I can send something to you for Christmas program if this place is not far from yours

    8. By the way, what is your program for Christmas? Do have something special to do? Or would you spend your Christmas and New Year with your mom and dad? I just hope you'll have a nice time for Christmas and New Year

    9. "Our church is called the Christial Church, but more for Christ than crystal

    10. that only hate for Christianity dazzled Lenin, making

    11. I appreciate the concern and the offer, but McDonald, that is my home, for Christ’s sake, and it has been a hell of a lot longer than yours

    12. He handed his smoke round and we just sat each one of us thinking what had happened today I was thinking about Charlie now and in particular about the time we went back for Christmas leave bloody hell was that only four months ago it seemed now like a hundred years

    13. No kittens for Christmas

    14. Lived in San Francisco, for Christ sakes

    15. Her dad had bought her the puppy for Christmas and she’d promise him that she’d look after it

    16. A German legend for Christmas Eve as told by

    17. Browers are home for Christmas, and the Browers were ever a jovial

    18. respects and best wishes for Christmas

    19. What should we be doing to prepare for Christ’s Second Coming?

    20. "This is an easy recipe for Christmas gifts

    21. A Letter Given to Jayse, For Christopher, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

    22. Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ

    23. “Aw, for Christ’s sakes,” he said as he fired up the motor and put it in gear

    24. "What the hell do you know about automatic milking machines for Christ's sake?" My body began shaking with helpless laughter

    25. Brubaker quickly pulled out the little twenty-five-pound bow his old man had made him for Christmas when he was about six years old

    26. He was an award-winning writer, for Christ’s sakes

    27. caregivers had plans for Christmas

    28. Her dad had bought her the puppy for Christmas and she’d promise that she’d look after it

    29. In addition to writing up the course notes at night, always staying a step or two ahead of the class, now I had to find time to shop for Christmas

    30. Who’s he think he is, treating youze like dogs and watching your every movement? And now he thinks he can tell `ya how to dress and what you’re allowed to drink? For Christ’s sake! It’s worse than working for the federal fucking government

    31. My Mama always used to get a bottle for Christmas, when she could afford it

    32. “Put those damn things away for Christ sakes,” he said angrily

    33. It occurred in 1989 when a number of Americans were returning home for Christmas

    34. “All boarding flight 537 for Christchurch, please proceed to gate 27

    35. It is simply not good enough for Christians only to concern themselves with Bible study and doctrine, however important and necessary that is

    36. You can come over here when Victoria and I aren’t here for Christ’s sake

    37. He is the first to get on the train, and I run after him, not waiting for Christina or Will or Al to follow me

    38. Jack and I had planned to have Keith with us in California for Christmas in 2006

    39. Everyone starts to file out of the room except for Christina

    40. “I reserved beds for Christina and Cara already

    41. I scan the room for Christina, or for Tobias, but neither of them is there

    42. Just think: If I were to strip this book of truth and promote cremation as a viable option for Christians, pastors would recommend this book to their congregation members and the book would sell like hotcakes, but by now you know that no preacher with his senses still intact will ever recommend this book to anyone, in fact he may label it as a satanic book and warn his congregation to avoid it at all costs

    43. I believe IN His Word and I BELIEVE His Word, from Genesis to Revelation! The word of God is an embarrassment for Christianity and there is no way that Christianity will ever fit into the Word of God, without scraping, cutting and sawing scriptures! (If you find this comment distasteful, I have proven this in my book “Kinderdoop…”

    44. The mine shut down for Christmas on Friday

    45. "but a vapor" and only what is done for Christ will last

    46. Make up your mind today to live for Christ no matter the cost

    47. bad ones, this tradition is a good one, but it is NOT for Christians

    48. closely associated with Heaven, the “Land of promise”, for Christian believers

    49. Fourth, our purpose as Christians is also to be witnesses for Christ - not as a preacher

    50. Yet this is not enough for some people! For Christians there are other considerations

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