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    made from

    1. filled with water whilst others had pink turrets made from bricks

    2. This is my third life, though I was made from a copy of my second life, I didn't die

    3. An extract made from citrus peels

    4. Try some of the air fresheners made from citrus

    5. Jungle Rain is made from Citrus Oils and Peppermint soap

    6. What additive (laundry booster) made from borax

    7. But the best top dressings are made from well made compost because it provides a complete and varied food source as well as varied bacterial sources

    8. Compost Tea: One of the best bacterial sprays is made from compost tea

    9. All their dinnerware, both flats and sharps, was made from alloys

    10. The stain is made from charcoal or from burned caterpillar flesh and fungus

    11. I looked around and saw a shack made from driftwood and mud amongst the shadows of one or two twisted olive trees on the extreme point

    12. Blankets made from the hides of the indigenous animals of Aura were best suited to keep one warm in this kind of weather

    13. It was made from a Septak’s hide and tho’ a bit big on her, she gladly welcomed its warmth

    14. Heart-Wall made from deep, lasting emotions that

    15. was made from a single piece of paper

    16. Sutherland with the money he made from these trips

    17. “We are sure the suit and boots fit,” started Titania; “And the hat and shirts we had made from samples in your own closet in the bungalow,” added Hipolyta

    18. Her father darted squirrels and possum’s with a blow-gun made from a length of stainless tubing he’d found in that land-fill and managed to sneak by the gang’s inspectors

    19. The publication of those pictures had made Tdeshi a target hadn’t it? Kulai went on to tell him more about the investigation that had been made from their end, even offered him an RNAcid tab of Althart’s original helmet probe of Tdeshi’s brain

    20. Perhaps because of this, or any other contributions made from an unending range of factors, the incidence of petty crimes and destructive pranks rose to an all time high that season

    21. They were made from skins and finely crafted archwood

    22. buildings in the complex, it was made from the hard local

    23. And what did the forever man miss the most? Something soft to wipe his ass with and a mildly addictive hot beverage made from the roasted seeds of the Rubiaceae bush

    24. and made from Judaism a national religion

    25. I’d given her some perfume that I’m made from essence of sea roses

    26. soon have a bus that runs on gas made from human wastes and

    27. To keep them tranquil, she doses them with a tonic made from poppies

    28. greater than the profit made from the first transaction

    29. She looked absolutely stunning in a long, cream gown made from sheer silky material that tightly hugged her like a glove, accentuating every curve of her body

    30. Beside each door was a round pillar reaching up to the roof far above them, made from the same light brown stone as the building

    31. She guessed that it was made from a doe’s hide

    32. It appeared, in the language of emotion, common to both dolphin and human language, that it was made from evil that had been transformed into good

    33. Then, not only did you find a self-assembling space-ship made from pure ortonium, the rarest living metal in the galaxy, but it has the fabled Y-Factor drive too

    34. As an analogy, the Universe can be viewed as a huge intricate machine, made from gears of various sizes with Earth being a cog right in the centre of all these moving parts

    35. It saved me money, but my two pairs of breeches had front-sides that did not quite match in color their back-sides, and my shirts were made from white cotton, but were something of a quilt in style

    36. ‘It’s the thing Mock Turtle Soup is made from,’ said the Queen

    37. The street was narrow and the sun reflected off the houses made from white stones

    38. Tops of many of the houses sported roofs made from tiles

    39. ” he replied wryly, “The fabric these overalls are made from gets rubbery when very cold

    40. The money levied at the different turnpikes in Great Britain, is supposed to exceed so much what is necessary for repairing the roads, that the savings which, with proper economy, might be made from it, have been considered, even by some ministers, as a very great resource, which might, at some time or another, be applied to the exigencies of the state

    41. Oh, Elizabeth sent a bowl made from glass to my Mother

    42. Both of these were made from smooth stones that Joseph carefully placed

    43. “Give me a couple of minutes,” said Brian, “I’ve got a couple of things that might at least give us a clue what it’s made from

    44. He took Captain Melstone to one side as we watched the Engineers tying ropes on to the hooks then onto these they tied the water cans that were made from old five gallon paraffin tins

    45. They wore proper tropical twill uniforms that were weather beaten and on their heads they had turbans made from the same tropical twill fastened with their own army crests

    46. ‘Use of the data and interpretations made from it are up to you

    47. The cave was made from huge boulders

    48. By this time I could picture that crazy scene and was laughing so hard I could barely dip the thread in and out of the yellow liquid we made from pomegranates

    49. Historians note that the first “standard candles” were made from spermaceti wax

    50. He talked to his reflection made from the sun that bounced

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