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    Use "main road" em uma frase

    main road frases de exemplo

    main road

    1. the back lane, heading for the main road, whistling Greensleeves as he swished the

    2. ‘What was all that about?’ Angie asked as they walked back up the side street towards the main road

    3. Birds were tweeting and chirping invisibly in the trees as she wandered along the lane towards the main road, it was that dead hour in the middle of the day when, in rural areas, any sensible person is inside enjoying a cup of something … it brought back memories of her childhood … she smiled at the thought … a dog barked somewhere in the distance … and a stick cracked as someone trod on it

    4. Setting a firm pace, she strode along the main road that led towards the bridge across the river; the station was on the other side of the river

    5. “And stay quiet, especially when you are on the main road

    6. and joined Cosmicblasto on the main road

    7. We have stuck to the main road so far, trying to give the impression that we will be heading towards the talaiots, but I know we have to turn off somewhere in order to cut across country to the Naveta

    8. ‘No, not at all, but I came in a bus last time and we came along the main road

    9. ‘Kids settled for the day?’ Gary asked as he turns out of the lane into the main road through the village

    10. We had reached the main road and stopped next to a paan shop

    11. The family ate supper in tired silence, after which Helen washed up, Ken accompanied Lucy to the main road and Alan lay down on his bed with a motorbike magazine and the latest hard-ass bass lines thumping through his stereo headphones

    12. shortish, very dark in eye and hair, and with an eye to the ladies! He drove me to Sorrento where I am staying in a hotel on one of the main roads in Sorrento town itself

    13. The road itself is fairly quiet but you can hear the noise of the traffic on the main road a couple of hundred yards away

    14. The main road goes through Sorrento and then winds up towards the ‘nose’ of the peninsula before turning back on itself, leaving the Bay of Naples, and heading south for the Amalfi coast

    15. There is a small area called Capo di Sorrento – a collection of hotels, small shops and private houses set amongst the olive and lemon groves strung along narrow roads leading off the main road towards the sea

    16. I questioned Emanuele about the public transport facilities because I don’t want you to be isolated, and it seems that here the Italians have got us beaten – there is a cheap and frequent local bus service from the main road at the top of the lane and there are also the long distance buses which run along there as well

    17. Thru the whole minute it took her to get back down to the two-rut track that seemed to be the main road in this area, he bawled her out in that language that meant nothing to her

    18. the main road and Alan lay down on his bed with a motorbike

    19. appeared in the junction, stopping well back from the main road,

    20. after the turning, well out of sight of the main road

    21. The only resident they saw on the entire walk from the main road

    22. lane, rather than chancing the main road with its fast-moving

    23. main road, thought Tom – with the clear intent of intercepting

    24. and avoiding main roads

    25. He got to the main road without mishap and, pausing only to get his bearings, set off towards the motorway and home

    26. He buys a bottle of full fat Coke at the cigarette counter and heads back out onto the main road

    27. The police car turned off the main road into the lane leading to the barracks and Andy felt his nerves kick into action again

    28. Billy tells Alex to wait by a bus stop on the main road because Jock and the boys will have to hit the main Lynton road back into town before they head out into the countryside

    29. ‘I imagine it was originally a coaching inn on the main road which runs round the south of Bath

    30. "Vdeksh!" is the last thing Billy hears as Alex sprints up the lane and disappears from view, heading back towards the Mondeo that they parked a little way up the main road

    31. Stepping out into the busy main road, he was

    32. The main road was almost deserted as the three men

    33. Jim had mentioned it was located at the upper part of the valley on the main road, so that was their next stop

    34. It's too far off the main road, it's too far out of a town, it's not a big enough town, the furniture was all wrong, She’d have to refurnish with the cheap stuff or find a way of nailing everything down Etc, Etc

    35. " She insisted, as they pulled to a stop at the main road

    36. A group of cars caught her eye as they pulled off the main road, and headed towards the big house

    37. the main road north towards the Aube river, another the

    38. the main road, and followed an indistinct path through a

    39. I later found out I failed to identify Speedway Road which was one of the three main roads in Tucson, Arizona and was directly north of the University of Arizona campus that's how drunk I was

    40. was the single spanned bridge linking the main road to

    41. the main road, and entered the fray

    42. travelled along the main road

    43. This was still an area where lots of kayaks were grown, with lots of hull farms down the ends of streets on the water side of this main road

    44. "Back on the main road for sure

    45. "Back to the main road and about a mile down, there's a guy who rents teams

    46. They reached the road they had come down, and at the intersection of that main road with one headed east toward the river, they found the inn they were looking for

    47. main road below, he seemed to leave the memory of

    48. soul until they reached the main road

    49. That main road leading to the hall has a jam

    50. Zarko was busy tending the horses when he noticed the approaching dust cloud on the main road from the city

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    Sinônimos para "main road"

    highway artery conduit passage