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    1. Today however, it radiated nothing but menace

    2. The low menace in his voice reminded me of my father on report night, and for the first time in my life I sensed the difference between love and hate

    3. But his nuttiness just diluted all the menace and turned it into farce

    4. She had seen them hanging around the car boot sale all morning but thought nothing much about their presence other than that they exuded the normally confused menace of seventeen year old boys

    5. Cyberia soon realised that the normally confused menace presented by a group of teenagers in a crowded car park was nothing like the real, in your face, blade wielding menace that they could deliver on the corner of a quiet, backwater city street

    6. We have come from across the sea to ask for your aid in fighting the black menace on our shores

    7. I must have planned a dozen ways to damage that menace but most of them meant endangering his innocent passengers

    8. But it brought me to my senses, seething with frustration and anger, 'He's a total bloody menace

    9. There was more treasure in those boxes than most had seen in their entire lives but to them it just brought menace, a threat to their existence on the mountain

    10. him, shooting stars of menace across the room

    11. other than that they exuded the normally confused menace of

    12. real, in your face, blade wielding menace that they could deliver on

    13. Most of the boys at her school are laughable, full of seventeen-year-old menace and spots, with legs and arms that they have not quite grown into

    14. menace in every move, and a snare in every word

    15. He prefers to stay in the light in these troubled nights of binge drinking chaos and unprovoked menace, although in his head he can still see the hard fist of his youth dealing out a solid and immediate form of justice to the kids in the hood

    16. of current events, a menace where the motorcyclists and the dragons

    17. This isn't the brute menace meted out by the muscle-bound barman at the club; this is the real thing

    18. quietly, but with ill-disguised menace

    19. menace in that one, cold, hard syllable

    20. The hooligan menace had abated dramatically, and there was a new found civic pride in the younger members of the community

    21. his unseen menace, not realising that she had entered the

    22. close enough to see the menace in their eyes, it was too

    23. And his happy-go-lucky partner in crime for all of his life was also to receive special protection as a result of this very real, albeit faceless menace

    24. They proved to be a significant and costly menace to the United

    25. Then he turned to face the canine menace

    26. Manning was a traitor and a menace to his old

    27. They have pasty white skin, pointed ears, and dark seed-shaped eyes filled with menace and hatred for the immortals and mortals

    28. The culprit had then appeared in all his menace, even accentuated by the effect of the strobe

    29. Voice synthesized as if to convey menace, he said, ‘You know why I'm here; do not try to obstruct me

    30. exuding a sense of menace

    31. The menace in Frank’s voice was unmistakable as he lent over and picked up a brick he’d spotted half-buried in the ground

    32. The country suddenly found itself in the whirlwind of America’s ‘War on Drugs’ and in need of additional officers to combat the menace

    33. It cumulated one night when, particularly drunk and abusive, he pulled a gun and commenced to menace Edgar

    34. see us safely by the menace in the channel

    35. jagged menace that dozens of seagulls on the rock took flight

    36. The Castigator’s voice had a rough edge, a hint of menace, and perhaps even anger in it

    37. that menace in proportion as the calling is high

    38. Oh, except for one thing: get some driving lessons, will ya? You’re a menace on the road

    39. He spoke then with a voice that emanated menace, as if blood stained his tongue and venom coursed in his veins:

    40. Neither could that visible pain, and menace, remain any longer in my life now that I'd remembered

    41. In the face of encroaching menace, I was able to believe that the truly important things in life somehow went on

    42. end of it but there was a menace far greater than he had ever

    43. With a flash of menace the huge fin came at him, he didn’t

    44. menace within the cave

    45. I needed to allow him to enter my life as an invited guest and not the menace that Brie painted him out to be

    46. About the menace

    47. menace to children and livestock and don‘t fit into the picture of a region living from

    48. What we’ve been seeing here with the water turning red, the fish all dying, the frogs coming up out of the water, and fleas and flies thicker than I can ever remember surely seem like plagues to me! And now this?” he added waving his hand toward the ever-expanding menace

    49. menace of the C

    50. appearance of this flying menace from out of nowhere

    1. Now just give me the damn keys,’ Jodie menaced through gritted teeth

    2. “I’m talking to you, asshole!” Mike menaced

    3. A shiver raced up Truman’s spine as the knife menaced scant inches from her flesh

    4. ” He menaced then smiled,

    5. ” He menaced then smiled

    6. At least it was of earthly matter; it was a crawling death, but it threatened only physical extinction, whereas these other horrors menaced mind and soul as well

    7. The men who were work-ing along the rows felt possessed by a strange fascina-tion, menaced by some invisible danger, and many succumbed to a terrible desire to weep

    8. She did not need to see to realize that the flower beds, cultivated with such care since the first rebuilding, had been destroyed by the rain and ruined by Aureliano Segundo’s excavations, and that the walls and the cement of the floors were cracked, the furniture mushy and discolored, the doors off their hinges, and the family menaced by a spirit of resigna-tion and despair that was inconceivable in her time

    9. Having only just got going, the driver, was unwilling to pull over for some daffy tourist who should have stuck to the dish of the day, until Mark pulled on the saving the day trousers and menaced the guy into pulling off the road at whcich point I gratefully relinquished the cheese sandwich and most of my internal organs

    10. Harald and the pilot lay at her feet, trussed like chickens and menaced by the dog

    11. He was menaced by a few passing cars; these howled their fury at him, but screamed past in pursuit of other prey

    12. In a building at the back, attainable by a courtyard where a plane-tree rustled its green leaves, church-organs claimed to be made, and silver to be chased, and likewise gold to be beaten by some mysterious giant who had a golden arm starting out of the wall of the front hall--as if he had beaten himself precious, and menaced a similar conversion of all visitors

    13. Thus warned and menaced, the castellan forthwith brought out a book in which he used to enter the straw and barley he served out to the

    14. And, furthermore, that those partitions, being too high to climb over, the people confined in each menaced compartment had to stay there and become asphyxiated or roasted, because no exits to the outside, say to the roof, had been provided! What would you think of the intelligence or candour of these advertising people? What would you think of them? And yet, apart from the obvious difference in the action of fire and water, the cases are essentially the same

    15. He was not a talkative man, Old Andy, whose affectionate ship-name clung to him even in that Sailors' Home, where the staff understood and liked the sailors (those men without a home) and did its duty by them with an unobtrusive tact, with a patient and humorous sense of their idiosyncrasies, to which I hasten to testify now, when the very existence of that institution is menaced after so many years of most useful work

    16. "I'd wrench them off her fingers, if they ever menaced me," he answered brutally, when the door had closed after her

    17. "With that I shut the window and returned to my place by the fire; having too small a stock of hypocrisy at my command to pretend any anxiety for the danger that menaced him

    18. A tall and powerful Huron, who had husbanded his forces, pressed close upon his heels, and with an uplifted arm menaced a fatal blow

    19. Under existing circumstances the community is menaced by another equally great danger - the people are mentally and physically degenerating from lack of proper food and clothing

    20. Aragorn said naught in answer, but he took the other's eye and held it, and for a moment they strove thus; but soon, though Aragorn did not stir nor move hand to weapon, the other quailed and gave back as if menaced with a blow

    21. Yet so crushing were the liabilities under its long-term leases (and to carry properties acquired by subsidiaries), that in 1932 bankruptcy was resorted to and the preferred stock was menaced with extinction

    22. No one menaced them on the march to the tent

    23. ‘I’d wrench them off her fingers, if they ever menaced me,’ he answered, brutally, when the door had closed after her

    24. ‘With that I shut the window and returned to my place by the fire; having too small a stock of hypocrisy at my command to pretend any anxiety for the danger that menaced him

    25. Our territory was invaded, I defended it; France was menaced, I offered my breast

    26. That which had menaced, that which had reassured him,—all had vanished

    27. The peculiarity of prudery is to place all the more sentinels in proportion as the fortress is the less menaced

    28. A beginning of mystery menaced "the established order of things," which was suspicious and underhand

    29. By the side of the one where they were singing, there was one where they were howling; a third where they were begging; one could be seen in which they were gnashing their teeth; another load menaced the spectators, another blasphemed God; the last was as silent as the tomb

    30. At five o'clock in the evening, they were masters of the Bastille, of the Lingerie, of the BlancsManteaux; their scouts had reached the Place des Victoires, and menaced the Bank, the Petits-Peres barracks, and the PostOffice

    31. The insurgents' whole attention had been directed, therefore, to the grand barricade, which was, evidently, the spot always menaced, and there the struggle would infallibly recommence

    32. A ridge of lighted heath, alive, glancing, devouring, would have been a meet emblem of my mind when I accused and menaced Mrs

    33. Without realizing it, she was menaced by the same trap of pity that had been the downfall of so many of Florentino Ariza’s defenseless victims

    34. In an instant all was confusion; a thousand drawn swords menaced me from every quarter, and Sab Than sprang upon me with a jeweled dagger he had drawn from his nuptial ornaments

    35. 57 12 au Monténégro libre: Montenegrin independence was frequently menaced by Turkey during the nineteenth century

    36. As, blind and deaf, the whale plunged forward, as if by sheer power of speed to rid himself of the iron leech that had fastened to him; as we thus tore a white gash in the sea, on all sides menaced as we flew, by the crazed creatures to and fro rushing about us; our beset boat was like a ship mobbed by ice-isles in a tempest, and striving to steer through their complicated channels and straits, knowing not at what moment it may be locked in and crushed

    37. “For more than a century have the presumptuous dwellers of the hyperborean shores, relying on a reputation they have ill deserved, menaced and intimidated the humble and confiding monarchs of civilized Europe

    38. Almost every soldier, as he gazed on abandoned Sevastopol, from the northern shore, sighed with inexpressible bitterness of heart, and menaced the foe

    39. We cannot shut our eyes and pretend that we do not see the policeman, who, armed with a revolver, paces before our window, protecting us while we are eating our excellent dinner, or when we are at the theater seeing a new play; nor do not know of the existence of the soldiers who will appear armed with guns and cartridges whenever our property is menaced

    40. And now, when an attack was menaced at Savannah, gentlemen wanted a frigate! If nine-tenths of the people were opposed to the evasions of the embargo law, Mr

    41. I shall not attempt to exhibit an account between the belligerents of mercantile spoliations inflicted and menaced

    42. A company which is, in itself, a sovereignty—which has subverted empires and set up new dynasties—and has not only made war, but war against its legitimate sovereign! Under the influence of this power, we have seen arise a South Sea Company, and a Mississippi Company, that distracted and convulsed all Europe, and menaced a total overthrow of all credit and confidence, and universal bankruptcy

    43. President, I wish to call the attention of the Senate to the propriety and constitutionality of calling out this detachment of militia at a time when no enemy menaced an invasion

    44. The undersigned undertook the mission, which lasted from the month of January to the month of June, inclusive, during which period those public acts and legislative resolutions of the Assemblies of Massachusetts and Connecticut were passed which kept the General Government of the United States in check, and deterred it from carrying into execution the measures of hostility with which Great Britain was menaced

    1. Then The Man turned to Menachem and spoke menaces softly as he caught his breath

    2. Ted understands the difference between a consideration and a question delivered with menaces

    3. Their Breton mother, true to form in all of her formidable petiteness and feistiness, swore to protect her tall and broad-shouldered Redguard husband from any and all menaces with everything in her – promising to rip them apart with her bare hands, even

    4. So, in adherence to some kind of perverse morality, these little menaces were never deployed as a long-range offensive weapon

    5. trap that menaces every rambler in the forest of

    6. “Yeah Yeah Yeah it has turns into a terror factory and perhaps we have become an epitome of war and hatred but like I said we didn’t call for these menaces to the society

    7. Standing three feet away in the middle of the road he seemed larger than any of his family members, distant brown menaces in a field

    8. menaces conceived in the continuity of a fearful reaction to otherwise inviting propositions

    9. A few feet below it a stuffed Polar bear menaces the hotel guests

    10. Multitudes hear these menaces without a pang, and 'take sittings’ to listen to them, if eloquently set forth by a tragical preacher

    11. Camilla was not long in recovering from her fainting fit and on coming to herself she said, "Why do you not go, Leonela, to call hither that friend, the falsest to his friend the sun ever shone upon or night concealed? Away, run, haste, speed! lest the fire of my wrath burn itself out with delay, and the righteous vengeance that I hope for melt away in menaces and maledictions

    12. '" The retreating party in their haste, however, did not stop for that, or heed his menaces any more than last year's clouds

    13. "Sire, I have come as rapidly to Paris as possible, to inform your majesty that I have discovered, in the exercise of my duties, not a commonplace and insignificant plot, such as is every day got up in the lower ranks of the people and in the army, but an actual conspiracy— a storm which menaces no less than your majesty's throne

    14. Bold and rapid as was the progress of the scout, it was exceeded by that of a light and vigorous form which, bounding past him, leaped, with incredible activity and daring, into the very center of the Hurons, where it stood, whirling a tomahawk, and flourishing a glittering knife, with fearful menaces, in front of Cora

    15. Ben hesitantly admitted that it might not all be apples because we were assigned to sleep in something named “Possum Tent,” but he did assure us that Australia’s possums were adorable and not the angry, giant-teethed, hissing menaces that we had in Texas

    16. Distracted between the coaxings and menaces of Sotillo and his Staff, the miserable commander of the steamer kept her moving with as much prudence as they would let him exercise

    17. The old tyrant, maddened by one of his sudden accesses of suspicion, mingled spluttering appeals to their fidelity with imprecations and horrible menaces

    18. Lastly, he has his own fauna, which he observes attentively in the corners; the lady-bird, the death's-head plant-louse, the daddy-long-legs, "the devil," a black insect, which menaces by twisting about its tail armed with two horns

    19. Shall we continue to raise our eyes to heaven? is the luminous point which we distinguish there one of those which vanish? The ideal is frightful to behold, thus lost in the depths, small, isolated, imperceptible, brilliant, but surrounded by those great, black menaces, monstrously heaped around it; yet no more in danger than a star in the maw of the clouds

    20. My destruction might indeed arrive a few months sooner, but if my torturer should suspect that I postponed it, influenced by his menaces, he would surely find other and perhaps more dreadful means of revenge

    21. But I discovered no trace of him and was beginning to conjecture that some fortunate chance had intervened to prevent the execution of his menaces when suddenly I heard a shrill and dreadful scream

    22. But you will be told that in our Russia, which has grown so poor in men of character, one man had the courage to stand up and, in spite of deadly menaces showered on him from all sides, to tell the fools the truth, that is, that they are fools

    23. Now what can compel a man to do, not what he wishes, but what he does not wish, is physical violence, or a threat of using such, that is, the deprivation of liberty, beating, maiming, or executable menaces that such actions will be carried out

    24. The menaces of a war that is likely to break out at any time make all the perfections of the social life useless and in vain

    25. The very existence of this spirit of rivalry favors the chances of war: the nations, no longer able to support the increased armament, will sooner or later prefer open war to the tension in which they live and the ruin which menaces them, so that the slightest pretext will avail to kindle in Europe the conflagration of a general war

    26. But the men from the masses who free themselves from constant labour and who educate themselves, and who, it would seem, should be able to understand the deception which is practised upon them, are subjected to such an intensified effect of menaces, bribery, and hypnotization by the governments, that they almost without an exception pass over to the side of the governments and, accepting advantageous and well-paid positions as teachers, priests, officers, officials, become participants in the dissemination of the deception which ruins their fellow men

    27. And yet if it is clear that it was only by means of menaces, blows, or murder, that the mill in Orel was enabled to yield a larger income, or that the forest which the peasants had planted became the property of a landowner, it should be equally clear that all the other exclusive rights enjoyed by the rich, by robbing the poor of their necessities, rest on the same basis of violence

    28. By the light of a few torches, a hideous crowd was seen before the windows, armed with scythes and axes, which they were brandishing with fearful menaces

    29. Menaces are serious things; and, if we expect any good from them, they ought to be resorted to with as much caution and seriousness as war itself, and should, if not successful, be invariably followed by it

    30. The consequence is, that, after all the parade and menaces with which the session commenced, it has been suffered to end without carrying into effect any of the plans of the Administration, except the interdiction of commercial intercourse with England and France, an event that was anticipated in my former letters

    31. They consider all the menaces and "dreadful note of preparation" to be a mere finesse, intended only to obtain concessions from England on cheap terms

    32. Nor can it be pretended that they are not answerable for the atrocities perpetrated; since the savages are employed with a knowledge, and even with menaces, that their fury could not be controlled

    33. menaces should be resorted to with as much caution and seriousness as war itself, and should, if not successful, be invariably followed by it, 448;

    1. Sniders walked around the room with a menacing stare

    2. He wore a menacing look on his face

    3. " She grimaced at her reflection, making her pretty face as menacing as she could and then thought of the girl with the stain in her crotch

    4. The same big bruisers as the previous night, Rafa and his hulking, menacing, terrifying side-kick

    5. On the tactical display, the Squidy was a blank, gray region, like a menacing, disembodied shadow

    6. With a physical urgency usually reserved for athletes and Special Forces troops, Miss Jones launched herself into a standing position, braced her legs upon the pavement and picked up her handbag in the most menacing way that she could manage

    7. supplication to this menacing phantom dressed in red

    8. pavement and picked up her handbag in the most menacing way

    9. He washed his hands and started out, on a parallel path to the river, which this morning seemed less menacing

    10. I saw a great yellow face, greasy, with heavy, double-chin, and two sullen, menacing gray eyes which glared at me

    11. The branches hung in the air, menacing, as though they would crush her at any moment

    12. growing cold and menacing as their eyes met

    13. There they were and unmistakably so, as menacing as the

    14. For example, most of us react with instant alarm to snakes (I do!) and receive a clear, urgent, internal message of “Get-the-heck-out-of here, now!” This is especially true when confronted with the big ones with long, oozing fangs; wiggly, big-forked tongues; and menacing, beady eyes focused in our succulent body

    15. His voice was soft and menacing when he spoke

    16. "Well, it's a good plan you got there, but…" Griffiths inched closer to Arkaneh with a menacing look

    17. The creature, when it spoke, had a growling, menacing voice

    18. The blood-fragrant air echoed with a hollow half sigh, half growl, both menacing and pitiful at the same time

    19. There was something dark and menacing about them that chilled her to the bone

    20. This man was one of those people with no distinguishing features who somehow still managed to always look menacing

    21. A dark menacing contemptuous look comes over his face

    22. “Who is the man?” His voice was so low and menacing I couldn"t believe it was my Joseph speaking

    23. Stepping forward she held up the sturdy-looking shovel in an attempt to look menacing

    24. menacing, shoulders back, chest out

    25. Amadeus would scramble across the bottom sheet, his eyes as big as headlights and his whiskers at attention, swiping at the menacing pockets of air

    26. She smiled, benignly menacing

    27. But he said nothing and just stared with those menacing eyes that reduced Raven to a child cowering beneath a titan

    28. It was not a pretty sight, he looked big, mean and menacing

    29. The swaying serpent remained swaying, still looking menacing

    30. General Duffield, with the 9th Massachusetts and 33rd and 34th Michigan and a force of Cubans, was to advance along the coast and join the navy in a combined attack upon Aguadores, menacing the left flank

    31. He responded in a menacing tone

    32. "Shut up!" he snarled in a menacing tone

    33. Just then, I was startled by the loud, menacing, bark of a

    34. a menacing Vernon about to pounce on me

    35. The clouds looked menacing, so I prepared the tent for storms that never came

    36. The two men walked towards him in a menacing manner

    37. He hated this dark and menacing walk through the deserted passes of the London underground

    38. The effect was rather unsettling and the Inquisitor bowed deeper still as a physical reaction to the Patriarch’s menacing look

    39. The slim, fast, fighting Bees, had larger stingers and looked menacing

    40. There was a certain degree of exasperation in his voice now, which was focused, harsh, and suddenly almost menacing

    41. A menacing sound had roused him from a restless sleep, and he wondered what was wrong

    42. How spine- tingling and menacing it is that this snake, which is among the most venomous on the planet, when fully grown can literally "stand up" and look an adult human in the eye

    43. Unless you’re scared and you know you aint shee-ott bee-otch, In that case we could battle for flowers, pansy,” finger jabbing banger had said in a menacing yet derisive tone

    44. In the meantime on the left side of the church where the menacing villains were, the

    45. But that isn’t what makes him look menacing

    46. But the most menacing stare came from Yvonne

    47. slid out of his mouth with a menacing hiss

    48. Groves,” he said in a menacing tone

    49. screens of their masks, but he knew each one bore a menacing

    50. Menacing faces lined the narrow aisle, illuminated as if

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    Sinônimos para "menace"

    menace threat endanger imperil jeopardise jeopardize peril threaten impend loom intimidate portend hazard caution threatening intimidation