Use "nervous" em uma frase
nervous frases de exemplo
1. Jorma didn't mean to appear that nervous, "It's just a bit lavish," he said
2. There are a number of organic problems of the heart and circulatory system, glands and hormonal system, and the nervous system that can, to varying degrees, diminish male capacity for and interest in sex
3. Dad’s starting to make me nervous, the way he’s acting
4. Henry hated when he got this nervous; it was a wonder that he remembered how to breathe under the stress he felt
5. “I don’t like to wait,” Scar said, leaning over the shoulder of the nervous computer operator who everyone in the United Order just referred to as The Operator
6. He was always nervous when he was using computers, even though he was one of the best hackers and security protection experts in the world
7. The Operator had mentioned that he got nervous because of a traumatic experience he had as a child when he claimed a computer had tried to kill him by electrocuting him
8. It is reported to cause adverse gastrointestinal and central nervous system effects, and damage to red blood cells
9. As nervous as the computer made him, Scar scared him even more
10. He wheeled his nervous mount around and had his pocket eye in his hand as soon as the thunder died away
11. Then she heard nervous claws on gravel that said she wouldn't have time
12. The hospital workers stand, looking somewhat nervous, as Zitteraal approaches
13. Some of the postures have relation to the nervous body and that inner structure of fine nerves, called the 'nadis', which underlie the nervous system
14. The money Tahlmute paid already had nervous sweat on it
15. nervous energy that sparked between them whenever they looked into each other’s
16. Yeah, doostEr admitted to himself, but he'd be a lot less nervous and just as interested in the job if he'd showed him ten coppers
17. I can see that she’s nervous now that we’re here
18. By the time they decided these girls might really have reasons for being hermits out here and taken their leave, Tahlmute noticed that Estwig was out of their sight and he was nervous
19. ‘I don’t have a problem with sheep, though I have to say that cows make me a bit nervous sometimes
20. It’s unlike Stephen to be nervous
21. Meeting Emma is obviously something he is nervous about
22. Now I have had a nervous break-down once before
23. John turns back, clearly nervous about what might happen
24. “Very ingenious,” said the gaoler by way of nervous conversation, “just sort of
25. Now that I was outside of the cell he seemed palpably nervous, as though my movement across the threshold somehow threatened his safety
26. I pulled my feet into my body, a simple nervous reaction, and in doing so realised that I was making a big mistake
27. Doc Ibora spent the better part of a two days checking out every thread of the Chief's nervous system for damage
28. After a while, he looks bored and nervous: “We shouldn't have come here! You should have invited me home, so as to spend a nice night together!” he snorts
29. Although his message with the flowers had been positive, I’m still nervous
30. People got nervous as it grew more and more quiet
31. He listened intently enough, but was always wide-eyed and nervous, flinching visibly every time Robbie shouted out his updates on our preciously spinning time together
32. We sensed the nervous agitation of the guards, an anxiety verging on panic
33. She was also an incessant nervous talker
34. She cast her mind back to the Errdians she had encountered since coming across – Gerisse Stowman – now she’d be willing to believe quite a lot about that particular character and he’d been nervous about her presence … but there was nothing to tie him to this area
35. "Yes" he said, but looked almost as nervous as he used to when they first met
36. there comes the nervous rattle of electronic messaging
37. Thick dark hair, watching the sky through nervous eyes,
38. As nervous as they were over the scream and thunder of the shuttle coming in, that was all it took for the herd to bolt
39. they came with dark eyes and nervous hands,
40. Strong independent women always made Jerry nervous
41. I presumed everyone was as nervous as me
42. The effort needed for the perfection of this advanced posture will greatly improve your powers of concentration and in addition to the benefits to the muscles of the arms and torso the deep breathing will help congested lungs and bronchial tubes and the posture tones up the entire nervous system
43. You may feel you are too sleepy to do them then but you will find that some of the asanas are very bracing owing to their stimulating effect on the nervous system and soon give you a wide-awake feeling
44. "Alan's still nervous about his old religious thing, but yeah, I could go for it if Yarin's willing and he's not too beat when he's done with those tenks
45. Can you imagine the shock treatment all this activity has on the digestive and nervous systems? And because of this fast dying down the body is aware of a hunger for more and more sugar
46. If, therefore, you have a nervous temperament, and who has not in these troubled times, and you suffer from symptoms of eyestrain, you may be able to overcome these symptoms simply by learning to relax
47. Eyestrain is a very common ailment suffered by those who live in a state of nervous tension because slight defects of the eyes, normally tolerated by a calmer person, becomes aggravated in nervous people
48. This exercise strengthens the eye muscles and increases the powers of concentration by fixing all the attention on one point and through that to the central nervous system, which will be soothed and relaxed
49. Corpse Posture as it has a soothing effect on the nervous system
50. Chances are this person is just nervous and has gotten in over their head