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1. It is said that entire mountains were destroyed and thousands of human slaves lost to obtain enough ore to smelt it
2. After all, giants did not have the delicate touch of humans when it came to mining and extracting ore
3. Humic Acid: Comes from Leonardite Ore, millions of years old
4. Several times he paced the floor trying to come up with a scheme whereby they could extract the ore and get it away, but without the car they were completely screwed, and he knew it
5. It is known to have vast mineral deposits, particularly iron ore
6. Exporting the ore requires a port: Port Hedland
7. Dwarven artisans and builders could often be found in Lock Core, but the majority of their people remained in the mountains; the Rock Dwarves dwelling deep within, burrowing caverns, halls and mining the rich supply of precious ore, while the Boulder Dwarves lived upon the cliffs, constantly sculpting the mountain face into elaborate caves
8. "What a ridiculous waste of ore
9. As he did so, Brice saw that his eyes were emerald green and even sparkled like the precious ore
10. The coarse, and still more the precious metals, when separated from the ore, are so valuable, that they can generally bear the expense of a very long land, and of the most distant sea carriage
11. proprietor frequently exacts no other acknowledgment from the undertaker of the mine, but that he will grind the ore at his mill, paying him the ordinary multure or price of grinding
12. In a great iron-work, for example, the furnace for melting the ore, the forge, the slit-mill, are instruments of trade which cannot be erected without a very great expense
13. was of a moderate length, and though it was a rich brown, too, early flecks of silver were laced like veins of precious ore
14. To see ore in your dream indicates that you are still in the process of digesting certain concepts that you have learned in your life
15. Crouched in little huddled clumps of threes and fours, the tattered forms of 'conscripts' scraped, cracked, chewed and sifted out even the smallest bits of ore from the mounds of rock and debris surrounding them
16. What would anywhere else have been performed by ore refining machines, here was being done with the broken teeth and bleeding fingers of slaves
17. Of this kind are all naval stores, masts, yards, and bowsprits, tar, pitch, and turpentine, pig and bar iron, copper ore, hides and skins, pot and pearl ashes
18. Meanwhile on the moon, the ore was being
19. arena that Rex had built with ore taken
20. The three mines, the ore refinery and the solar farms relied on radio masts for communication
21. “It’s metal ore, sir
22. Mountains of raw ore, scrap metal, and coal created snow-covered hills, and she led Books, Akstyr, and Maldynado into the valleys
23. A diagonal track running from ore bins to the loading platform above the furnace offered her some cover
24. A ladder on the catwalk led up to the charging platform, where workers could shovel ore, coke, and limestone off the skip car and into the belly of the fifty-foot beast
25. A shovel and the ore cart, which was about halfway unloaded
26. Amaranthe snorted as she rummaged through the ore bin
27. She hurled more ore
28. She abandoned the ore cart and took up a position at the top of the ladder, shovel raised over her shoulder
29. Her shoulder ached from the ore car crash, but, between the creature and the twenty guards, he had received a far worse battering than her
30. Were there other tactics that could have been used, not only more effective but not horrific and morally reprehensible? Japan is an island nation, one with no oil or iron ore
31. There were still thousands of weapons and pieces of armor to be made, which meant more and more ore was required each day
32. The low point came during a week-long trip to one of their earlier, larger projects in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the Cleveland Cliffs iron ore pelletizing plant
33. ” Having a dirty mind, I figured that there must be a super abundance of strip clubs for the horny iron ore miners and plant workers
34. Several giant ore carriers were caught in the ice or had to be guided to port
35. Huge domestic and foreign cargo vessels and ore carriers carry goods to and from the Twin Ports, making Duluth-Superior one of the top twenty ports in the U
36. Commercial lumbering, fishing, and the coal and iron ore docks symbolized the economic significance of these venerable Great Lakes ports
37. The Two Harbors (Minnesota) Lighthouse, built in 1892, guided ships to the local iron ore docks
38. To accommodate the increased number of lake carriers hauling iron ore cargoes, the Ashland (Wisconsin) Breakwater Light was built
39. The Coast Guard and the Port Authority monitor and serve more than 1,000 ships annually at the grain, coal, and iron ore docks, and bulk terminal, which annually had supported 2
40. The port of Ashland once hosted huge iron ore boats at its now-abandoned iron ore docks
41. Cargo sweeping is the process of washing the remains of iron ore, limestone, salt, and other cargo hold residue from commercial vessels into the Lakes, several miles from shore
42. veins of ore But on the other hand, much mineral substance and short-
43. It was used in the old days by the trains bringing the copper ore from the Kennecott mine to the coast for shipping
44. “Our people mined the ore and metal veins in the Arkadian Mountain Range for many generations
45. Many of the stones sparkled with crystals and precious metals embedded in the metallic ore
46. Chunks of ore and minerals shattered into chalky fragments when they collided with the chamber floor at high speed
47. Let us make room for Smithforge so that he may begin the arduous task of smelting the ore necessary to hone a permanent seal here
48. “Will you lead me to a place where the earth is raw and unpaved? I must mine ore that bears iron and nickel for smelting
49. com – m ore aimed at business-to-business services Best of the web directory
50. not put a price on the metal-bearing ore