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    1. Ask questions that prompt a response; then respond to their opinions on current events, entertainment, or history

    2. of canned laughter and prompt applause

    3. There are so many mistaken truths and outright lies about the Indians that prompt that wannabe phenomena

    4. He doesn’t need to prompt

    5. but the situation required prompt action

    6. ' Their efficiency and prompt results in answer to their every proposal had not gone unnoticed by the Directors with whom Harry had daily and weekly interaction in the course of the firm's business

    7. This was a reward for you initial prompt partial repayment, but the rest has remained unpaid for 18 weeks, so the interest and principal would be–” he paused while Mr White pulled out a black book from the briefcase on the table

    8. ‘Hate the stuff,’ came the prompt reply

    9. Every man's interest would prompt him to seek the advantageous, and to shun the

    10. A clear demonstration of the punishment if answers weren’t prompt

    11. But they knew that a bear or some such beast was close by and they wondered if some poor soul had stumbled onto it – and needed prompt assistance

    12. Regularity, order, and prompt obedience to command, are qualities which, in modern armies, are of more importance towards determining the fate of battles, than the dexterity and skill of the soldiers in the use of their arms

    13. fire-arms, the smoke, and the invisible death to which every man feels himself every moment exposed, as soon as he comes within cannon-shot, and frequently a long time before the battle can be well said to be engaged, must render it very difficult to maintain any considerable degree of this regularity, order, and prompt obedience, even in the beginning of a modern battle

    14. But the habits of regularity, order, and prompt obedience to command, can be acquired only by troops which are exercised in great bodies

    15. The soldiers are every day exercised in the use of their arms, and, being constantly under the command of their officers, are habituated to the same prompt obedience which takes place in standing armies

    16. Envy, malice, or resentment, are the only passions which can prompt one man to injure another in his person or reputation

    17. But avarice and ambition in the rich, in the poor the hatred of labour and the love of present ease and enjoyment, are the passions which prompt to invade property ; passions much more steady in their operation, and much more universal in their influence

    18. ‘How can time end?’ she said, more as gentle prompt than an inquisitive question

    19. He reacted to the unseen prompt and began, “Captain Novikov, I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that the contents of this message are for your eyes only

    20. Kevin pressed the button to activate it, but when the screen activated it just displayed a prompt warning that there was no network connection

    21. To her amazement it switched on, the screen illuminating to show a warning prompt, informing her that it too had lost network connection, she switched it off but kept holding it, reluctant to drop it back into the salty water

    22. It occurred to her to prompt Alex on the phone, but how would she broach the subject? Besides, it would be best to see his face when they talked

    23. Each workout in this phase is designed to stimulate the muscles just enough to prompt that MGF response and stimulate the growth of new muscle stem cells, without getting anywhere near training to failure

    24. No other race, in my opinion, could prompt such a radical change in thinking

    25. The prompt action of Governor Maxwell at the final palaver settled the matter - diplomacy had conquered brute force and cunning

    26. On July 10th, Toral, receiving prompt rejection of his offer to capitulate if allowed to march out with full honours of war, requested that cable operators might go to the city, to transmit to Madrid the terms of the surrender demanded

    27. “You notice that the blonde one is much more prompt about refilling our ale mugs, after all

    28. And I'll expect prompt payment, Mr Barns, prompt payment

    29. Any number of examples may be cited such as a public servant who compromises core principle values (or motivating factors), that would normally prompt that individual to act or behave differently, for (political) expediency or an individual, feeble in mind or body, who involuntarily acts contrary to how that individual might otherwise behave if he or she were not under emotional or physical duress or a

    30. What would prompt Lobo to leave

    31. Colling did not answer, and his silence seemed to prompt Zinsmann to respond to the American’s request, “Your best chance is in Switzerland

    32. “Whoever they are, they’re probably prompt

    33. This was a prompt for administrative action

    34. It felt like a prompt from the grave

    35. There are emotions, however, that should never prompt action, including guilt, desperation, and ven-

    36. I gave a slight nod to prompt him and he continued

    37. She dialed Sierra’s number right away, but the voicemail prompt came on

    38. She didn’t prompt him again, but Nicolas had decided to talk

    39. It is in the nature of desire to prompt the mind to create a

    40. however much you may prompt him to look

    41. Discounts for early or prompt payment should be considered

    42. o Would either a discount for prompt payment or a discount for

    43. prompt the quieter members of the group to add their thoughts

    44. should prompt the quieter members of the group to add their thoughts

    45. And that we would appreciate his reply being prompt, as I don’t want the ranch to lapse into operating at a loss if we have to take very long to negotiate, or to replace him

    46. ” was the prompt reply, and then the book appeared on the table

    47. He was grinning, but there was enough steel in his voice to prompt most of those watching to spontaneously answer him, and firmly in the affirmative in every case

    48. “Thanks to the prompt and efficient action of Scotland Yard, my family was safe

    49. the room with this thought, followed by a prompt clearing of

    50. Dear Saint Anthony, you were prompt to fulfill

    1. ‘No … but it is fishy that the alibi is one of Dan’s employees … strangely enough he went along to the police station himself without being prompted

    2. He should have complained about that but instead asked what had prompted him to leave the Yakhan

    3. Curiosity prompted by a misunderstanding

    4. prompted the creation of a unified group to protect the pathways

    5. White Feathers's supply of ice blocks was nearly exhausted before the last week of August, which prompted discussion of an alternative plan to the tedium of retrieving the blocks from beneath their scattered holding buoys in the lake

    6. “We should talk about Hamet,” Bram gently prompted his father

    7. Even so, it was possible that something she had said had actually prompted the complaint

    8. Chloe was transfixed by the whelming emotions prompted by her stepmother's approbation of her management skills, and the prospect of remaining with her new friend in Stratford

    9. 'Then what happened?' prompted Henri, trying to keep

    10. ” That admission raised eyes and prompted sighs from the others, “Seeing is highly overrated at times,” he added

    11. “It was remembering your every move of that last day on the road near the White's house that prompted our determination to achieve what you had demonstrated,” they admitted to Harry's delighted expression

    12. “And the TIs?” he prompted the younger man

    13. The sharper than regular curves, that she knew laid just ahead, prompted an angry demand from her trembling lips

    14. “And as long as your not offended by my prying, what prompted that field for your consideration?” Harry became more and more fascinated by his new friend

    15. This letter is prompted by "straight in Buffalo" and what her husband called a sleazy outfit

    16. One day I was preparing to go to group when the Holy Spirit prompted me not to go

    17. have prompted the sort of character-building experiences

    18. Till this stipulation was made, mutual emulation, and the desire of greater gain, frequently prompted them to overwork themselves, and to hurt their health by excessive labour

    19. prompted the ruffians to quicken their pace

    20. But still she couldn’t bring herself to press against him, even if the motion would have prompted him to

    21. National prejudice and animosity, prompted always by the private interest of particular traders, are the principles which generally direct our judgment upon all questions concerning it

    22. “Come on now, be honest,” she prompted coyly when he didn’t reply immediately

    23. Danny’s curiosity prompted and he homed in on the source of the fear

    24. The disabled boy had, somehow, prompted the courage to think about the disturbing dreams

    25. But though the Roman colonies were, in many respects, different from the Greek ones, the interest which prompted to establish them was equally plain and distinct

    26. But the hope of finding treasures of gold there was the sole motive which prompted to undertake it; and to give this motive the greater weight, it was proposed by Columbus, that the half of all the gold and silver that should be found there, should belong to the crown

    27. All the other enterprizes of the Spaniards in the New World, subsequent to those of Columbus, seem to have been prompted by the same motive

    28. Within this environment we are always prompted with situations which compel us to make a choice

    29. If upon some occasions, therefore, it has animated them to actions of magnanimity which could not well have been expected from them, we should not wonder if, upon others, it has prompted them to exploits of somewhat a different nature

    30. The many possessions I had removed from The Sea Serpent overcrowded the inside of my little cottage and this prompted me to build a storage structure

    31. ‘Clearly something’s wrong,’ said Scott, realising he had stated the obvious, but it prompted the doctor to nod

    32. The affluence of the rich excites the indignation of the poor, who are often both driven by want, and prompted by envy to invade his possessions

    33. "Who's pulling your strings?" prompted Danny

    34. This prompted Captain

    35. were excited and intrigued with all of “guests” on board and the stories they told, when prompted

    36. Prempeh collected himself, and being prompted by the Ansahs, again rose, exclaiming in a clear voice, “I now claim the protection of the Queen of England

    37. When I first landed there was a respect shown to white men, but it was prompted by fear

    38. Any time he slowed, Amaranthe prompted him with questions

    39. Kissing women on the street may be harmless horse-play, and it was mere curiosity that prompted the soldiers to enter private houses and roam around, but Latins do not understand these things

    40. Such practices, prompted by sheer greed rather than (simply) profit, are contemptible and should be properly regulated

    41. I wonder whether as a nation we aren‘t slowly gravitating toward an ideological federation of sorts, prompted by our increasingly diverse customs and beliefs

    42. "And you hoped to use Boddaert's Magic to save the sett?" Slikit prompted

    43. Addendum to the above: Progress and Change should not be confused with a purposeful lack of clarity prompted by expedient designs commonly adopted by ―reformers‖ who actively seek to promote their (own) political and social agenda rather than advance

    44. Secondly, they used neighbouring countries as springboards for their attacks which prompted many pre-emptive strikes which is allowed under International Law but did the Rhodesian reputation nothing good

    45. Such thinking has prompted a twentieth-century mindset defined by the supercilious designs of social engineers seeking to modify, if not micro-manage, human behavior on the basis of implausible, formulaic theories

    46. Predictably, these events have prompted knee-jerked reactions underlining ―root causes‖ which isn‘t so surprising inasmuch every effect (or outcome) ultimately proceeds from some determined or unexpected cause

    47. This standoff prompted many conspiracy theories, and still does

    48. So, after Christmas?” she prompted, steering the conversation back to safer shores

    49. “So what happened?” prompted Bru

    50. “Going to be late?” she prompted

    1. She felt Tdeshi's hormones prompting her to blow off comfortable old Kulai and run off on an adventure with a dashing manly man, but Ava's sense of duty was going to force Herndon to pay for this junket with his fast boat

    2. ’ She told me, going on, as mothers do, to explain their names and ages without any further prompting

    3. Gary hadn’t stayed late, the kids materialising almost by magic to say goodnight to him without prompting

    4. “She's doing this on her own, with no prompting from a Jade Bear

    5. That as a mirror prompting?”

    6. This creates a cycle of learning – success with simple tasks builds skills and confidence to try more complex tasks – and results in also trying to solve problems in different ways, prompting creativity

    7. “He…” Carius hesitated and only very reluctantly continued as the Breton tilted her head in prompting

    8. What the entities are doing on the Other Side are just revealing messages and prompting us to play this game of life better

    9. After she’d said a tentative ‘hi’ prompting his group to ceremoniously disperse to their safely observable distance

    10. ” Jayana announced without prompting

    11. The Man, however, stopped laughing the moment Longleaf’s right fist connected with the scallywag’s midriff, prompting him to expel all the air in his lungs and collapse to the ground

    12. I remember receiving an ―urgent‖ call one evening from a friend of mine prompting me to turn on one of the cable news channels

    13. Johnson, wards,” he said, prompting Steve to jump up from his seat like a spring

    14. He knocked once, paused, then knocked again three times, the hollow metal banging echoing weakly, while the sound of ripples in the water around us made me want to pee urgently, prompting me to ask Jules:

    15. Without any prompting, the two sergeants repeated their story to the Major, who was obviously very angry

    16. father held the chair for his wife to sit and without any prompting, Stinger held the chair for Sarah to sit before sitting himself

    17. It had not been driven in some time, and it took some prompting from Colling and Hermann before it finally sputtered into life

    18. The soul or heart as the seat of feelings or sentiments, or as prompting to action

    19. He won’t give me information without prompting

    20. “What’s the other way?” My heart pounds, like it already knows an answer I can’t face without prompting

    21. Surely, the Founders risked prompting a revolution they felt was necessary

    22. I waited for 30 seconds to see if Jack would continue without prompting, but he was not making it easy

    23. These were men of deep beliefs, secure in themselves, with no need for prompting to recall who they were pretending to be on a given day

    24. prompting a bystander to call 911

    25. were losing tens of billions of dollars annually to fraud, abuse and mismanagement of federal agencies, prompting House hearings to

    26. The reading may have been prompting you out of being

    27. women I’ve met all love babies without much prompting,

    28. Feeling a prompting to do so she ran her had against the wall

    29. The feeling grew quickly, prompting her to respond with a quick wiggle and a shove and a gentle touch of Force, and she popped up from between them like a squeezed watermelon seed

    30. “No sinful act was ever done in this world without the prompting of a sinful thought

    31. prompting another squeeze of his hand on her waist

    32. The man made a quick gesture with his hands, prompting the girls to get out

    33. His decision to invite her guests to lunch had surprised and delighted her, prompting hope that her dearest friend was on the mend

    34. It took no prompting from me, but she was clearly delighted not to have her ideas discounted

    35. Over mugs of cocoa and assisted by frequent prompting from Robert, Bart recounted everything from the headmaster’s first disapproval of their wrestling, through to Robert’s being trapped in the shed

    36. He danced lumpishly and, after much prompting, undid Robert's shirt buttons

    37. With almost no prompting he gave me the benefit of his ideas for a perfect world



    40. In this case Maya convinced my friend he was making a legitimate test or challenge to the model rather than escaping the discomfort and leaving her alone to survive in peace, by prompting him to ask questions about the theory of the model – questions that began with why and what if, and I‘m not sure I agree that………However, the only valid and legitimate test or challenge to a model is to see how well it performs in application, not in theory

    41. With neither preparation nor prompting Harry dreamed twice that week

    42. Without any prompting, each of the family stood and said their goodnights

    43. Richard let Roberto do the talking, but with very little prompting, Richard was able to get his side of the story over

    44. achieve the goal - again with prompting and encouragement to

    45. “Are you sure it will be able to last that long?” she said, prompting him for further explanation

    46. First off, Joey took out the compass and sent a charge of honoi into it, prompting it to project the hologram of Fopi

    47. He lifted his arms, prompting the mech to do the same as well with a faint creak of the tendons

    48. Listening carefully to the words in Dari, she finally threw up her arms in triumph, prompting a question from Maria Garibaldi

    49. One of the two side doors used by support vehicles and robots to enter and exit the hangar started opening, prompting Lori’s cameraman in pointing his lens in that direction

    50. Nancy was prompting Pegasus in that direction when the merchant was submerged by the crowd and disappeared from sight, making his wife scream with horror and anguish

    1. It’s the kind of thing that prompts legislators

    2. ’ Jimmy had the codes for algorithmic prompts in his head, gleaned by Zolla's technicians; he was surprised to have retained them so clearly in his memory

    3. the answers to our prayers, and then prompts us to move into position

    4. that creates the urge; the inner prompts the outer and the outer

    5. “You haven’t opened the box yet,” Emily prompts

    6. “Now…?” the scribe prompts him

    7. This is so because the very questioning, “Is this productive or destructive” prompts self awareness to question itself

    8. The invocation of Jim Crow prompts another question

    9. Also notice that when the Python interpreter is used in interactive mode, it helps you enter the statements by changing prompts appropriately

    10. By the way, our system used synthesized voice prompts to prompt the motel to configure

    11. The fool prompts us to be

    12. that your recording prompts you to say every new phrase a few times throughout the

    13. The teacher often prompts you to recall phrases you’ve learnt – asks you

    14. This insulin prompts you to eat often and to

    15. “You will see,” he said, “that this card by-passes all the machine prompts, and immediately invites me to select from the on-screen menu

    16. “Just fill in the information as the system prompts you, and bring it back to me when you’re done

    17. ‘We cannot do this deal on these terms’ prompts the following questions:

    18. This fear prompts our mind chatter to paint a bleak picture of an uncertain future, which in turn creates a disempowering and negative attitude towards life

    19. maintains that God neither acts nor prompts action, and that he also

    20. verse) which reveal how he is all-pervading, how he prompts, how he

    21. It is for this reason that Krishn prompts Arjun to utter the name of God but

    22. but only that name which prompts and confirms faith in the one God is

    23. structs others and prompts them with firmness

    24. He also prompts beings to kalp in the oth-

    25. their own nature and are dominated by the three properties: he prompts

    26. At the same time, however, it definitely prompts to a desire for

    27. prompts to action, and tamas veils knowledge and drives one to

    28. yagya ), meditation upon the Self which is the discipline that prompts

    29. is sin, the deed that prompts one towards God and begets the ultimate

    30. Thus to constantly trigger society with Look at Me, Buy Me, Save Me trains them to be averse to the cry for help, desensitizes their ability to care, thus habituating them towards being unempathetic, which is what prompts mutual assistance

    31. Great Hate has no doubt; it liberates, empowers, prompts the hateful to execute their plans

    32. more watched it on television, prompts me to ask, ‘Why shouldn’t the world’s

    33. The devil then prompts his victims to follow a way that causes them to fall into epilepsy, death or illness, so that there is suffering and pain in one of their organs

    34. prompts you when selected friends or colleagues are also online, is an

    35. real cause of the unhappiness that prompts people to explore

    36. Stress is the main trigger of sleepwalking, or prompts extreme acts being committed during sleepwalking

    37. means adjusting our behaviour according to what this sense prompts us

    38. If the more innocuous prompts

    39. prompts me to give the problem to Him and He

    40. found that interests me and prompts me to work on

    41. Space is rather tight, so we are forever moving around each other, something that prompts an endless stream of jokes from my two constantly good-humored hosts

    42. So start the hard conversations, and make the changes that the Holy Spirit prompts within you

    43. Does anything just happen? Perhaps unconsciously we were aware of more than we cared to consider but we didn’t take stock and think about what we were actually doing, and why we were doing it, we just followed the prompts, cause and effect

    44. The eager curiosity which prompts men to press on into these things behind the veil has let them to construct hypotheses more or less definite as to the intermediate state, and these have affected the thought which Christian writers have connected with the word ‘paradise’”—Smith’s Bible Dictionary, pages 689-690

    45. However startling the statement, the finite will, erring and rebelling, is represented as setting in eternal opposition to each other the attributes of God—the righteousness which prompts to swift judgment as an eternal necessity of the Divine Nature,—and the grace which remembers mercy and pities the victims of Satanic envy

    46. ence of the superior will, the prompts received from superior forces

    47. produces—we who are in expectation, have those which devotion prompts

    48. Easton made no reply: he knew that all this was true, but he was not without a large share of the false pride which prompts us to hide our poverty and to pretend that we are much better off than we really are

    49. "Thank you, my dear Beauchamp, thank you for the excellent feeling which prompts your advice; but it cannot be

    50. VIRAG: (Prompts in a pig's whisper) Insects of the day spend their brief

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    Sinônimos para "prompt"

    command prompt prompt prompting inspire instigate cue remind actuate incite motivate move propel immediate quick straightaway arouse provoke urge induce cause goad timely precise instant punctual direct rapid hint assist prod suggest propose aid help push press drive admonish impel shove