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    christian name exemples de phrases

    christian name

    1. Think of that! Bob had but fifteen "bob" a week himself; he pocketed on Saturdays but fifteen copies of his Christian name; and yet the Ghost

    2. From the long-forgotten names of old to the Christian name of God, they appear to have been countless as well as imaginative

    3. He knew her married name was Wall, but got her Christian name mixed up with that of her sister Kitty

    4. She knew the Duke’s Christian name but never used it

    5. It’s the Christian name my parents gave me, although Lee is also a common family name among Chinese

    6. They were on Christian name terms, which always helped at a time like this, especially as they had both been disturbed from a good night’s sleep

    7. It was not his practice to call officers by their Christian names

    8. name, Christian name; #a —— de#, in thename of

    9. Papa wouldn't; my step-mother did; and beholds Joey--his Christian name is Joey—more lucrative to us by, I believe, just double than any one we have had yet

    10. I inquired why this was inevitable, and they drew my attention to fashions in names, asserting that people's ages could generally be guessed by their Christian names

    11. Jewks do,' I said, 'that you think was the direct result of her Christian name? Don't tell me if my question is indiscreet, which I daresay it is, because I know I often am, but your theory interests me

    12. "If you hadn't lived so entirely buried in your woods and fields, you would have known that we all, in the sort of set I lived in, called each other by our Christian names," he said; and again that pudding seemed to be welling up into his voice

    13. "My dear, haven't I just told you that we all called each other by our Christian names? But now tell me, Audrey," he went on more gently, himself at this point noticing how cross he sounded, and unpleasantly surprised that merely a letter from Fanny should produce what amounted to their first--well, not quarrel, but their not being as nice as usual to each other--"tell me, Audrey, seeing that she is, as you say, quite old"--for a moment he tried to picture Fanny quite old, but didn't succeed--"and says in her letter--"

    14. Miles wasn't there, and her mother--who certainly would have told this Fanny straight out, "You can't call my daughter by her Christian name, a woman like you,"--was dead

    15. "Do you," she asked, trying not to stiffen, for there are moments when the meekest stiffen, no matter how hard they try to think of sheets and pennies, "call my brother by his Christian name to his face?"

    16. It's his Christian name

    17. He stared still more when she looked up with the air of one who has a happy thought and informed him that her Christian name was Ethel

    18. Appeased by the postmistress's apologies for her first unbelief he ended by being anxious to give all the information in his power, and came back quite a long way to tell her that he had forgotten to say that his mother had said that the niece's Christian name was Maria-Theresa

    19. But what worried her was that Everard--Wemyss's Christian name was Everard--should be able to think of such things as love and more marriage when his wife had just died so awfully, and he on the very spot, and he the first to rush out and see

    20. He knew her quite well, as Mrs J, not by her Christian name

    21. Turning the page again Teller came to LEE Yu-tai, or Desmond as he was commonly known, though in the directory the English Christian name was absent

    22. usually not translated ( used before Christian name)

    23. ; usually not translated ( used before Christian name)

    24. thinking that the Africans … they take the Christian name

    25. Strand didn’t wait for Fritz at this point, because he now had faces that he could place with the Christian names he had read in the incident report

    26. He hadn’t recognized the formal, Christian names that LD and ZJ had used to sign the incident reports

    27. When this interchange of Christian name was effected, Madame Defarge, picking her teeth with her toothpick, coughed another grain of cough, and raised her eyebrows by the breadth of another line

    28. At this second interchange of the Christian name, Madame Defarge, still using her toothpick with profound composure, coughed another grain of cough, and raised her eyebrows by the breadth of another line

    29. This third interchange of the Christian name was completed at the moment when Madame Defarge put her toothpick by, kept her eyebrows up, and slightly rustled in her seat

    30. He pretended that his Christian name was Dolge,—a clear Impossibility,—but he was a fellow of that obstinate disposition that I believe him to have been the prey of no delusion in this particular, but wilfully to have imposed that name upon the village as an affront to its understanding

    31. Pocket and Drummle while I was attentive to my knife and fork, spoon, glasses, and other instruments of self-destruction, that Drummle, whose Christian name was Bentley, was actually the next heir but one to a baronetcy

    32. Power did not relish the use of his Christian name

    33. Encouraged by this use of her christian name she kissed passionately all the various suitable areas of his person which the decencies of prison garb permitted her ardour to reach

    34. "It signifies to my father, the Count of Morcerf, whose Christian name is Fernand!"

    35. "Is that his Christian name?"

    36. "The French officer in the service of Ali Pasha of Yanina alluded to three weeks since in the Impartial, who not only surrendered the castle of Yanina, but sold his benefactor to the Turks, styled himself truly at that time Fernand, as our esteemed contemporary states; but he has since added to his Christian name a title of nobility and a family name

    37. "Did he know my father's Christian name was Fernand, and his family name Mondego?"

    38. intimate terms with him to call him by his Christian name

    39. The reflection that, apart from the letter in question, his magnetic face, form and address had been favourably received during the course of the preceding day by a wife (Mrs Josephine Breen, born Josie Powell), a nurse, Miss Callan (Christian name unknown), a maid, Gertrude (Gerty, family name unknown)

    40. "What? Is that a Christian name? What name did you receive in

    41. A hoarse mozo would bawl out something to an acquaintance in the ranks, or a woman would shriek suddenly the word Adios! followed by the Christian name of a man

    42. “I call him that because he’s such a bad Fellow an’ his Christian Name rhymes with what he likes to do best

    43. John Cleland’s scandalous Book, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, for which he stole my History, e’en my Christian Name; but being a Man, and a Man of very Eccentrick Understanding and Questionable Parts at that, he could not but sentimentalize my History, giving me an humble, unlearnt Country Childhood (with Parents conveniently carried off by the Pox) and claiming that I met Mother Coxtart (whom he calls Brown—thus confusing her with another venerable Abbess of the Day) at a Registry Office where I had supposedly gone to seek a Place as a Chambermaid

    44. Suffice it for the Present to say that not one Whit of his “Memoirs” is true, save the Christian Name of the Heroine, the bare Fact of her having been driven to a Life of Whoredom for a Time, and certain Features (tho’ scarcely all) of the physical Description of his “Fanny

    45. “And the newspapers call me a gasbag? Senator Morgan, my friends, is the royal and supreme emperor of gasbags! Did you see how quickly I deflated him simply by using his Christian name?”

    46. As I went to Olive’s room, two things occurred to me: he’d called me by my Christian name during the crisis, apparently entirely unconsciously, and he hadn’t been wearing his eyeglasses, even while having his shotgun at the ready, in spite of his claim that he was practically blind without them

    47. This Valjean's Christian name was Jean, and his mother's surname was Mathieu

    48. Marius knew nothing about this beautiful child,—neither her family name, her Christian name nor her abode; these two letters were the first thing of her that he had gained possession of, adorable initials, upon which he immediately began to construct his scaffolding

    49. U was evidently the Christian name

    50. Edward” (John was an old servant, and had known his master when he was the cadet of the house, therefore, he often gave him his Christian name)—“I knew what Mr

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