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    Utiliser "stock market" dans une phrase

    stock market exemples de phrases

    stock market

    1. So, while you should continue to shift your portfolio towards bonds you should still keep a part of investment in the stock market, which have in recent decades generated real returns

    2. She worked out that if she were frugal for a few years, and given the likely length of her life, then the glories of compound interest and stock markets might make her fabulously wealthy

    3. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for the “shares” you have in the stock market

    4. It’s not fair; ask me about the stock market or Wall Street

    5. Stock markets on the

    6. The first was a long boom in the stock market that began in the

    7. Everybody figured that sales of Dreyfus Fund shares would rise along with the stock market and more than offset the commissions

    8. ―What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?‖ On a strictly material basis, however, wealth accumulation is considered the highest standard of success that partially explains why the stock market crash of (1929) caused many investors to commit suicide or why many of us grow despondent whenever our financial

    9. The Stock Market reacts irrationally at times although ―irrational‖ (investor) behavior, influenced by (seemingly) plausible signs, (oftentimes) represent illogical adjustments or illogical responses operating under illogical assumptions whose illogical designs are seemingly logical

    10. But Roosevelt feared the arrest of famous figures such as a Du Pont on treason charges would crash the Stock Market again

    11. “Remember those great years in the late1990s when the stock market was returning an average of twenty or twenty five percent for several years in a row

    12. Interest rates on government debt are far lower than average long-term returns in the stock market

    13. So, if you have a 7% mortgage, after taxes that is only maybe 5%, while the average return in the stock market over the last hundred years or so is 10 or 12%

    14. Then, when the hard times hit, as they did with the recession and stock market decline a while back, they have to drastically cut back on spending and/or raise taxes at just the wrong time

    15. options and transactions from the stock market into the same

    16. in the stock market you must be prepared to

    17. This is different from the stock market

    18. were trading in the stock market itself

    19. In other words, after the Reagan tax cuts, the stock market soared from a low of around 800

    20. This expansion of the Stock Market amounted to an

    21. Just like in the stock market, you invest in an option, which means that you believe in the stock’s

    22. “Different things; Marketing and Publishing, Properties, Oil, Iron and Stock Markets” I said

    23. I am doubtful that the decline in the stock market, which closed at 14,164 on October 9, 2007, before it took a massive slide to 6,547 on March 9, 2009, will be reversed to any great extent by the direction the government is taking

    24. company was listed on the Bovespa (Stock Market of Sao Paulo)?” Tony obviously

    25. In the past several scandals in the stock market left everyone with a bad taste

    26. After hearing all the negativity he gave up the idea of going in the stock market

    27. As Tony finishes his speech the bells sound and the Wall Street Stock Market

    28. “I began to make investments in the stock market following the same conservative value-based principles I had used in real estate,” he says

    29. Thus his long-term needs were reasonably well covered—if he never invested another cent, through reinvested dividends and growth in the stock market he would be in fairly good shape come age sixty-five

    30. context of both the forex markets and the stock markets

    31. In the stock markets 1 share is considered one unit of volume, so 1000 shares

    32. Contrast that with the stock market where, for example, a commission on 100 shares or

    33. at something than succeed who has ever invested in the stock market would've

    34. In addition to wearing two different gold watches, one during the day and one at night, the woman had been ostentatious about her wealth to all those on the ship, and her favourite talk of conversation was asking questions to portfolio managers or bankers on the ship about possible stock market investments in hedge funds requiring a million dollars as their minimum investing amount

    35. The time you lost $5000 on the stock market

    36. The share price of UVS plummeted on stock markets worldwide following this news


    38. The stock markets had been headed downhill since December of 1968

    39. in the stock market?

    40. On the walls, there were pinned-up poster boards with stock market acronyms, times and symbols that were meaningless to the casual observer

    41. Their last financial successes and transactions, muttering about the stock market, their new countryseat in one or another exotic country, and more of that stuff

    42. For example, if one campaign generates a 15% ROI and the other 50%, where will you invest your marketing budget next time? And if your entire marketing budget only returns 6% and the stock market returns 12%, your company can earn more profit by investing in the stock market

    43. That's the local stock market,

    44. You've caught thousands of fish, albeit indirectly, on the stock market

    45. I always thought as the stock market goes,

    46. stock market and other investments

    47. I did not then, nor do I now, fully understand the workings of the stock market

    48. Department of Justice DOJ, the media, the CIA, all branches of government, the JCS, big Oil, Defense industries, and banking/stock market to join in a purge to admit to their complicity in the assassination of John Kennedy and or the cover-up of the assassination of JFK, plus the membership in the corporatocracy historically and into the present all appointments made in federal jobs and otherwise

    49. really love while you’re making $30,000 a month in the stock market

    50. Can you imagine what this news would do to the world’s stock markets? Can you imagine it in the hands of just one country, especially as a secret? They could develop it and achieve total world domination

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